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8 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Rat ogres feel like a pretty safe bet for a refreshed kit, that and a new master moulder could make a good warcry team, think a low model count one similar to the gorgers. A master moulder, 1 or 2 apprentice skaven, 3 rat ogres and a couple bases of rat swarms.

Rat ogres seem like a better match-up for a starter box than a warcry box, (easy monopose models to give skavens some punch against sigmarines) but I guess I could be wrong

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Moulder in general is a safe bet as Rat Ogres are such a classic iconic Skaven thing. So unless they change up the lore so that everyone can easily create Rat Ogres then Moulder is probably in for a 'refresh' along side the techno-gunkies. Rat ninja's are cool and all but way too niche as a whole playable subfaction

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6 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Moulder in general is a safe bet as Rat Ogres are such a classic iconic Skaven thing. So unless they change up the lore so that everyone can easily create Rat Ogres then Moulder is probably in for a 'refresh' along side the techno-gunkies. Rat ninja's are cool and all but way too niche as a whole playable subfaction

If ninja ratas are not enough for you, then just use the Fantasy Lore, expand on It and make a full army of weeb rats. Wouldnt be the first time we see skaven samurái...

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42 minutes ago, Garrac said:

If ninja ratas are not enough for you, then just use the Fantasy Lore, expand on It and make a full army of weeb rats. Wouldnt be the first time we see skaven samurái...

All I was saying is that it makes sense for GW to go that route. Its safer and eaiser. I personally dont care about the full on ninja rats or plague stuff. I like having the options for assassins as agents but I lean towards the mad scientist route. 

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Speaking of Gitmob unit speculation I was thinking maybe they could get a unit on stilts with long sickles to pick off enemies in tall grass. Also for a foot unit I'd like to see a heavier armored unit with weapons similar to ogre ironguts (maybe they followed the ogres around for a while) to keep it unique from repeating night goblin hordes. Also I agree for cavalry to be battleline but if so they should've gone ahead and sold them in 10's instead of 5's. And it might be boring but I'd also see them getting their own troggoths, I just don't really like the concept of golems but elemental spirit trapped in masks used by shamans that would be cool. A giant sandworm for a monstrous (leader) unit would also fit great with the whole Mongolian death worm thing.


Edit: Also they need a bard musician character that sings Mongolian throat songs, maybe it could be a priest unit or like a warchanter. If they got their own invocations he could be summoning sandstorms that are made of wolves or making giant worms appear from the ground.

Edited by pitzok
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3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Moulder’s so iffy to me. On one hand that would fit the Ghur focus and especially whatever’s going down in Gnarlwoods building up mutative energies(which could be 4th’s link back to Ghur with new Bonesplitterz hunting these twisted wretches)


But dang has so much stuff been Skryre & Pestilens focused I’d lean on them instead. But who knows? Maybe getting unlocking one of the 13 plagues thanks to Kragnos’ stolen fur was their win for these editions and will be built up for something down in 5th?

Era of the Rat? Era of the Plague? Sounds nice

Edited by Ejecutor
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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I hope u are right so much. What kind of units do u think we will get for Gitmob? I hope we get:

AoS version of Grom, big grot riding a big sandworm.

Shaman riding a Scorpion

Rock lobber/ Doomdiver hydrid

Some kind of desert glider/catamaran.

Grot mob with nasty skulkers

Yes i really hope they go with a desert theme here.

Another option would be a sky pirates theme making a combo with grotbag.



I hope Sigmar listen to your praise. Imo those Wolf Raiders are the best from the whole Destruction store! I even considered getting them to put some Cavaliers on top 🤭

Edited by Ejecutor
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13 minutes ago, pitzok said:

Speaking of Gitmob unit speculation I was thinking maybe they could get a unit on stilts with long sickles to pick off enemies in tall grass. Also for a foot unit I'd like to see a heavier armored unit with weapons similar to ogre ironguts (maybe they followed the ogres around for a while) to keep it unique from repeating night goblin hordes. Also I agree for cavalry to be battleline but if so they should've gone ahead and sold them in 10's instead of 5's. And it might be boring but I'd also see them getting their own troggoths, I just don't really like the concept of golems but elemental spirit trapped in masks used by shamans that would be cool. A giant sandworm for a monstrous (leader) unit would also fit great with the whole Mongolian death worm thing.


Edit: Also they need a bard musician character that sings Mongolian throat songs, maybe it could be a priest unit or like a warchanter. If they got their own invocations he could be summoning sandstorms that are made of wolves or making giant worms appear from the ground.

I would say that Fellwater troggoths are pretty much Troggoth for Gitmob already, stylistically

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45 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

I would say that Fellwater troggoths are pretty much Troggoth for Gitmob already, stylistically

The new aesthetic people are speculating for gitmob doesn't work with the swamp dwelling fellwater troggoths, I think they could get a new troggoth unit for sure, it'd be a plains/steppe dwelling troggoth which we haven't specifically seen before. Maybe a faster lanky troggoth to keep up with all the wolf riders

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14 minutes ago, Luperci said:

The new aesthetic people are speculating for gitmob doesn't work with the swamp dwelling fellwater troggoths, I think they could get a new troggoth unit for sure, it'd be a plains/steppe dwelling troggoth which we haven't specifically seen before. Maybe a faster lanky troggoth to keep up with all the wolf riders

Oh, lanky fast troggoths wasn't something I thought about before, that sound really fun, maybe smaller ones on 40mm bases? Packs of them could form mounds when sleeping.

