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picking factions

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Hi all


Im just getting back into AOS. i attempted a year ago and bought some stormcast (start collecting and starter) and then never got a game. i have now found local players and even tried a game with my stormcast which i just didn't enjoy, not sure if it was the army or me. 

foolishly i signed up to a local store GT and need to get a 1250 point list together but am changing my mind on faction constantly

how did you all choose? Also any advice for list writing i have AZYR but im not sure on how much of something i should be taking or if im taking too much. 

currently   i am looking at Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers, Kharadon overlords, ironjawz and could still be sold on stormcast, Damn rule of cool,


thanks for any advise . 

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15 minutes ago, DeceivingCargo said:

how did you all choose? Also any advice for list writing i have AZYR but im not sure on how much of something i should be taking or if im taking too much. 

currently   i am looking at Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers, Kharadon overlords, ironjawz and could still be sold on stormcast, Damn rule of cool,


thanks for any advise . 

Advice on list writing, get the 2017 generals handbook, dont rely on apps as they dont have the details you need to know, plus it has all the scenario details which will guide how you build your list.

Choosing a faction, rule of cool followed by reading their battletome. If you are new then just getting a netlist is almost pointless unless it comes with a manual for how to use it, your better off reading the allegiance and unit rules and making your own list and then compare to what other use and then try to work out why.

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Aye, go with the rule of cool. It'll make building/painting your army so much easier if you're enthusiastic about them. 

Stormcast might be a good idea if you're just getting back into it. They're the poster-children so there tend to be good deals on the models, and the army can do a bit of everything.  There's fast units, tough units, shooty units, fighty units!

(Personally I'd go for the Fyreslayers or Kharadron Overlords, though  - those models kick ass!)

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the physical cost of fyreslayers puts me off the most and the lack of CC for overlords puts me off them but both look so awesome!! im watching bat reps online for hints and am really enjoying the fyreslayer and sylvaneth ones the most

the physical cost of fyreslayers puts me off the most and the lack of CC for overlords puts me off them but both look so awesome!! im watching bat reps online for hints and am really enjoying the fyreslayer and sylvaneth ones the most


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15 minutes ago, DeceivingCargo said:

oh awesome! ill need to have a good look through war scrolls then 

Seriously, get the books or borrow them.  For AoS you really need to see all the allegiance abilities and options open to you. Apps and scrolls are not the whole story. You cant really shortcut this.

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I have had a look through some of the books but as i still dont understand how everything clicks together fully  i wasnt sure what was good or not.

KO having the codes was very confusing for example. Fyreslayers seemed a bit more flexible with the ability to choose. but ultimetly nothing there that helped sway my decision

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First AoS army? Pick the models that you like the best, so in your case, Stormcast

Personally I buy a Start Collecting for my new army and build up from there but Stormcast also have the main Starter set, Thunder & Blood and the Build & Paint sets to quickly bulk out a force.


List building, start with your Battleline, add a General who boosts them, then fill in the holes of "Fast Moving, Ranged, Resilient or Numerous, Spellcaster, Buffer, Damage dealer" The best armies will focus on 2 to 3 of the above  to compliment tehir battleline

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Welcome back :)  I kicked off with Khorne as I'd seen the Duncan painting tutorials and felt I could get an army up and on the table fairly quickly (think I did 1k for a tournament in 3 months), I'm working on Death stuff now as I'd worked out a reasonable painting method for that - and Ironjaws afterwards as I really enjoyed painting up a Megaboss :P

16 minutes ago, DeceivingCargo said:

So if i was to pick stormcast for example, is 1250 points overkill for things like lord on star drake or Celestant prime?

The general rule of thumb I use is to not invest more than 25% of my points on a single model (roughly speaking).  It not only puts a lot of eggs in one basket and can sometimes unbalance things if your opponent hasn't done similar.  Celesant Prime ideally needs to spend a bit of time in the sky to charge so you'd be lacking a massive amount of the army for the first three or four turns.

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I don't know if this will help you, but I have the same tendency to bounce between factions as you, and I managed to solve it for Age of Sigmar. With a bit of luck, but the principle should carry over:

- Consider the fluff/character of the faction you want to play, and find out which fits you on the table. Sort of a playstyle thing, but more along the lines of 'orruks like to run at the biggest enemy and get into a big moshpit, while shouting, laughing and waaaghing. Orruk players tend to mirror this' or 'Stormcast are righteous warriors that stand in the face of all evil' which I don't know how you'd translate to the table, but you get the idea. Personally I settled on Skaven when I found out that my natural aptitude for underhanded tactics and ploys were not only fluffy, but a vital part of how to play them well. It also made me feel less bad about playing dirty/cowardly, since that is the true skaven way.

