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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Halfling Rangers! 🏹

Welcome back to Halfling Cities of Sigmar blog! This time it’s a little update on a unit I painted a while back, but never shared. They were used as Freeguild archers previously, but now with that unit gone, these will be used as Shadow Warriors.  Currently I’m working on Halfling demigryph knights and a Freeguild general, so expect that in neat future!    That’s it for now!  Hope you like what I’ve got!  Until next time.   



Pictures of Status Quo

Hi all, it´s been a long time since the last update so I tought I may share some pictures of my baddies. Currently only the husskard is really concidered to be finished as I´ve put some time and effort into him to make him ready for our great painting competition here at TGA. The Stonehorn Riders (Tentacles-Mount) needs some touch ups all over, the Frostlord still lacks the reins and I struggle to come up with how to improve the Thundertusk. Nevertheless, I already love the models. I hope you



Tales #2: Life and Death

“Ghyran, Realm of Life, home to the children of Alarielle, cries out in pain. Our once great glades wither under the march of the dead, a blight spreading outwards from the Ancient One’s host with each new moon. At the same time, life abundant seethes in the wake of the Foetid Fellows, the Bilespreader come again to his favourite playground. Our rangers rush to intercept both forces, prayers to the Goddess spilling from their lips even as they fall to the blades of their foes. Still they fight,

Some Stuff and bat-reps

Hi to everybody!!   I will post some of the the stuff from my blog here. This is the link: https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/   So let´s start with the ossiarch. They are my current project. I need to update more things... I had painted Katakros, and I´m workin on my 2 mortek crawlers. They are an option for the upcoming ETC so...     My nexus. For more pics... : https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/2020/03/pintura-bonetithe-nexus.html  

El Antiguo Guardián

El Antiguo Guardián

Halfling Hurricanum!

Welcome back to the Halfling Cities of Sigmar Blog! This time I got a completed Hurricanum to show off. This is an integral part of the army I’m working on as well this army’s lore as a whole.  The Halflings of StoutHill  worship a deity know by many names: “The Great Rooster”,  “The Mighty ******”, “The Ferocious one”, “The Provider”. Hobbits recognize two aspects of this God: Ferocity and Harvest. While ferocity aspect is very familiar to halflings on the battlefield, the aspect of H



HALFLINGS ARE BACK!!! And we are still short.

Hello traveler, nice of you to stop by. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the halfling goodness I got to offer. Okay, so it’s been over a year since the last post in this blog and there’s a good reason for it.. Kind of.  Basically I didn’t do much hobby for a while, and then when I got back into it I decided to finish my entire Skaven army first, which was a lot of models. But now I’m back!  Without further ado, here’s what halflings have been up to.  Cities of Sigmar exists as an army now,



Antagonist- Boinggrots!

Just assembled 5 of them. First time with the new glue bottle and it saved what little sanity I have left. Don’t know what my fortes is but it’s not building. I find it a pain. Necessary but painful. My son used to build everything. He didn’t like painting and I loved it although I’m never really happy with the results.  havnt decided on colours yet but was wondering if there’s a hierarchy in colour. For the cavalry, maybe white?

Artobans Ghost

Artobans Ghost

Conversion idea hub

So because I keep seeing cool ideas and then promptly forgetting them I'm going to try and keep a rough archive of neat ideas I'd like to do here! 1) Slaves to Darkness Chaos Chosen warriors of Slaanesh - convert using the Sisters of Silence kit with swords; add heads/arms/bits from deamonettes  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157955669807432&set=pcb.1653943808078708&type=3&theater&ifg=1   2) Use Daughters of Khaine parts/heads for Harlequin riders/t



First Model

My first Matorean Knight Excelsior Chamber hero.  This model is the one that put the Stormcast hooks into me. Loved the model and the fluff. Very much the same way the 40K Librarian started my whole 40k adventure.  I still need to touch him up and base him but I am very happy to see him battleworthy. Next up is the Lord Arcanum.    

