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Sentinels of Jotungard (Stormcast and Clockwork Freepeople)


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Whilst i putter away on fun side projects to distract myself I finally have the funds to start a new army, as with all of my older projects this will be conversion centric and something I can put unique flair and effort into. The issue is with the way my mind works I'm awash with potential concepts but finding it hard to settle on a fixed one to develop further. To give some context here are my past projects


Fire Aelves - Born of the realm of fire these defiant aelves were in hiding (before morathis lot got announced) led by their demi goddess phoenix queen. The army was flame centric in paint scheme and came from scrolls all across the order faction.


Stormcast (Anvils) - One of the few stock army concepts admittedly with alot of model conversions thrown in, again flame centric as it was built for the narrative campaign to go with the above.


Trees of Shyish - A planned tournament army that got scrapped due to work commitments. The acolytes of Morghur reborn these skeletal trees were unlike other Sylvaneth


Watery Ogres - Based around the toad dragon this beastclaw force led a great storm (as opposed to a blizzard) ravaging the coastlines to pillage and plunder


As you can see there's a fair variety but i tend to lean toward forces of order, and with the Idoneth announcement as much as I'd love to do them I suspect they will become one of the most seen armies on the table and thus their appeal is massively tarnished to me. So I'm open to suggestions of themes or units to build and create an army around, aslong as its GW model centric I'll consider almost anything but searching for that specific spark.


Any help welcome!

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I would love to do a Khorne Wrathmonger army:

I know it's name sounds like Khorne FAIL List, but stay with me.


Everything in the army (except the two slaughterpriests) has some kind of flail.

I tried to put in the wrathmonger battalion but couldn't find it on warscroll builder




Competitively, you hurl the wrathmongers into the biggest monster you can find, die, and make him attack himself.

Note, this is once PER wrathmonger: Gordrakk/Nagash/Archaon/Alarielle/Morathi attacking themselves 30 times



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15 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Whilst i putter away on fun side projects to distract myself I finally have the funds to start a new army, as with all of my older projects this will be conversion centric and something I can put unique flair and effort into. The issue is with the way my mind works I'm awash with potential concepts but finding it hard to settle on a fixed one to develop further. To give some context here are my past projects


Fire Aelves - Born of the realm of fire these defiant aelves were in hiding (before morathis lot got announced) led by their demi goddess phoenix queen. The army was flame centric in paint scheme and came from scrolls all across the order faction.


Stormcast (Anvils) - One of the few stock army concepts admittedly with alot of model conversions thrown in, again flame centric as it was built for the narrative campaign to go with the above.


Trees of Shyish - A planned tournament army that got scrapped due to work commitments. The acolytes of Morghur reborn these skeletal trees were unlike other Sylvaneth


Watery Ogres - Based around the toad dragon this beastclaw force led a great storm (as opposed to a blizzard) ravaging the coastlines to pillage and plunder


As you can see there's a fair variety but i tend to lean toward forces of order, and with the Idoneth announcement as much as I'd love to do them I suspect they will become one of the most seen armies on the table and thus their appeal is massively tarnished to me. So I'm open to suggestions of themes or units to build and create an army around, aslong as its GW model centric I'll consider almost anything but searching for that specific spark.


Any help welcome!

First do you have a blog for the water Ogors they sound amazing 

I’ll list some of the more extreme ideas I’ve had, maybe you can do something with them :) 

- Ice centric fyreslayers. Bears and the frost Phoenix involved maybe 

- Ad mech based Freeguild, with cogforts and the like 

- Noble Skaven. White and gold robes Skaven made to look idealic

- swamp sylvaneth 


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I’ll see if they can dig out some photos of the Ogors later. The hq was a squid faced ogor riding a vortex beast painted as a land kraken.


all good ideas. If I could find the heads freeguild sound beat but ad mech heads are perhaps too techy and good gw human heads are few at far between 

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9 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

I’ll see if they can dig out some photos of the Ogors later. The hq was a squid faced ogor riding a vortex beast painted as a land kraken.


all good ideas. If I could find the heads freeguild sound beat but ad mech heads are perhaps too techy and good gw human heads are few at far between 

Damnnnnnnn that sounds awesome.

yeah ad mech heads would be a problem 

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aside from cost my issue with Cog-Guild is the last of decent clockwork/steampunk kits available in the GW range (Only gw parts) to make things like mechanical cavalry and somed kind of weird and wonderful walkers whilst maintaining the well engineered look I have in my head for Cog-Guild. Most tech is too techy whilst others looks far too ramshackle so its a very weird middle ground I'm trying to find.


