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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

sacrosanct too?

Apparently not according to Whitefang. I am going to guess that (and I have said it before) Sacrosanct will get another pass in 5th Edition when we  get back around to Death as the antagonist.

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I can see Sacrosanct return in 5th with the "Covenant Chamber". If GW want to open Chamber and remade older stormcast, so we have Covenant and Logister Chamber. I bet on Covenant. We shall see in 3 years.

Ruination can be good if we can have better story and lore than virgin Death Companies.

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4 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

What about death as protagonist in 4th

Well I kinda meant in terms of overall theme of Edition (2nd Ed being Death due to Soul Wars & Necroquake, 3rd being Destruction with Era of Beast etc). I assume the 5th Edition starter box will be SC vs a Death army.


But pray tell about Death being a protaganist in 4th.....

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3 hours ago, Kronos said:

I know I’ve before in the past, and a gentle scholar always helps me out. -


Can anyone do a Round up fo the Rumours we currently have.  Could Someone add or correct to the Following?

So far I have - 

Skaven V Stormcast Starter Box. 

More Characters coming as part of Dawn Bringers Including a “Lady of Ruin” for Chaos. 

Chaos Dwarfs getting a release (within this edition but could be a couple years)


An unresolved Spider Skull part of Destruction. 

Beasts of Chaos (as we know them) Being moved to Old World.

You are missing the mid-size release with Dawnbringers for Darkoath.

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But who would Death Stormcast be allied to if they are included in the Death grand alliance. Could they be the first non-Nagash themed army. Vandus going to be a mortarch? That even possible? Sorry dont know that much about order factions.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 minute ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

So....they are just Ossiarch with Stormcast souls in their head.

Nagash has try in Soul War, a Stormcast soul without Azyr and Sigmar is just...a soul that became a nighthaunt.

More actual Stormcast, which you could argue are sort of undead, or at least something different from alive, who decide to align with Death as they think that's a better prospect for them than what Sigmar has to offer especially considering the reforging issue.

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2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

More actual Stormcast, which you could argue are sort of undead, or at least something different from alive, who decide to align with Death as they think that's a better prospect for them than what Sigmar has to offer especially considering the reforging issue.

Or Stormcast become mad, don't workship Nagash but thinks that the death must be spread around the Realms for the Realm sake. A army that even Nagash can't control. 

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3 minutes ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:


Or Stormcast become mad, don't workship Nagash but thinks that the death must be spread around the Realms for the Realm sake. A army that even Nagash can't control. 

Delusional Ionus Cryptborn, thinking that he's found the answer the the reforging problem, leads the rebellion as the Horus equivalent? 

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2 hours ago, Deakz28 said:

Holy cow, Stormcast that have been reforged once to many times? Gone war mad/hungry 

In the end it is what Vandus looks like now, so wouldn't be weird if the is the leader of the Ruination Chamber.

Edited by Ejecutor
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2 hours ago, Captaniser said:

Death company. essentially space marines who have lost their minds to war and damnation, forever haunted by visions of the last moments of their primarch's death. They are locked away in a tower on their home planet because they are feral, insane and only brought out to fight.


So the story about Ionus and his tower might be a bit of self plagiarism on GW's part

While it is a cool concept, please GW, stop replicating everything from Marines into SCE. Thanks. AoS players won't carry your company only purchasing Sigmarines.

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2 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

One thing I think is worth bearing in mind is that GW has different ways of refreshing ranges and whether you would be happy for beasts of chaos to get each differing refresh. I say this as someone whose first complete AoS army was BoC (I started out with a small tzaangor based Tzeentch).


Take high elves. I think you can make a solid argument they got refreshed into Lumineth. They kept no models from the old high elves into Lumineth, but kept a lot of their themes and look. If you had a high elf army before, did you have a lumineth army afterwords? Kind of? Maybe? If you had silverhelms you could use them as dawnriders , if you had spearmen you could use them as wardens, same for archers and sentinels. You'd need to rebase though. Otherwise, phoenix guard? Maybe as the cow hat guys? That'd be about it. It did get better with later releases for bolt throwers and swordsmasters. 

If beasts of chaos were in a similar situation, would you be happy? I think I would, accepting that a fair amount of my models wouldn't have a perfect match, but the theme would be executed well and refined. High elves are generic, lumineth arguably less so.  If this happens then arguably beasts of chaos would leave AoS, but the Gribblescreech Hordes would still be there, continuing the Morghur story and the like. 


Another refresh approach would be like gloomspite gits, seraphon and soulblight. Take an army that has a good theme already but needs hefty up to date refreshing. The amount that remains behind can vary considerably, for the moon clan part of gloomspite more or less only the basic line infantry was untouched, and troll/ggs got hefty updates and spiderfang is there. For seraphon they lost a fairly significant set of models, but got more replacements. Soulblight I think mainly got old out of date models replaced, can't recall them losing much. 

If that happens then it would be hard to argue that beasts of chaos left AoS, the same way its hard to argue that Legions of Nagash left, just because they became soulblight. I think this is the least likely option, because beasts of chaos lacks a hook that isn't shared with something else. They are animal chaos people...like skaven. They want to cause the downfall of civilisation!....like destruction. I could see them being rebranded with more of the WEIRD chaos feel. Tzeentch does weird chaos, but I'd argue its a primarily magic weird and not the more primal weird. There is also less of a solid model range to lean on. 



The problem is that Whitefang has not given any credence to the thought that they ARE being reimagined or updated in any capacity. I'd be much less upset if they get the lumineth treatment but as far as I can tell we have NO reason to think that they're going to get anything but quietly shuffled off to specialist games for the next 20 or 30 years.

Edited by The Red King
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2 hours ago, Grunbag said:

I don’t know why everyone is thinking beast of chaos will be squatted . Before FeC new range , FEC only received endless spell , faction terrain , one hero and one Underworld warband . And they are still in AoS with brand new miniatures .


if you look at BoC they are at exact same place FEC was before resculpt : they received endless spell ; terrain faction , one hero and one underworld warband . 

Why FeC stayed and received new mini and BoC won’t ? 

And a commemorative series mini. This was a big indicator of a refresh, imo.

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