Artobans Ghost

Artobans Ghost

Matorean League of Disciples

So I’ve dragged out the Cities of Sigmar Greywater Fastness army 2430 pts.  I figured with Stormcast like the Knights Exclesior sharing their city, there are no shades of grey so a Sigmar dedicated army would fit there judging eyes. I only have to convert the steamtank with commander to a more dedicated look.  As the Matorean Chamber grows, they will augment their army with worthy cannon fodder with these fanatics.  I really cheaped out on the basing for most of this army so now I have to

Artobans Ghost

Artobans Ghost

10 more Zombie handgunners

Another 10 zombie handgunners ready for the painting table! This makes 20 in total now meeting my 2 battleline for 1k next steps will be to finish the ship constructs, make my black knight pistoliers and possibly make some shadow warriors using pistols and swords instead of bows. Stealth Zombpirates



Undead pirates! CoS wraithfleet conversions WIP

So playing vampire coast on Warhammer total war and seeing another gallery post using CoS to make them inspired me to do the same. I've always wanted to do a wraith fleet army and I really like zombies so this seems a perfect fit! The first of my works in progress is my boat based monstrosity, which will either end up as a steam tank or hurricanum. Struggling a bit finishing this one but it's coming along nicely enough. I also made a black coach ages ago when they were tiny, its m



Matorean Chamber -Stormcast - Knights Exclesior

My fledgling Stormcast.  Lord Aquilor - general Lord Arcanum  Lord Exorcist  Lord Relictor why? Cause I like them 3 Liberators x 5 1 castigators x 5 The Looncurse will fill out my gloomspite and add a few allies from the woods near the city. Krasbog’s Gitz are most of my old night gobbo’s repurposed plus the looncurse will give me a gobbo army of 2480 points   Shivertooth’s HeadBangers are my old ork army repurposed to the big waagh. 2480 points of

Artobans Ghost

Artobans Ghost

The Truth behind Matorea

This is my second round with AoS and also my first AoS blog. I hope I can match the greatness that exists here. Not that I wanted to stop but my hobby adventures came to an abrupt halt a year and a few months ago.  Im starting with the continuation of my idea of a state called Matorea in Ghyran. The realease of CoS has allowed me to expand the  idea to a proper Greywater Fastness affiliated city state and surrounding areas. A Stormcast chamber will be present as well.   A start in the rig

Artobans Ghost

Artobans Ghost

NicoLab: The Activation Wars Part 2

Please see Part 2 of my article on the Activation Wars as kindly published on AoS Shorts:  https://aosshorts.com/nicolab-the-activation-wars-part-2/  



The Filthy Casual NEON Show

WeAreTheNEON has upgraded the website http://wearetheneon.com and started a show on YouTube focused on casual conversation about narrative play in the Age of Sigmar. How to find narrative events, how to play them, and how to start your own! https://youtu.be/QinkFz8VbbQ



Sunday Spotlight: The Ancient One

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and I am in them, and that is eternity." Edvard Munch Apologies for the lack of updates recently. It's been a while, but then it's taken me a while to tackle this month's challenge. At the beginning of February, to align with Tales of Instahammer's Monster Month, I set myself the task of complete The Ancient One atop his zombie dragon. I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been a slog, but we've made it. Who is The Ancient One? (The lore) For

The Brotherhood of Necros

The Brotherhood of Necros

Monthly Meetup: Skaven vs Nurgle & Stormcast

My List Game 1: Nurgle - Shifting ObjectivesNurgle List T1 Main Objective is right side. I go first and get MMMWP off on the Fiends and teleport the Jezzails over to the right.. and they manage to get the GUO down to 1 wound left. The Windlaunchers where out of range due to the Jezzails blocking their path, but they did manage to kill 1 1\2 Drones. His turn has the GUO heal back to 10 wounds which definitely pretty frustrating that I failed by 1 wound but.. nothing else really



Current Status

Lots to assemble (pictured), 32 painted (pictured), plus lots assembled but not primed yet (pictured previously). Progress! I did the math finally, and I have about 9500 points in the house, not including any battalions. So much fun!!!



Bloodwrack Hurricanum

Wow, my elves have been on hold for eight months now. I needed to sell my house to downsize, and that meant  packing away all hobbies and distractions while I shifted my attention to house repairs and upgrades since the seller’s market has been brutal for the last five years. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could find a victim, er, buyer, to pay enough so I could afford the move, but here I am, finally, in my new home. So. The new Cities of Sigmar book was quite the pleasant surprise, giving me



All My Bases (and Boobies)

The rest of my bases have arrived. See the awesomeness below, plus @TwiceIfILikeIt and her contribution. #dragonforgedesigns



Zarbag’s Gitz

Oh geeze it's been a while since I last posted anything here... there's likely a backlog to catch up on. Ages ago I picked up the original Underworlds box and it has sat unplayed, though the models have sat on the painting table for a while. Recently we decided that lunchtime boardgames in the office were called for as people were being a bit antisocial. Underworlds seems like a good option, so I started putting paint to models... starting with my favourite looking set, Zarbag's Gitz. Can't



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