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Just now, Skreech Verminking said:

It’ll be interesting to see if the spearhead idea will be better received then the combat patrol game system currently is

I haven't seen or heard of anyone playing combat patrol at all really, the thing with Yndrasta being forced to start off the battlefield for the SCE spearhead seems interesting though

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Total rework I don't like the sound of at all.

It was expected and also feared. If it turns out to be the same as 10th Ed 40k I'll be sticking with 3.0.

The depth, flavour and magic for 3.0 I've really enjoyed. I'll keep my fingers crossed but I'm concerned at this point until they delve into actual answers.

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1 minute ago, Danaork said:

they have been toxic peoples in the tchat ? I have cut before live to don't undergo this problem.

A lot of it is 40k fans saying that aos is a waste of a game that no one plays from what I've seen in the past, had it muted this time

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I haven't seen or heard of anyone playing combat patrol at all really, the thing with Yndrasta being forced to start off the battlefield for the SCE spearhead seems interesting though

I've played since 1993 and I do like combat patrol. Due it's small nature if you opened it up to full, normal selection it has the possibility of being hideously broken. With the main choice being faction and not what's played, it's easier to balance.


Personally I have played CP games and really enjoyed them. Arguably more so than full sized games. Getting a few games in in a day very doable and to completion unlike standard sized games of 40k/ AoS.

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

A lot of it is 40k fans saying that aos is a waste of a game that no one plays from what I've seen in the past, had it muted this time

Watching via warcom eliminated any need to see any of that. 

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So, very initial reaction.

40k associated stuff was beyond boring, but thats pretty normal tbh.

Underworlds warbands are fun ideas and cool sculpts, the Ghouls are a little basic looking but the bat thing is well cool.

Warcry is awesome. Love both sets of guys. Wierd OBRbeing punished for their failures by being put in more animalistic bodies is a very cool idea and the sculpts all look great. The Sylvaenth are incredible, particularly the new Dryads. This I am almost certainly going to buy.

DB6 stuff looks fun. Darkoath stuff is not for me at all but Abraxia is an awesome model and seem sto have an interesting story too. Kind of intrigued to see what happens with Vandus and Khul because it appears their story will continue, just not in this book.


Now the big one:

Trailer is straight AWESOME. Particularly love the shot of her being pulled away from the grasp of Nagash... I really want that as a poster.

Lots of good stuff they mentioned, trying to make the rules more elegant and trim out some of the fat feels good. Will have to wait till we see more detail on what that actually means but positive noises.

Indexes are fine but are obviously going to be wildly imbalanced. So that'll be fun for a while.

Spearhead is exactly what everyone though it is, again going to have to wait for details to see if its actually worth playing.

My only concerns are that we're just back in Aqshy and Ghyran again. It's better than only 1 realm but I hope 4th ed does more than re visit places weve already been. Also I just don't really get USR. I don't understand how not printing rules on the warscroll makes my life easier. Don't get it.

Oh... and we didn't actually see any new models... thats kinda dissapointing.


Overall I'm pretty happy with what they showed which suprised me a little because my hype has been pretty low lately. Cant wait to see some actual detail.

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New minis from the trailer 🤓



Ruination Lord on mount:


Ruinator heroes/ Elite unit:








Warlord on mount


Rat Ogre:


Weapon Teams:




Clan rats:



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I'm not looking forward to indexes. Honestly AoS 3 has been pretty good and we only needed minor revisions and simplifications, nothing that would necessitate an index. Balance is literally the best its ever been too.
Even the way they talked about it screamed "We didn't have enough time to give all these the proper amount of attention". Since they were talking about how they lined up models and kind of decided the stats relatively, which is basically admitting to making the warscrolls more symmetrical, a common tactic to balance things quickly since symmetry is balanced by default.
I really feel like indexes need to be a LAST resort. the change to weapon range didn't necessitate this, the game balance isn't bad enough to justify it, so what on earth is changing so thoroughly that they need to rewrite everything? A potential hero phase magic removal? Thats going to make magic armies feel less unique in a way.
To make things worse we all know they aren't given any more development time to make an "index edition" than any other edition. so in the time it took them to write and balance 3rd edition, which was a refinement and expansion of 2nd edition, they're rewriting huge swathes of the core rules and rewriting 25 factions, and hundreds of warscrolls.
There's a saying in software development, about "The great redesign in the sky", where people want to go back and start fresh instead of fixing what they have, since they feel hopeless about the mess they've built over time. But its rarely actually productive to do that, because unless you've addressed the factors that caused you to make those mistakes in the first place you're just going to make them again. And if you do fix those factors you should be able to just fix the mistakes instead of starting anew.

Every army is going to feel like bonesplitterz going into 3rd edition, which always feels bad.

We'll need to see how things turn out, the article stated the double turn was still in the game, which is good, but they said this 


the double turn, which has been fine-tuned into a knife-edge decision with a clever twist to scoring.

anyone who has played the game much understands that controlling the priority is already super impactful, and will hold off on taking doubles, or give them away pretty frequently. Pretty much the only time you want to take it is if you immediately lose if you don't or you can immediately cripple your opponent so badly you win. Could just be a throwaway statement though.

Rant over, all the model reveals were super cool, especially the lady of ruin, and the animation was sick, skaven collectors will be eating good.

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Lots of rat-spawn for Sotek's altar...!

Congrats everybody on the new edition. I thought the trailer was fine, even if it felt like a retread of the last one. I don't know if it's a texture thing, but I feel Stormcast end up looking even more plastic-y than Space Marines in these things.

Really wish we would have seen something a bit more substantial from the new edition, like a couple of models or a warscroll. The post-trailer presentation felt a little rushed to me.

