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11 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well going by their lore the Snarlfangs should mingle as:

Moonclan: fast forward scouts, the Loonking hires them as they worship the Suns of the Realms as an aspect of Mork so operate in the bright light of Ghur & Hysh that the Moonclan can’t until Da Bad Moon intervenes. So some standard buffs the other Grots can’t get until moon-powered would fit.

Spiderclan: Snarlfangs are just as venomous and fast as their spider cavalry as they poison prey with toxic fangs then stalk them as they weaken(like Komodo Dragons) so should get their sub-factions venom boosts and where Spiders ignore terrain the Snarlfangs should run faster around.


Also will put in my hopes for a new Troggoth. People have been saying that one on the Gallet cover is new so probably that as a Juvenile Rockgut sub-species option that acts as cheaper Troggherd infantry.

I too have some faith in a new Troggoth. Ive no idea why but I feel confident that Gitz will get a new Troggoth and Snarlfang Hero.

11 hours ago, novakai said:

still, it usually takes a hero and a few other things to make certain units stand out, not saying they can't do it on the rules side, but Snarlfang rider did came out of leftfield if it was just a standalone unit. like say if it was new Spider riders instead, it would have made a certain amount of sense even though the lack of hero model is still driving me nuts

I think they are saving quite a bit for AOS for the New Year Preview. Makes sense to kick of 2023 with a bang and showing off a new unit, Troggoth and Snarlfang hero for Gloomspite is a great way to do so.

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31 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

Just took a look at kill team which is in the most similar situation to warcry

Into the dark, which was sort of a new edition starter, cost £130 at GW and is in every way similar to heart of ghur (but I don't remember the price of that lmao)

Shadowvaults, which is similar in contents to Sundered Fate, cost £110, so I'd expect a similar price for our lovely chameleons.

So in conclusion, cool stuff is still expensive

IIRC heart of ghur was £125 RRP, think I paid around £92 from dark sphere.

hopefully be able to get sundered fate for £80 something?

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43 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I think they are saving quite a bit for AOS for the New Year Preview. Makes sense to kick of 2023 with a bang and showing off a new unit, Troggoth and Snarlfang hero for Gloomspite is a great way to do so.

Yeah i cant wait for more Gitz. Do we already know when the New Year Preview is taking place?

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

New Years Day mate. Like @cyrus said last years was more of a teaser so we may get that but I believe 2020s and 2021 was a Preview if Im not mistaken?

IIRC last New Year was a teaser vid, the year before that was also a teaser, but it had a lot more AoS teases in it. Year before that was the reveal for the Tzeentch vs KO battlebox. As I've said before I think this year is looking up for us, just because we know for a fact there's no more Guard/World Eaters to show, and they got the big Ark of Omens reveal done as well, so any teaser of the next couple months should be heavily slanted to AoS.

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On 11/19/2022 at 2:52 PM, Draznak said:

This preview sounds like GW's disavowal of AoS to me. Again and again battletomes updated with a single mini / unit (even if the Gloomspite can dream of better with the rumor engines that we know). I find it hard to get excited about these announcements, despite the quality of the few minis presented

As someone who has left the game, this was the reason. I mentioned I'd be back when BoC got their update, and this was....lame. 

Sorry to sound negative, but these battletome + 1 miniature releases leave a sour taste in the mouth (especially Skaven).

Thankfully I can use the mini I haven't sold for things like Mordheim or something.

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15 minutes ago, tkt32583 said:

As someone who has left the game, this was the reason. I mentioned I'd be back when BoC got their update, and this was....lame. 

Sorry to sound negative, but these battletome + 1 miniature releases leave a sour taste in the mouth (especially Skaven).

Thankfully I can use the mini I haven't sold for things like Mordheim or something.

We don't know for sure that is the only sculpt though, remember Soulblight only had the Wight King on steed announced officially for them (plus the leaked Vampire Lord) for a while before launch. It isn't looking great, but at the same time hope isn't lost!


