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AoS 2 - Sylvaneth Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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9 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Just a heads up, one of the Playtester on the Sylvaneth whatsapp group pretty much confirmed the picture with her leaked warscroll was a fake. So there is hope that she will be worth still!

Yeah, increases across the board was pretty much expected, as near all the 3 edition tomes so far had the same happen to them. The treelords and spites increase should indicate huge changes to those warscrolls tough (or at least is what I hope to justify them...).

Assuming the tree-revs still have just 1 wound and that no one get the wraith spell, I can see Dryads been on of the winner as well. It will be much more important to have some screens in our starting list if we can't generate them each turn and they should be the cheapest bodies and wounds/points ratio we have.

Man I hope you are right about Alarielle. If that was fake it was extremely convincing. 

I also assumed Tree Revs are getting 2 wounds for that cost increase.

Edit: I honestly think that the Alarielle Warscroll is real. It was one of our first sources of the term "Overgrown" and it got all of the new units names correct.  It also references "Burgeoning" which is also a new season and wasn't a word commonly used in Sylvaneth books before. 

If it was fake, it got extremely lucky. 

Edited by Landohammer
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23 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

I honestly think that the Alarielle Warscroll is real. It was one of our first sources of the term "Overgrown" and it got all of the new units names correct.  It also references "Burgeoning" which is also a new season and wasn't a word commonly used in Sylvaneth books before. 

If it was fake, it got extremely lucky. 

I went back and reread the warscroll. It does mention “The burgeoning”, but it’s a monstrous rampage, which is odd because they don’t usually duplicate names on abilities like that. Also, it refers to overgrown terrain, but calls it “overgrown mysterious terrain”, which is also weird. 

I dunno. It’s possible it’s a fake, but if it is, it’s a good one. It’s also possible it real, and if so it’s also weird. 

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1 minute ago, Mirage8112 said:

I went back and reread the warscroll. It does mention “The burgeoning”, but it’s a monstrous rampage, which is odd because they don’t usually duplicate names on abilities like that. Also, it refers to overgrown terrain, but calls it “overgrown mysterious terrain”, which is also weird. 

I dunno. It’s possible it’s a fake, but if it is, it’s a good one. It’s also possible it real, and if so it’s also weird. 

That is actually a fantastic catch. The durthu warscroll actually refers to it just as "overgrown terrain feature". It is neither capitalized nor has the "mysterious" description. The writer of that Alarielle warscroll seems to have assumed "overgrown" was a mysterious terrain feature and not just a sylvaneth thing. 

I am now leaning toward it being a fake as well. Great work. 


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25 minutes ago, AthelLoren said:

Really hoping Tree-Revenants are worth taking. If they get elite-d up with a second wound, would that increase their viability?

Unfortunately no. A few extra wounds isn't going to save them except vs the most basic of screens. These guys are taken because they are cheap, occupy battleline, and almost always score VPs. Extra wounds just make them more expensive and less efficient.

If their melee profile improves AND they gain the extra wound, then maybe they will be more appealing. But as it stands they will have to compete with our new battleline unlocks in a dwindling pool of points. And the competition is stiff. 



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1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

Unfortunately no. A few extra wounds isn't going to save them except vs the most basic of screens. These guys are taken because they are cheap, occupy battleline, and almost always score VPs. Extra wounds just make them more expensive and less efficient.

If their melee profile improves AND they gain the extra wound, then maybe they will be more appealing. But as it stands they will have to compete with our new battleline unlocks in a dwindling pool of points. And the competition is stiff. 



Exactly what I've been saying! Personally, I don't care if Tree-revs to get an extra wound because that doesn't help them in their role! I'd prefer instead that they get better at actively charging and chopping up small heroes and min-sized chaff units that are already on backline objectives.

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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Yeah, those points almost definitely confirm what I thought after seeing the Gossamids - all Revenants will have 2 Wounds each at minimum. This gives them a bit more of a seperate identity to Dryads as the more 'elite' infantry option. If they keep the teleport and get improved melee stats, I'll be happy with the change. 

Conditional Battleline on the Spite Revenants is a bit disappointing but it makes sense lore-wise that only Dreadwood has them in high numbers. The real news is conditional Battleline Treelords, Kurnoths and the new cavalry. That's...certainly going to change things. 

Edited by Jaskier
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Played a game last night using the leaked/preview Sylvaneth rules and a partially leaked GHB. Lost to Nighthaunt 18-19 but it was very informative.

-Battle tactics are hard. I think between us we got dropped 3-4 which was pretty rare in the old GHB. Neither of us got our Grand Strategies (not even close)

-Sylvaneth points are so high that board presence becomes a significant issue. I was having to guard objectives with 250pts worth of Kurnoth to keep him from stealing it with a cheap unit. Our points hike really hurt. 

-Galatian Veterans and the battallions is absolutely huge. Even just a unit of 20 chainrasps becomes an insurmountable problem on an objective. Initially i thought the no-brainer was to take kurnoth/treelords/lancers as battleline. But under these rules it might actually be wiser to bring units of Dryads/Tree Revs or maybe Spites in dreadwood depending on their warscroll changes.

