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I could see this edition being the one where this is a full out assault on the “good” order  armies. 

Skaven could start it out by doing Skaveny type things, then Khorgus ascends and poses a threat, which leads to the chaos dwarves emerging and then maybe something with Kragnos people or Malerion finally shows up. 

Which would basically set up the edition of Ruin and the order armies have to band together (which is somewhat happening in Dawnbringers series) to prevent the collapse of the mortal realms. 

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5 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I could see this edition being the one where this is a full out assault on the “good” order  armies. 

Skaven could start it out by doing Skaveny type things, then Khorgus ascends and poses a threat, which leads to the chaos dwarves emerging and then maybe something with Kragnos people or Malerion finally shows up. 

Which would basically set up the edition of Ruin and the order armies have to band together (which is somewhat happening in Dawnbringers series) to prevent the collapse of the mortal realms. 

And then the Silent People come creeping out from under Beastgrave...

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34 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I was waiting to hear about the arcane journal for old world orcs for clues about bonesplitterz.

From what I've heard, currently you can't run a whole army of savage orcs because it's a limited upgrade on units.

I was expecting that - if bonesplitterz are indeed destined for old world - the arcane journal might include rules allowing a full army of savage orcs. 

There was no mention of that in the preview article today, and no inclusion of savage orcs in the bundle box.

It's a slimmest glimmer of hope yet that they might be hanging around in aos4.

The 2 lists in the journal are the Troll Horde and Normadic Waaaagh. 

I'm guessing the nomadic waaaagh will be caverly based as it used to be a alternative list back in 5th/6th edition fantasy. 

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Hey guy been reading the forum for a while only now was I able to make account 

So like it pretty obvious that Darkoath was supposed to be reveals in Adpeticon so it seem they're only going to show the trailer and SCE & Skaven each one model like they did with 40k 10th. 

Even without Warhammerfest they still have to show of the whole Imperial Agents reveal so i assume they're going to do a big reveal stream to show off that and AOS 4edition 

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Oh no!


The biggest dark tide is coming!


The Great Parch into ruin?

(Maybe? Hope remains.)


The Horned Rat’s domain will replace Aqshy!!!

(Really? Better call Khorne.)




Not leak.

Perhaps I’m an insane rat?


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44 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Lines up with the rumours about Death playing more a protagonist role… 

I do think it's funny that all the non order factions take turns in being ganged up on by every other faction, in response to them surging in power

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11 minutes ago, SG Warhound said:

Oh no!


The biggest dark tide is coming!


The Great Parch into ruin?

(Maybe? Hope remains.)


The Horned Rat’s domain will replace Aqshy!!!

(Really? Better call Khorne.)




Not leak.

Perhaps I’m an insane rat?


This makes me think of Rathi Overlay from old MTG lore... a realm overlay would be a cool thing to explore narratively if that is what this means and not just that a bunch of rats are going on a holiday to somewhere warmer 😂

*looks nervously at the Sylvaneth sliver looking bit #84 from the Treelord kit sprue*


Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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7 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

This makes me think of Rathi Overlay from old MTG lore... a realm overlay would be a cool thing to explore narratively if that is what this means and not just that a bunch of rats are going on a holiday to somewhere warmer 😂

*looks nervously at the Sylvaneth sliver looking bit #84 from the Treelord kit sprue*


I'd love to see an aos faction aesthetically similar to mtg phyrexians, the biomechanical body horror stuff is super cool

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Really looking forward to seeing what the Skaven have to come in AoS 4. They will be my 2nd/3rd Chaos faction after Slaves/DarkOath. With the possibility of Chorfs on the horizon, this might just be the most Chaos-heavy edition to date. 
(At least when it comes to my spending!

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20 minutes ago, SG Warhound said:

Oh no!


The biggest dark tide is coming!


The Great Parch into ruin?

(Maybe? Hope remains.)


The Horned Rat’s domain will replace Aqshy!!!

(Really? Better call Khorne.)




Not leak.

Perhaps I’m an insane rat?