Also looked at the concept of a roaming horse tribe of Tzeench worshipers using the Kairic acolytes bits to the excess focusing on mounted units:

Marauder horseman with waist upwards replaced with acolyte bits

Dark Elf chariot with crew replaced by acolytes

Varanguard model converted to be chaos lord on steed,

Some sort of bird cavalry to count as skyfires etc.


But its feeling a bit too "just this kit and add an acolyte"

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All my f them sound great. I have a similar issue with project attentions, so i decided to split my project into three different allied armies, mind you they are all chaos amd easily combine. Maybe you could do an allied force of order, with a mix match of Fire Aelves, Stormcast and maybe a new Duardin concept. An AoS first alliance of Aelves, Eternals and Duardin...maybe even set in the Age of Myth.


However as a huge, huge fan of Morghur I would also say him. ive done a similar idea with dryads almost remt inside out with strange mutations, At the moment Im n7mbering 30 and would like a treeman to add too. Although one is on my giant Morghurs base, as part of th3 Bortex of Mutation. Check out the log on my sig to see more, on the second page. 

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Thanks for the help and input guys, after having run through a whole load of concepts I've found the inspiration I needed in an army I've done twice already and loved playing as but in a unique way of modelling them. So heres the concept:


Stormcast of Ghur -  Feral/Celtic inspired Stormcast from Ghur. Those who hunt the great beasts of Ghur and take sustenance from them shall find themselves eternally part of the Great Hunt, predators at heart as their bodies are slowly changed with every kill. The greatest hunters of ghur grow and change, eventually becoming the very beasts they first killed. Thus the cycle of the realm continues.


Liberator Concept:


Counts as Dracothian Guard (Concussor) - A Stormcast given over to the hunt, their every kill had shaped them into this more bestial form, perhaps through their reforging some degree of sanity still remains in a constant battle with the feral instincts that threaten to override their every desire. Their battle kin do what they can to keep these warriors armoured and armed that they might one day be redeemed, each carries with them their mask still as a contant reminder of the humanity that lingers on within



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So here's a little bit of a test scheme for my more bestial Stormcast host now named the Sentinels of Jotungard, tasked before they were afflicted with watching the highest peaks in Ghur to stand as a bulwark against the roaming Jotun tribes of Giants that once waged war against the mortal realms. Weathering and decals and basing to do!



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Cheers. Once I’ve finished painting the 5 assembled liberators I’ll be making 5 more and then using my spare parts alongside 10 Sisters of Silence to make vanguard hunters (all women). Wielding the vanguard crossbows in lieu of their bolsters the armour and fur should mesh well

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More progress on the Sentinals of Jotungard, will flesh out the backstory later but the first model now needs decals to finish him off and then he's table ready, the second one is well underway and just needs shield detailing, decals and basing!