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3 hours ago, Luperci said:

Rat ogres feel like a pretty safe bet for a refreshed kit, that and a new master moulder could make a good warcry team, think a low model count one similar to the gorgers. A master moulder, 1 or 2 apprentice skaven, 3 rat ogres and a couple bases of rat swarms.

A reimagined rogue idol for gitz would be very cool 

This sounds like a perfect Warband I hope it happens!!

29 minutes ago, Luperci said:

The new aesthetic people are speculating for gitmob doesn't work with the swamp dwelling fellwater troggoths, I think they could get a new troggoth unit for sure, it'd be a plains/steppe dwelling troggoth which we haven't specifically seen before. Maybe a faster lanky troggoth to keep up with all the wolf riders


13 minutes ago, pitzok said:

Oh, lanky fast troggoths wasn't something I thought about before, that sound really fun, maybe smaller ones on 40mm bases? Packs of them could form mounds when sleeping.

Im loving all these Gitmob and Troggoth ideas!!

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2 hours ago, pitzok said:

Also they need a bard musician character that sings Mongolian throat songs, maybe it could be a priest unit or like a warchanter. If they got their own invocations he could be summoning sandstorms that are made of wolves or making giant worms appear from the ground.

This is an epic idea. Hope GW goes here sometimes for inspiration XD.

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It seems like I am the only one who is not particularly interested in the Gitmob, am I?

I don't know, but I think the current two Goblin factions are already fine and interesting, so we don't really need more Goblins. The Spiderfang and the Moonclan are basically the Forest and Nigth Goblins, but more fleshed out (with the latter obviously being more focused). So I am not particularly interested in more "standard" goblins.

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9 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

It seems like I am the only one who is not particularly interested in the Gitmob, am I?

I don't know, but I think the current two Goblin factions are already fine and interesting, so we don't really need more Goblins. The Spiderfang and the Moonclan are basically the Forest and Nigth Goblins, but more fleshed out (with the latter obviously being more focused). So I am not particularly interested in more "standard" goblins.

I agree about not being that interested in the Gitmob, they do however feel very out of place in the Gloomspite tome. Having just 2 Gitmob units (snarlfang riders and rippa's snarlfangs) in there without any synergy is dumb. But adding another entire faction to the Gloomspite tome would make it even more of a mess than it currently is with the amount of armies crammed in there. I'd rather they expand on something like Troggoths first to flesh them out beyond Dankhold, Rockgut and Trugg.

Grotbag Scuttlers however... now that's something wacky I really want to see a full army of.

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I'm torn between Gitmob being their own tome, maybe along with Grotbag and them staying in Gloomspite. I have a pretty large Gloomspite force and I'd like for them to expand on Spiderfang more because I'd like to run some spider riders which I think haven't aged well at all but I also want more Gitmob units to play around with and synergize between each other without getting into a whole new army. In any case more green is always better in my book.

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@Gitzdee Those old sourbreaths are some of my fav sculpts of all time so hoping the take inspiration from their anatomy. 

@EjecutorWhy the sad face react on my theory? (Squints eyes) You know something?.... SPEAK!!! 😆

I know they're not everyone's cup of tea but I love the gitmob "regular" grot aesthetic. Not every army is for everyone. 

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52 minutes ago, pitzok said:

I'm torn between Gitmob being their own tome, maybe along with Grotbag and them staying in Gloomspite. I have a pretty large Gloomspite force and I'd like for them to expand on Spiderfang more because I'd like to run some spider riders which I think haven't aged well at all but I also want more Gitmob units to play around with and synergize between each other without getting into a whole new army. In any case more green is always better in my book.

To me Gitmob pair perfectly with the Kruleboyz, both being the counterpart to the "normal" orcs and goblins from fantasy

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42 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@Gitzdee Those old sourbreaths are some of my fav sculpts of all time so hoping the take inspiration from their anatomy. 

@EjecutorWhy the sad face react on my theory? (Squints eyes) You know something?.... SPEAK!!! 😆

I know they're not everyone's cup of tea but I love the gitmob "regular" grot aesthetic. Not every army is for everyone. 

The sad face is purely because the other option was Flagelants (or TMNT), which I prefer (including the turtles!).

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I could be talking complete ****** as I don't know the theme that much, but what about the spider theme being completely removed and replaced by Gitmob?

It has been mentioned that the Gloom tome is quite messy and bloated, but it still includes a lot of WHFB minis. That includes all the spider-theming stuff (apart from the endless spells which are partially themed with Spiders).

Nothing spider-related has been released for AoS so far, right? I know they had a big presence in some phases of the Realmgate Wars, were they important at any other point?

My points here are:

1) Old minis as I said.
2) Lack of spider releases.
3) GW don't mind doing some lore cuts to fit their refreshes, so maybe there's an option.


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I really hope GW puts out a roadmap for AoS when 4th releases. Anyone  remember when we got the 40k roadmap after the 10th launch? 

btw I love hearing about new Troggs and I am still tempted to this day to pick up Troggs again after selling my first army. 

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