Part of me is ok with staying in Aqshy if only WE DO NOT FOCUS ON HAMMERHALD AQSHY please sigmar

no pun intended but I'm just burned out of Hammerhald Aqshy side of Aqshy. It one of the overexposed Free city which i understand it the poster child for CoS but when even Hammerhald ghyran is lacking in depth it a major issue i feel it one the biggest issue CoS lore has to correct. There Tempest Eye who being bomb to shyish and back by skaven blimps, Hallowheart is a magical Chernobyl, Edessa has AOS Amazons, Godeater's Son one the best AOS novels to come out in 3 editions et up Aspria western side of Aqshy all there to flesh out and do thing rather than going back to the one-half city but now just focus again on Vedra yelling about off screen enemies 

 It is interesting that despite them building up the Lady of Ruin big machination that plunges Ghyran into darkness it going to be Aqshy that cast into ruin by essentially rats :P


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46 minutes ago, SG Warhound said:

Oh no!


The biggest dark tide is coming!


The Great Parch into ruin?

(Maybe? Hope remains.)


The Horned Rat’s domain will replace Aqshy!!!

(Really? Better call Khorne.)




Not leak.

Perhaps I’m an insane rat?



1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

I could see this edition being the one where this is a full out assault on the “good” order  armies. 

Skaven could start it out by doing Skaveny type things, then Khorgus ascends and poses a threat, which leads to the chaos dwarves emerging and then maybe something with Kragnos people or Malerion finally shows up. 

Which would basically set up the edition of Ruin and the order armies have to band together (which is somewhat happening in Dawnbringers series) to prevent the collapse of the mortal realms. 

or maybe just every single other being in the mortal realms goes up against Skaven 😂

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Frankly, if they’re setting up the next set of expansions, I could see Chamon and Aqshy being the 2 main focuses- The Kharadron, Tzeentch, and Skaven are active in Chamon, and the Ossiarch (Crematorians) have a vested interest in Lumnos, while the Fyreslayers are mainly from Aqshy, and the Idoneth have the Fuethan Enclave in the region.

I’d prefer not returning to Aqshy yet though, because while Fuethan and the Crematorians are my favorite subfactions, we’ve already DONE Aqshy.  I’d prefer Chamon and Shyish or Shyish and Ulgu if we have to revisit a realm. 

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My personal theory is we’re just doing a heavy focus on Aqshy for the Embergard campaign to see things on a ground floor level on the new horrors the Skaven are unleashing and “Legion of the Damned” figures the Ruination chamber are deploying  but the main cosmic war focus will be on the struggles over in Chamon as Skryre & Tzeentch rise in ascendency, the Gloomspite(whose capital sub-realm is in Chamon) strike back against the Skaven and Grungni, Kharadron & Gholemkind push to reclaim their besieged Realm.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I'd like to see them launch the edition in Aqshy and then have a series of campaign/lore/narrative books similar to what they are doing in 40k with the Crusade series (with Tyrannic War and now Pariah Nexus) spread across the edition, focusing on conflicts and locations of note and tied to the release of certain Battletomes with a few cheeky extras for other factions making an appearance as well. 

Edited by Hollow
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2 hours ago, SG Warhound said:

Oh no!


The biggest dark tide is coming!


The Great Parch into ruin?

(Maybe? Hope remains.)


The Horned Rat’s domain will replace Aqshy!!!

(Really? Better call Khorne.)




Not leak.

Perhaps I’m an insane rat?


Oh no..anyway starts blasting soul melting bolts

plasmagun" 3D Models to Print - yeggi

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34 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

If there is still a ground floor, I guess

The Skaven's grand plan is to sink the entirety of the Great Parch into their under empire?? That would certainly shake things up a bit!

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58 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The Skaven's grand plan is to sink the entirety of the Great Parch into their under empire?? That would certainly shake things up a bit!

That would explain why they’re putting devices on the major leylines to cause a chain reaction.

Aqshy’s continents are on the unstable side(some literal void seas of floating land pieces amidst nothingness) because Chaos & chiefly Khorne’s continent-sized fist smashing against the realm of fire breaking landmasses apart.


So certainly would play into the Skaven wanting to pull those places down for all the slaves & factories it’d win them.

Feels like a hybrid of past evil plans between Gloomspite pulling countries down into the dank via Da Bad Moon vomiting a ceiling over them and back in Quest for Ghal Maraz when a Tzeentch sorcerer & Kairos planned to use stolen Ghal Maraz as a power source to pull the entire Realm of Metal into Tzeentch’s part of the chaos realm.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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