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So to flesh out my Stormcast and their home city of Jotungard I used the freecity generator with some tweaks (Location and Name I already picked) and then worked on making some "Free people" to man it. So here are my Lightning powered Cogs of the City of Light Jotungard and the city background!
Sprawling Metropolis
Stormcast + Dwarves
Legendary Location
Dispossessed Mason, Sealed and Terrible Vault, Arcane Forge, Site of Great Battle
It is said that in the time of myth, when Sigmar was reclaiming the realms from the wilds that held them he visited each in turn, whilst many legends tell of his great battle with Gorkamorka in shaping the Realm of Beasts little is said of the war with the great Storm titans of the Jotun high up in the mountaintops of realms edge. Even with Gorkamorka having joined the growing pantheon of Gods at Sigmars side there were beasts in Ghur that recognised no man or god as their master, such creatures predated the gods dominance of the realms and remembered a time when the strength of the Wild was dominant. The Tribes of Storm Giants named the Jotun were one such set of creatures, they dwarfed even their Aleguzzler kin in terms of size and stature, mountainous forms of flesh, ice and stone that shook the very earth with every step. They came from the very realms edge, the mountain range known as the Beasts Maw, it is thought their proximity to the wild magicks at the outer reaches of the Realm may have been what gifted them the unnatural size and strength they had used in past ages to claim dominance over the realms. They were known in foul tempers to gather stormclouds around their peaks, casting bolts of primal lightning down from the mountain tops to gouge huge scorch marks across the very flesh of the Realm.
In the age before he had formed his Stormcast Legions it was the god Sigmar himself leading an army of men against the Jotun tribes, the battle raged for months with every heavy blizzard forcing both sides to take shelter or risk falling victim to the elements. At the battle climax the great mountain king of the Jotun descended from hus peak, it had been an age since he had feasted on the flesh of a god and the hum of celestial energey resonating from Sigmar had peaked his appetite, whilst it would haved been an easy feat for his kin to finish off the Gods meagre forces his kin would likely devour the godkings flesh long before offering tribute. And thus the two became locked in a mortal duel to claim dominance over the peaks, each casting rippling bolts of energy at the other, those that touched into the mountains surface send racing steams of frozen lightning rippling down into the earth and bringing forth an eerie blue glow from the very ground beneath them. Again and again they struck at each other, the very mountain beginning to hum with power as its light became blinding to those who looked directly upon it, it was however Sigmar who finally seized the upper hand, swinging his hammer time and time again to crush the Giant into the ground, every impact left an ever expanding crater to mark the defeat of the Jotun. As Sigmar looked upon the scars the battle had left upon the realm he could see the racing streams of celestial and primal energy some how frozen into the very ice of the mountain, the crater adorned with bolts of frozen lightning racing beneath the very ground. The ensure the Jotun could never again inflict their cruelties upon the Realms and prevent any who would seize the frozen power of the mountain. Sigmar erected a series of fortresses along the mountain range, his Duardin masons working tirelessly to form unassailable watch posts on the peaks all linked by an increasingly elaborate labyrinth of tunnels back to the lightning crater. Here they formed a great clockwork fortress that a garrison might keep watch over the realm for the day the Jotun sought to try and reclaim what was once theirs, the fortress was dubbed the Jotungard. Within the keep itself lay the arcane forge left by Sigmar to equip those who took up the mantle of Sentinels in the years the come, its flickering flame formed not of heat but the very ice of the mountaintops, a strange and magical contraption that even the Duardin manning it did not fully trust.
Sigmar knew that the hearts of men could be corrupted, and could not truly leave such a power in the hand of any mortal beast and yet his attention was needed elsewhere and he was loathed to destroy such potent energies. It was this that drove him to task the greatest engineers of the realms to erect the elaborate clockwork city of Jotungard, its every shifting maze of buildings and dead end corridoors feeding off of the very power of the mountain to fuel the cog-made contraptions. The city itself hummed with the power of the mountain, and to guard it his engineers brought forth clockwork warriors, ingenius contraptions of metal and sigmarite powered by the latent static energies that rippled from the mountains heart.
In the centuries that followed many heard rumours of the lost city of Ghur, a palace of such elaborate planning and divine resources that treasure hunters from across the realms sought it out to loot its treasures. Many were lured by the glowing mountaintops of the Beast Maw range, travellign across savage forests to try and secure their fortunes. None however returned from the clockwork city, the Cogs were tasked to protect it from all barring the true servants of Sigmar himself. As the tide of chaos began to ripple across the realm Sigmar knew too well that the mountain might oneday be used against him, and thus he assigned a newly forged chamber formed from the hearts of men who had spent their lives fighting the beast within, those who had maintained humanity in savage climates that they might resist the bestial lure of Ghur. Named the Sentinels of Jotungard they joined the silent clockwork Cogs of the city guard to protect against all who would seek the cities power.




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Four of the Sentinels of Jotungard now fully painted alongside a test scheme on the first of my Cogs (Clockwork soldiers), also a slight conversion on the Neave model and I've just finished three of the werewolf counts as dracothian guard assemblies (no photo there yet)





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Cheers, I've always loved the models but never had cause to use them before (not big on chaos personally) but I'm getting to explore a whole load of models I hadnt gotten to play with before with the project.


Speaking of which here are my nearly finished neave, the werewolf and a family shot!





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Cheers, they will be expanded further once I get the Stormcast to roughly 1500 points (the counts as handgunners are a good backfield objective holder). Tomorrow I get to pickup the parts to start on my modular Lord Celestant both on and off dracoth conversion, and expensive piece but I'm confident it'll show the character of the force in a unique looking leader

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"“For centuries I have languished in chains, caged by a creature that thinks himself God of Death. I courted war long before his empire of bone rose from the lost sands, it was the bodies of my foes that he first dug from the dirty to raise his stolen armies. And now I stand forgotten, but I do not stand alone... and soon my name shall ring out across the battlefields once more!”"

Work has begun on my Lord Celestant for my Sentinels of Jotungard, the model is designed to be removable from the larger base for the onfoot version, or as shown assembled here as the mounted on dracoth version (I like the same character having continuity).

Dubbed the Winter Wolf he is one of the souls liberated at the end of the Malign Portents campaign, the fluff will be fleshed out at a later date but for now he is simply one of the oldest Sentinels and rumoured to be a soul that predates the Age of Myth. One of the few older Sentinels that has resisted the change that has overwritten their basic forms he is nonethless both respected and feared within the chamber.





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