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36 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

You haven't seen some Old World players on the Internet... 

The question I have is why people keep focusing on this group of players. Let them wallow in their self-pity and bitterness while the rest of us enjoy the hobby in whichever form it takes.

I'm quite excited for TOW since I used to play a lot back during 6th-7th edition. I know I won't be gatekeeping anyone just because they bring/proxy AoS models because this hobby is expensive enough as it is. I'll just be happy for a game regardless of the setting.


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3 hours ago, Hollow said:

The Beasts of Chaos Battletome currently has a combined total of 34 Warscrolls. 

  1. Beastlord
  2. Great Bray-Shaman
  3. Gors
  4. Beastigors
  5. Ungors
  6. Ungor Raiders
  7. Tuskgor Chariots
  8. Centigors
  9. Razorgors
  10. Slaangor Fiendbloods
  11. Doombull
  12. Bullgors
  13. Ghorgon
  14. Cygor
  15. Shaggoth
  16. Dragon Ogors
  17. Chaos Warhounds
  18. Chaos Spawn
  19. Jabber Slythe
  20. Cockatrice
  21. Chimera
  22. Tzaangor Shaman
  23. Tzaangor Skyfires
  24. Tzaangor enlightened
  25. Tzaangors
  26. Morghurite Chaos Spawn
  27. Gargant
  28. Fellhoof
  29. Despoilers
  30. Direflock
  31. Dirgehorn
  32. Wildfire Tauras
  33. Herdstone 

The ones marked in Red are the BoC Units appearing in the Old World which can be seen below. The Blue are the scrolls from the Warband and the Green are the endless spells and Herdstone.

ALL Base Sizes For CORE Factions - Warhammer The Old World - FULL ROSTERS 17-21 screenshot.png


I suspect that when AoS 4 rolls around, all of the current Warscolls will get "Index rules" to carry the faction as existing into the new edition (perhaps minus the endless spells) Then all of the units marked in red will be moved over under ToW banner and either the AoS faction will be expanded with more God specific beast units (For Khorne, Slannesh and Nurgle as Tzeentch is already pretty well represented) Giving ToW it's beast faction and AoS it's beast representation. What I do not see happening is for the units market in red to stay in AoS and also be used for Tow simultaneously. 

From where did you get that picture with the base sizes? The person who made that, has he done more?

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 Cmon guys can we move past all the doomposting and negativity. At least make a new thread for it. We have confirmation from Whitefang that Chaos Duardin are coming in this Edition and all anyone wants to talk about for some reason if which toys can I play with and where.

Let me repeat myself.



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Chamon = good cause Tzeentch stuff for sure😇

Ulgu = good cause coolest realm!


I'll be happy with either, both realms are interesting. I think Chamon would make sense for Chaos Duardin and Ulgu obviously for Malerion. Skaven could be either, really. I figure Eshin screams Ulgu but they seem pretty universal all in all. I do hope we get cool scenery as well... I hope my scenery will turn out dark/desolate enough cause I kinda decided my Tzeentchian cult is from Ulgu. 

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5 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Chamon = good cause Tzeentch stuff for sure😇

Ulgu = good cause coolest realm!


I'll be happy with either, both realms are interesting. I think Chamon would make sense for Chaos Duardin and Ulgu obviously for Malerion. Skaven could be either, really. I figure Eshin screams Ulgu but they seem pretty universal all in all. I do hope we get cool scenery as well... I hope my scenery will turn out dark/desolate enough cause I kinda decided my Tzeentchian cult is from Ulgu. 

Skaven are equal to Chamon to me as their HQ is under Chamon.

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5 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Chamon = good cause Tzeentch stuff for sure😇

Ulgu = good cause coolest realm!


I'll be happy with either, both realms are interesting. I think Chamon would make sense for Chaos Duardin and Ulgu obviously for Malerion. Skaven could be either, really. I figure Eshin screams Ulgu but they seem pretty universal all in all. I do hope we get cool scenery as well... I hope my scenery will turn out dark/desolate enough cause I kinda decided my Tzeentchian cult is from Ulgu. 

Whitefang did drop the "This" on a post partly mentioning the Ulgu Chorf magic-oil-rig.

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I wonder if Warcry and Underworlds are going to follow the main AoS realm again. On one hand I hope they do, but on the other I'm dying for some Aqshy specific terrain (and magmahold terrain but that's a pipe dream) and it won't be Aqshy's turn for a while

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Skaven are equal to Chamon to me as their HQ is under Chamon.

Well, perhaps the new edition will also take place in multiple realms... All I care about is that the last few factions get cool updates and perhaps the smaller ones get some range extensions as well. And of course - less altruistically - some cool armored Tzeentch minis!

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18 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


And with the entire line gone and rules legends it makes me hopeful for one heck of a release. As in full, from the ground up, reimagining for AoS.

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6 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

And with the entire line gone and rules legends it makes me hopeful for one heck of a release. As in full, from the ground up, reimagining for AoS.

It definately will be. Theyll want to put their mark on the Faction and make sure its own identity is known.

The real question is what will be the name of the faction?

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54 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

The question I have is why people keep focusing on this group of players. Let them wallow in their self-pity and bitterness while the rest of us enjoy the hobby in whichever form it takes.

See, the problem is, I think these guys are more numerous than I previously expected them to be. And this is a major red flag of TOW to me.

Anyway, back to the real news that matters... HOLY ****** CHAOS DWARFS ARE COMING BAAAAAAACK ! I truly live in a blessed timeline. Yeah, they were on to something with the Horns of Hashut. I do hope they come early in 4th edition ! I feel like a lot of people will get into AoS or start a new collection when the Dawi Zharr come back.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

It definately will be. Theyll want to put their mark on the Faction and make sure its own identity is known.

The real question is what will be the name of the faction?

Current Chaos faction full names are:

  • Slaves to Darkness
  • Beasts of Chaos
  • Skaven
  • Blades of Khorne
  • Disciples of Tzeentch
  • Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh

So my tips would be:

  • Beards to Lava
  • Duardin of Chaos
  • Chorfs (official full name)
  • Axes of Hashut
  • Acolytes of Hashut
  • Bull Centaurkin of Hashut
  • Industrialites of Hashut
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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

See, the problem is, I think these guys are more numerous than I previously expected them to be. And this is a major red flag of TOW to me.

Anyway, back to the real news that matters... HOLY ****** CHAOS DWARFS ARE COMING BAAAAAAACK ! I truly live in a blessed timeline. Yeah, they were on to something with the Horns of Hashut. I do hope they come early in 4th edition ! I feel like a lot of people will get into AoS or start a new collection when the Dawi Zharr come back.

I would never let my interest for a game be decided by the players who I will probably never see and certainly not play with. You either like the TOW setting and are interested in a mass ranked game system or you are not. It's the same for any other tabletop game. The same group of players that are a red flag for you, also exist in AoS or any tabletop game. ;)

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8 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Current Chaos faction full names are:

  • Slaves to Darkness
  • Beasts of Chaos
  • Skaven
  • Blades of Khorne
  • Disciples of Tzeentch
  • Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh

So my tips would be:

  • Beards to Lava
  • Duardin of Chaos
  • Chorfs (official full name)
  • Axes of Hashut
  • Acolytes of Hashut
  • Bull Centaurkin of Hashut
  • Industrialites of Hashut

Hats of Hashut!

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23 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

It definately will be. Theyll want to put their mark on the Faction and make sure its own identity is known.

The real question is what will be the name of the faction?

Horns/Sons of Hashut?

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