I do wonder how much of an impact Covid had on this edition, as we are probably into the period where the minis releasing were designed during the Pandemic, which might have limited the amount they could do with new model quantity as they simply had less manpower to do stuff. Might be wrong but it does seem conspicuous that the period of single model releases seems to line up fairly well with the Pandemic.

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

IIRC last New Year was a teaser vid, the year before that was also a teaser, but it had a lot more AoS teases in it. Year before that was the reveal for the Tzeentch vs KO battlebox. As I've said before I think this year is looking up for us, just because we know for a fact there's no more Guard/World Eaters to show, and they got the big Ark of Omens reveal done as well, so any teaser of the next couple months should be heavily slanted to AoS.

Good point mate!! Heres hoping we see lots of Beasts and Gitz teases!!

57 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

We don't know for sure that is the only sculpt though, remember Soulblight only had the Wight King on steed announced officially for them (plus the leaked Vampire Lord) for a while before launch. It isn't looking great, but at the same time hope isn't lost!


I do wonder how much of an impact Covid had on this edition, as we are probably into the period where the minis releasing were designed during the Pandemic, which might have limited the amount they could do with new model quantity as they simply had less manpower to do stuff. Might be wrong but it does seem conspicuous that the period of single model releases seems to line up fairly well with the Pandemic.

Really hoping that the Pandemic is why we have had so many mini / Tomes so far, just to help ease production.

I hope the rest of the Tomes this Edition arent single mini releases but I doubt it.

I understand 40K is their cash cow but it really feels like they said, 'Hold off on AOS for a year we need these;

Orks, Eldar, Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Leagues of Votann finished off in time for 10th.'

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Good point mate!! Heres hoping we see lots of Beasts and Gitz teases!!

Really hoping that the Pandemic is why we have had so many mini / Tomes so far, just to help ease production.

I hope the rest of the Tomes this Edition arent single mini releases but I doubt it.

I understand 40K is their cash cow but it really feels like they said, 'Hold off on AOS for a year we need these;

Orks, Eldar, Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Leagues of Votann finished off in time for 10th.'

True, true it is crazy how much 40K has gotten in comparison. I guess it could be argued AoS got priority (as much as it could over 40K) last edition as it had so many new line releases in 2nd, and that in 4th edition AoS will hit its stride again, but really not sure how realistic that is.


But I am at least hopeful that Cities isn't the only big release that is left this edition, I have my fingers crossed that FEC and Seraphon will get pretty sizeable releases, and I think at least with the former that is heavily rumoured and there are some rumour engines to suggest the latter.

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33 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Really hoping that the Pandemic is why we have had so many mini / Tomes so far, just to help ease production.

I hope the rest of the Tomes this Edition arent single mini releases but I doubt it.

I understand 40K is their cash cow but it really feels like they said, 'Hold off on AOS for a year we need these;

Orks, Eldar, Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Leagues of Votann finished off in time for 10th.'

AoS roadmap from now to next summer seems really in rush and after Beasts and Gitz reveals ,   I do fear too that we will have only single mini releases until Cities before 40K 10th edition drops.




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3 minutes ago, cyrus said:

AoS roadmap from now to next summer seems really in rush and after Beasts and Gitz reveals ,   I do fear too that we will have only single mini releases until Cities before 40K 10th edition drops.




Yeah, some smaller releases like Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth are possible, but I wouldn't expected a big release for any of the factions in spring. Other 4 factions will get at least a new unit with the warcry expansions, so there is that at least. The next big release will probably be the dawnbringer crusade.

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3 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

A few pages ago there was mention of possible new Spider Riders. Was there anything substantial behind that or just wishful thinking?

Mostly wishfull thinking and no solid rumours. We have the RE that looks like an Arachnarok that sparked it all and some other unsolved Gits looking RE. The Scuttleboss is a finecast model in need of replacement and GW seems to replace a few of those kits so there is some logic behind it. The riders just look really outdated. The Spiderfang are heavily mentioned in the Gnarlwood setting so i am hoping that Warcry updates some of the sculpts eventually or it would really be a missed opportunity.

