Matorean Chamber -Stormcast - Knights Exclesior
My fledgling Stormcast.
Lord Aquilor - general
Lord Arcanum
Lord Exorcist
Lord Relictor
why? Cause I like them
3 Liberators x 5
1 castigators x 5
The Looncurse will fill out my gloomspite and add a few allies from the woods near the city.
Krasbog’s Gitz are most of my old night gobbo’s repurposed plus the looncurse will give me a gobbo army of 2480 points
Shivertooth’s HeadBangers are my old ork army repurposed to the big waagh. 2480 points of green hell to be unleashed
And the Matorean Disciples of Sigmar my Greywater Fastness City of 2430 points of zealots, hellblasters and steam tanks
These army’s are made up of what I want legally but will never play in a tournament. They are totally fluff inspired and thanks to AoS, I can actually field them as real armies.
I think my playing games with other gamersis over for now anyways.
I’ll put up a pic of my zealot tank as well. Have another one that needs to be brought over to proper colours with a commander.
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