Other than that, pretty good reveal show, I suppose. I think The Old World took the cake for me, personally, those Dwarfs look great. Abraxia looks incredible as well, holy cow - when will Seraphon get a big lizard like that?

I collect Genestealers so it was nice finally seeing their rumored Kill Team, even if it wasn't all that exciting. Cool that plastic AdMech are coming for Horus Heresy and I'm curious about Necromunda too...

Edit: The only straight miss for me is WarCry. I like the Sylvaneth models, but as someone else said, they feel very much like multiple units squashed into one (which is mostly a problem when considering their application in the "main game"), but the Ossiarchs... The centaur looks pretty awesome, kind of makes me wish the Kavalos all looked like that. Like either the army should be more grounded and militaristic or more overtly body horror/crazy. This blend doesn't really work for me, unfortunately. The bodyguards look cool as well, wonder how much Mortek Guard might have been if they were of that size/proportions? But the creepy-crawlies don't do anything for me.

Edited by Magnusaur
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So, overall review of the show:

40k Chaos Lords: Really good looking but just more CSM, CSM are one of the better looking 40k factions mind you but they're not really that much different from any old CSM model.

Warcry: Really like the Ossiarchs but the mixed bone-beasts and actual humanoids kinda feels off to me. Sylvaneth warband are probably the best looking Sylvaneth models but I was never really interested in Sylvaneth at all.

Underworlds: Would love to see new Flagellants that look like these guys but less goofy. Also the Ghouls are good looking but not really that unique other than the bat-ghoul.

Abraxia: This is kind of an impressive model but something about her head feels off to me. Like I think the art makes her head look good, its just the model doesn't for whatever reason. A lot of people were expecting Valkia and I'm willing to bet that a bunch of people are going to say "it should've been Valkia" but honestly, we can have other female Chaos characters you know?

TOW Dwarfs: New Dwarf King with Shieldbearers looks good, Thane with gun looks good, Ungrim looks good but I think he's kind of underwhelming looking for a named character. Like he looks he should be a generic model to me. Wish there was updated Anvil of Doom and regular Slayers but eh, it looks like only Tomb Kings or Bretonnia are getting much favor so far.

Kill Team: I really love the Votann scouts, and the amount of times I really love a 40k unit nowadays is rare so that's something special. Brood Brothers are completely forgettable.

Necromunda and Horus Heresy: Oooh, vague teasers. Plastic Mechanicum will be fun at least, even though they're not going to bring them to 40k like they logically should. 

AoS 4e: Best trailer AoS has ever had so far, but its disappointing that "Sigmar Lied" turned out to just be about reforging (I remember when people were saying it couldn't be about reforging because everyone knows the flaws with that). Can't really say much about game rules since so few details were revealed, and since no new models were announced I can't really say much more. And for Grungni's sake I don't want to see more Aqshy.


Edited by BarakUrbaz
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16 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

As expected the game will steal a lot from 40k 10ed............. which is funny since 10ed stole a lot from AoS lol.

  • Sticking all heroes 3 inches instead of putting them into the units should be interesting.
  • Seems like the spell phase will also be spread out just like everyone other game as well. Sounds like it will go 40k with everything having 1 special rule.
  • Going with the mission deck approach which I think is a huge upgrade.
  • Small combat patrol games which is nice way to teach people how to play
  • Complete rework just like 40k. Prepared for crazy imbalance lol!

Good lord I hate the mission deck. Why are my rules in a pamphlet and cards. Just design the actual battleplans.
I'm not even sure its good for casual players, since its so much easier to just flip to a page that has all your battleplan rules in one place.
Its fine as a supplemental thing, but definitely not for me. 

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I do think it's a fundamentally different issue for 40k and AoS fans. 10th edition was kind of the AoS 1st edition moment for them. Lots of people continue to be angry about the loss of points for weapon options and the encouragement to build units only as the box suggests.

AoS players have been through this.

Now that the Old World exists there's an opportunity to clearly differentiate between the two. Let AoS be more of a beer and pretzels game. If you want to get lost in the minutiae of weapon options and unit builds then The Old World is right there. I'm actually pretty excited about trying Spearhead.The way it's was described with the cards sounded potentially exciting. 

Ranges going away to make a faster combat phase sounds like a good change. I'm glad that they said a LIMITED number of USRs. There's plenty of potential there that I'm excited to investigate. 

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I might be alone in this but I personally don't like the animation style of the trailers they've been doing for new editions of 40k and aos, the movement feels weird and the overall look is kinda bland to me, I'd rather they just give us a voiceover and some fancy shots of the new minis tbh

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2 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

I hope the ruination chamber has more going on than just vanilla Stormcast with different weapon options

I kind of suspect Ruination Chamber is going to be essentially the Custodes of AoS: hyper-elite infantry, and if you take an army consisting entirely of them you have like 22 models on the table. 

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I do think it's a fundamentally different issue for 40k and AoS fans. 10th edition was kind of the AoS 1st edition moment for them. Lots of people continue to be angry about the loss of points for weapon options and the encouragement to build units only as the box suggests.

AoS players have been through this.

Now that the Old World exists there's an opportunity to clearly differentiate between the two. Let AoS be more of a beer and pretzels game. If you want to get lost in the minutiae of weapon options and unit builds then The Old World is right there. I'm actually pretty excited about trying Spearhead.The way it's was described with the cards sounded potentially exciting. 

Ranges going away to make a faster combat phase sounds like a good change. I'm glad that they said a LIMITED number of USRs. There's plenty of potential there that I'm excited to investigate. 

A single USR is a USR too many.
But it sounded like they were referring to stuff like unit champions and musicians? I wouldn't even consider those USRs.

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