The reveal of the Snarlfang Riders really lowers the chance that we are also getting Spider Riders imho. But i am really hyped for potentially getting more Gitmob units.

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I could see one of the spring books being a bigger release, if only because they could split it up as 2x2 single hero and a battle box releases, then the leftover spring release is something a bit chunkier.

I'm assuming that there won't be too many big 40k releases prior to the assumed 10th edition in summer (mostly the broken realms style books/single model kits) so there's space in the schedule before summer.

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At this point, while I am also very disappointed for Beasts especially and that packed spring schedule generally, I'm holding my fire until at least the New Years preview.  What we've seen for BoC and Gits so far feels a little disjointed. They showed a unit for Gits but not a hero and a hero for Beasts that's not tied to a battlebox, which seems odd, given that literally every book so far in 3E comes with a hero plus BoC and Gits seem to be coming out at the same time. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if there's a Beasts vs Gits battlebox that they've chosen not to reveal yet. Basically starting from New Years we should be getting a flurry of previews that almost have to be AoS focused given that 40K is just going to be Kill Team and Arks of Omen for the six months or so, we should have a much clearer idea what's coming soon.

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For now I'm going to huff hopium cause I didn't even expect BoC or Gitz to get anything until late 2023/early 2024. It also gives me hope that the Death tomes are actually going to be FEC/OBR. Worst case, we can all enjoy a round of mopium together as is tradition.

Edited by pnkdth
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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

Have they replaced any plastic kits since SBGL ? I know they have replaced finecast or metal. But I'm not sure if they have re-done just an old plastic kit for 3.0........ yet 

The Daemon Prince in the Slaves to Darkness army box is a re-sculpt of a plastic model. They aren't out yet but the chaos warriors and knights will also be updating old plastic kits. 

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6 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

The Daemon Prince in the Slaves to Darkness army box is a re-sculpt of a plastic model. They aren't out yet but the chaos warriors and knights will also be updating old plastic kits. 

ah yes good call!!! 

So hope that they might re do somethings that are outdated plastic sculpts. I tend to find they like replacing outdated sculpts that are offered through other 3D model printers. I.E Belakor, Kroak, Daemon Prince. 

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Good point mate!! Heres hoping we see lots of Beasts and Gitz teases!!

Really hoping that the Pandemic is why we have had so many mini / Tomes so far, just to help ease production.

I hope the rest of the Tomes this Edition arent single mini releases but I doubt it.

I understand 40K is their cash cow but it really feels like they said, 'Hold off on AOS for a year we need these;

Orks, Eldar, Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Leagues of Votann finished off in time for 10th.'

The thing is if the pandemic is the cause then it not going to right itself any time soon, even if the pandemic is over the loss of work will have a knock on affect for AoS release for the next 2 years or so.

or basically you better hope 4th edition they manage to regain lost work and momentum

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

At this point, while I am also very disappointed for Beasts especially and that packed spring schedule generally, I'm holding my fire until at least the New Years preview.  What we've seen for BoC and Gits so far feels a little disjointed. They showed a unit for Gits but not a hero and a hero for Beasts that's not tied to a battlebox, which seems odd, given that literally every book so far in 3E comes with a hero plus BoC and Gits seem to be coming out at the same time. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if there's a Beasts vs Gits battlebox that they've chosen not to reveal yet. Basically starting from New Years we should be getting a flurry of previews that almost have to be AoS focused given that 40K is just going to be Kill Team and Arks of Omen for the six months or so, we should have a much clearer idea what's coming soon.

I feel like there more hope for Gitz to have stuff unrevealed stuff compare to Beast of Chaos, as even if there is a battle box (stuff can still always be released as standalone) it probably be like Echos of Doom where Sylvaneath had all the new models with Skaven being all old models except for the hero

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