-Lady of Vines really does have a huge impact on our army. Being able to generate wyldwood buffs/hit and run from her was invaluable. Between her ward spell, everdusk, the heal, the hit and run, the teleport, and capitalizing on the Hunters Envoy for AOD/AOD means she is essentially providing 6 aura buffs at any given point. I can't see leaving her out of  lists in the future. 


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Spite revenants too! Also 3 attacks and mortals on 6s for spites. Kurnoth swords have 2 mortals on sixes but -1 rend, scythes get -3 rend and an anti-pile in mortal wound. Definitely interesting choices here. Revenant seekers are nuts in that they can res any model with 5 wounds or less in a unit, so Kurnoth and other seekers 

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18 minutes ago, Mirage8112 said:

Same as before, but martial memories now give free all out attack or defense for free

Lovely. So, the playstyle of the lithe, bare-chested elf infantry is "tank hits, hope to maybe do some chip damage." What active and engaging gameplay that totally reflects the models and their lore. /s

And it doesn't even make them better at their role of objective-grabbing. Turns out that killing an average of 4 clan rats leaves you with 16 clan rats, who can then kill an average of 1 tree rev (instead of 2) and leave you with 4 tree revs instead of 3. An average of 3 more clan rats flee from morale, leaving you with 4 tree revs and 13 clan rats! I wonder who controls the objective now?
Spoiler, it's still the clan rats.

And that's assuming the tree-revs can make the charge in the first place.

Look, if folks are glad for the extra wound, I'm happy for them. But it does not help them in their role, and I would argue that it also doesn't reflect the visual and narrative themes of the models, either.

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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1 minute ago, Izotzuhure said:

Alarielle looks amazing and her resurrection mechanic doesn't state that it needs to be right after being killed, but in any of our following hero phases!

Now that is rad. I've been looking for a chance to buy the ThighQueen, and this might be it! I'm hoping Drycha is still a powerhouse, too.

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2 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Now that is rad. I've been looking for a chance to buy the ThighQueen, and this might be it! I'm hoping Drycha is still a powerhouse, too.

Oh, yeah, definitely! 

Also, the Everdusk Season of War will be really powerful on KH builds as they give overgrown around them if they are contesting an objective... 

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14 minutes ago, Izotzuhure said:

Oh, yeah, definitely! 

Also, the Everdusk Season of War will be really powerful on KH builds as they give overgrown around them if they are contesting an objective... 

Which means hunters + an infantry unit on an objective can’t get shot. 

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33 minutes ago, Mirage8112 said:

Which means hunters + an infantry unit on an objective can’t get shot. 

Do Overgrowth do something by itself? I didn't see any rule saying it blocked line of sight and as far as I know it wasn't a keyword they used yet in this edition.

Most of our good artefacts were left intact! Lots of good enchantment choices! All sub factions and seasons of war seen playable as well! Still need to see the treelords, Wych, warsong and drycha warscrolls, but so far the tome looks super solid! Lots of different build options to make different lists.

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2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Do Overgrowth do something by itself? I didn't see any rule saying it blocked line of sight and as far as I know it wasn't a keyword they used yet in this edition.

It’s on the old Wyldwood warscroll. 

“Models are not visible to each other if an imaginary straight line 1mm wide drawn between the closest points of the two models crosses over more than 1" of an Awakened Wyldwood. This scenery rule does not apply if either model can fly.”


It isn’t in the core rules, or the ghb, and the wording on the new Wyldwood warscroll only says it doesn’t block line of sight for Sylvaneth. I expect it will be clarified in the errata and made a keyword or at least made more explicit.


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The old immortal Treelord Ancient build is back! Take the 6+ ward season, the Ethereal command trait and the Vespereal Gem to auto-cast the new Throne of Vines that can't be unbound - it's a 14 wound 3+ save monster ignoring all save modifiers with a 6+ ward (near woods) that heals 6 wounds per turn (both in yours AND your opponents turn - six phases in a turn, and you heal 1 wound at the end of each phase until your next hero phase.) Like before, it's not going to be *that* useful, especially if the Ancient remains as anaemic as before, but hey, short of mortal wound spam that thing is unlikely to ever die and that to me is just funny :D

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2 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

Where are you all seeing these spoilers?h


Heywoah streamed most of the codex live on twitch but it took him 5 hours to get through about 9 pages of the codex. The video just finished and isnt available on demand yet. Havent seen it anywhere else yet 😭

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You can find images on the Sylvaneth Reddit or in the spoiler zone of the AoS Coach Discord. There's a few things missing but we did just get the Arch-Revenant (which I'll quickly summarize the changes;)

6 Wounds, +1 Attack but -1 Damage on the glaive, D3 instead of 1 attacks on the bug but +1 Damage, combat stances changed to either gain a 4+ ward or +1 attack, lost Ultimate Sacrifice, now grants Kurnoths wholly within 12" +1 to-wound to all their attacks instead of re-roll 1s to-hit, +1 attack command ability is now always a 12" range. 

Definitely seems like an auto include for Kurnoth builds as, beyond being a good buffer, that 4+ ward in combat makes her pretty darned resilient too. 

Edited by Jaskier
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