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Next Slaves to Darkness army


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Hey guys, I got the Slaves to Darkness start collecting a few months ago, and I am wondering how should I expand. I probably will get the Battleforce (If it is still around by Christmas) and make the Chaos Lord on Manticore and Chaos Charriot, but what should I do next? I was thinking of doing a bull strategy and for the loins (the reserves) being allied missile men like ungor raiders, but what could be half budgety and still be good?

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Hi, welcome to the Slavs! Slaves!

Do yo already know about the Alligiences? It might be something you want to know before starting an army, especially when you concider mixing in some Beasts of Chaos like Bulls. Also there is a new Battletome coming soontm.

In general, StD are a quite defensive army. Chaos Warriors are great at tanking damage, especially with shields. They can be used as a nice anvil. Meanwhile our heroes are the ones with the great offensive potential. A Lord of Chaos has two weapons which one has a nice magical skill to make 2D6 Damage once a game. A Lord on Manticore can also wreck nice havoc. Also Deamonprinces are pretty mean things which have access to some nice god-depending abilities. This fits quite well to our Alligience which rewards you heroes for killing things in meele. 

Beside of this core, we also have some nice buffs from the Shrine and the Sorcerer Lord. The latter one goes especially well with our Chaos Knights as it makes them tankier and also hit more reliable. You can use Knights either as a tarpit, especially good with swords, or a hammer unit to charge enemies down with their glaives and to wreck some serious havoc. A Lord on Daemonic Mount is a great substitute to them as it gives them a better chance for a charge and also improves their hit rolls. You can use some Gorebeast-Chariots for this tactic too, there is also a battatlion for this if I remember correctly. Meanwhile the Pony-Powered Chariots are great units to go for objectives on the board! They are cheap, fast and have also enough defensive potential to survive some shooting

Althrough StD aren´t a top tier class right now, they still make a lot of fun.

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It's likely that Slaves will get a new Battletome, there is no confirmed news, but most are expecting it around or after the release of Warcry - in July. So they could go through some big changes


That said its unlikely that the Battleforce will remain on sale up to christmas. All the others have sold out already and I think the only reason Slaves hasn't is because they've not had a new Tome. Once a new tome is announced you can bet the last stocks of the Battleforce will sell out fast as it offers a fantastic deal on the models contained within it. So if you can I'd grab one now. 

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I think this...

1 hour ago, DestroyerBirb said:

I wish I could get a Battleforce now, but I don’t have enough money yet

Answers this...

1 hour ago, DestroyerBirb said:

My mum is playing Daemons of Khorne, and she has 10 bloodletters, 3 Bloodcrushers, a skull cannon, a bloodmaster and a bloodthirster of fury. How should I play against them?

I'd suggest you start by playing graciously & letting her steamroll you a few times... Maybe after a few savage beatings throw in some sad but not petulant comments along the lines of "Well done... again! If only I had a Chaos Lord on a Manticore and load of Chaos Warriors rather than this collection of bottle caps and pieces of lint that I'm using as proxies, I'd have more of a chance. Ah well thanks for the game mum, anything I can do around the house to help at the moment?"

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1 hour ago, DestroyerBirb said:


I am not sure what Warcry is, but it sounds neat. Thanks for some of the cleaning up of the basic too.

We aren't sure what Warcry is yet either; however what we know is that its got a selection of chaos themed warbands (of which GW has shown photos of 3) fighting/competing against each other. It's very chaos focused in the core set of new models and its coming out around July. The models are very likely to get Slaves to darkness profiles or profiles in a very similar armed force - GW's plans are not yet known. 

About half way down there's previews here


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I am painting up some Slaves to Darkness at the moment for Path to Glory. It is an escalation campaign expansion book that replaces the points system. You earn new units by playing in a campaign and each unit you add has to be the minimum size. I haven't started playing it yet as we are doing Skirmish at the moment (from the White Dwarf magazine expansion that came out earlier this year where your army is around five to ten models). 

I also have some Khorne models from the old Age of Sigmar starter set. If you have some Blood Warriors lying around at home you could paint them up to match your other Chaos Warriors. I have seen that done and they look great in other colours.

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On 5/16/2019 at 7:51 PM, DestroyerBirb said:

I wish I could get a Battleforce now, but I don’t have enough money yet.

Also, I am in New Zealand, and the prices are flipping insane. The Battleforce is 100 pounds, 190 nzd, but it is priced at 330 nzd!

Check eBay man. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy from the UK with Royal mail.

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If you really want to play Slaves; beg, borrow and eBay.....

The reality is there is a whole bunch of content just around the corner that is likely to impact this army so while it sucks to wait that would be my advice.

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I asked this somewhere else. But is the god sworn warband box a safe bet. I would hate to buy and then half the box get a resculpt. Or should j just wait till June July to get my feet wet. 

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