This is useful in the absence of knowledge of own playstyle, or a definite 'these look the coolest', and could help you find the faction that suits you both on the game, and painting table.


Skirmish is a great, low-cost way to explore this - as you should get a good grasp on faction styles from just one or two quick games (I suggest 50 pts for that) :)

Hope that helps you out.

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you can ally in some ranged for Ironjaws, however as many people have said the battletomes give you a real flavour for the army. There is a good alternative though. This site gives good army summaries, which should help you get an idea. Here is the Sylvaneth one for example.


Once you have found an army you like the sound of you should go out and get that battletome. Hope that helps!

I would say though that is you are struggling to decide on a playstyle that Stormcasts offer you the most options. You can build combat, shooty and movement heavy lists. Or a balanced combination of the all. Judicators and Liberators, are fantastic battleline, and there is so much hero and elite variety. You miss out on magic and model count... however again Stormcasts can ally in any order faction, so you can pick an order wizard or horde unit of your choice (40 skinks is 200 points)! Not saying stormcasts are the way to go, but if you change your mind on the style of army you would like to go for, a couple of boxes of different units can change a lot. you don't need to buy another army!  

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I would recommend playing more games with stormcast to get a better feel for the game and what you like. As said above, you can try out several different play styles with stormcast.

Another important thing is to understand how competitive your area is and you want to be. 

As for list building, I just use pen and paper and then do a quick check at the end to double check that I have my battle line and not too many leaders.

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Hi @DeceivingCargo good on you for giving it a (another) go and a very recognisable problem. 
A mate I introduced to the hobby struggles with the same thing. So i'm going to suggest something completely different from the above: Don't choose yet! 
Give yourself some time and experience. Now, you can do this two (probably more) ways. 

1. Talk to those local players and discuss your doubts about choosing a faction. Ask them if they would be okay with you proxying some models just to try some things out. Or maybe they have multiple armies you can borrow, so you can give something else a go. (it's what I let that mate of mine do, after two or three games with Ogors and Dwarfs he tried Skaven and immediately fell in love with their random abilities and recently bought his first models)

2. Depending on how much you like the hobby element and your budget, you could also add a different start collecting box. Most are around 500 pts (). Get one you would like to build and paint. After that plan a game, using your stormcast get up to 1K. If you like the models, what they do etc. Get some other things from that army to get up to 800pt. Now you will be able to use the faction rules with 200pt of Stormcast allies. 

For example, get the Fyreslayer box for €65 = 540pts. The Runesmiter has 'magmic tunnelling' allowing you to set up your vulkites anywhere on the battlefield. The Magmadroth is still great in combat without their faction abilities. Only thing is you won't get the full super resilient thing without boosting those beserkers up to 30.  But you will get the intention of the army. Get another and your set for a 1K game with faction rules. Giving you more insight into what you like and want to add. 

If that works go on with that faction until you lose interest, rinse and repeat ;) Also there is nothing wrong with going Grand Alliance Order (as you seem to have more interests there). There are some great combinations out there, you have a stormcast core to build upon and more importantly you can add what gets you excited without having to paint stuff you don't like just because it's in the faction.

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3 hours ago, Kramer said:

If that works go on with that faction until you lose interest, rinse and repeat ;) Also there is nothing wrong with going Grand Alliance Order (as you seem to have more interests there). There are some great combinations out there, you have a stormcast core to build upon and more importantly you can add what gets you excited without having to paint stuff you don't like just because it's in the faction

Thats some great advise thanks, my biggest issue it appears is shiny syndrome, I went on GW site and was looking at the latest incursion of Archaon, he is stunning!!


my local GW is closing for refurbishment but ill go when it reopens have a browse and a chat i think see what takes my eye

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12 minutes ago, DeceivingCargo said:

Thats some great advise thanks, my biggest issue it appears is shiny syndrome, I went on GW site and was looking at the latest incursion of Archaon, he is stunning!!


Haha then whatever you do don't check this trailer! 

They got me going more than any of the new models... but shiny syndrome is a real thing. But with a grand alliance army there is not really much need to fight it. 


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