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Everything posted by hughwyeth

  1. Thanks for the summary @RuneBrush! I think, release/development wise, this is copying Sisters release for the same core reason- Sisters and WHFB have a quite vocal, but minority, support on the internet. Judging by the reaction to the announcement, you might think Old World might be as big as 40k, but GW understand than angry nerds on the net produce a lot of noise and there's not a reliable way to tell how much real interest in the game there is. As with sisters, they'll just tease over 2/3 years and guage reaction, adjusting their release as they go to give them the best chance of getting the right level of investment.
  2. Fluff wise, 2 wounds and 4+ doesn't match the God-Forged armour worn by heroes from history resurrected on the anvil of apotheosis. Space Marines are now much closer to the fluff (though making them literally as good as the fluff would not be workable I imagine). SCE having 3+ makes sense- Longbeards have 3+. Heroes could even continue to have 3+, just give them more wounds?
  3. It's a nice round of changes- the batallions were always nice but now seem almost auto-include. Not making the unmodified 6 apply to blades of putrefaction is weird- but perhaps it's just their desire to move people to the newer mortal models instead of the older daemon models. It does feel a little like an incomplete update, but that's understandable i suppose. I think points wise Nurgle still need a big discount- 120 for 10 plaguebearers is laughable compared to something like phoenix guard. If we take plaguebearers as the standard, phoenix guard should be 240 points for 10. 100/260pts for plaguebearers seems totally reasonable to me. GUO still seems overcosted, but in it's optimal configuration it sort of auto-include in some lists. It does make me want to have 30 blightkings now to play some Cyst battalions though.
  4. I think I should probably rephrase my question to What are the good Maggotkin of Nurgle units for their cost? I love all the nurgle models, have all of them, and think all their warscolls are pretty cool and fun, but for their points they can't compete. Players have shown they can win with a Nurgle force- hell even I have! But GUO is a pure support piece that does less than what models costing 100 points less do. Glottkin is amazing as well and I've run lists with him, but he's overcosted for what he does now.
  5. Enemy unbinds, with loads of bonuses across armies makes that way lower.
  6. His spell is one of the best in the game, but with zero bonus to cast you're getting it off like 1/4 the time. His command ability is good, but doesn't really play to Nurgle strengths. He's one of the few good combat units we have though!
  7. I realised I have the Epidemius model and was excited to make a list with him and then realised they changed his re-roll saves of 1 to a +1 contagion point. Like the whole point of Nurgle is resilience and they removed the whole increased resilience thing from him. Re-roll hits and wounds of 1 is nice, but our damage output is near zero outside of drones so it really means nothing. +1 contagion point is hilarious compared to summoning points from someone else. At this point, GW could triple our summoning points, reduce points by 20% and Nurgle still wouldn't be competitive I'm thinking. I'm thinking perhaps just paint all the models I like, like Epidemius, in the hope that a new battletome is on the way!
  8. GW have no idea what they're doing . Plastic sisters taught them that sometimes the moaning and bitter complaints from some of their customer base can actually be turned into sales. They'll do as they did with sisters, tease individual models and rules ideas over the next 3 years and if the hype is as much, they might launch with multiple full armies. Otherwise it might just be a ruleset for existing models/aos models with some limited release of new models.
  9. That would also cost an insane amount of money lol. But i might look at 2x3 units.
  10. Full Nurgle Maggotkin army for sale- HEROES Great Unclean One - Fully Magnetised and Painted- painted 1 head, Bell and Biled blade options. Comes with all other configurations though! Lord of Plagues - Fully Painted Chaos Sorcerer Lord - Slight conversion, unpainted Daemon Prince- Painted Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle - primed Festus the Leechlord - primed Gutrot Spume - Base layer painted Harbinger of Decay - primed Horticulous Slimux - unpainted, assembled Lord of Blights - primed Poxbringer - Basic test paint job Poxbringer - Basic test paint job Spoilpox Scrivener - Primed Sorcerer - Painted- top of staff snapped off though! The Glottkin - Painted- both characters mostly finished painted, still separate, one magnetised. Tongue thing still to be glued to the big arm. BATTLELINE 30x Plaguebearers- Painted- some tops of swords snapped off, standard bearer standard snapped off 30x Plaguebearers- as above 10x Putrid Blightkings- Some small bits snapped off 6x Nurglings- primed, some on sprues 6x Plague Drones - 3 painted- standard bearer standard partly snapped off, 3 unpainted, riders separate 3x Nurgle Trees Nurgle Warscroll Cards/tokens Nurgle Battletome Battlefoam Large trays for plaguebearers, blightkings and smaller heroes. Total points - 4,320pts Total cost new - £815 If you'd like pictures of anything in particular let me know. Pickup in London preferred- Bad Moon Cafe would be best! Otherwise might be able to sort out alternate arrangements. Looking for £450
  11. Excited about new fantasy models. But if I'm having to buy £500 of resin to play rank and file, then i'm not interested in the game. But more models!
  12. Updated Nurgle battletome is desperately needed! By far the weakest chaos force right now which is a shame as it has a big selection of great minis.
  13. Wonder how many of the big Khorne Dragon they've sold. Would love a whole range of Titan-Class AoS models, but AoS in general seems to have barely any Forge World stuff in games compared to 40k. Suppose the fact 30k stuff can mostly be played in 40k helps a lot too. Would also be good to get better rules for chaos dwarves - there's a few of them in tournaments right now but a few new models and high power level rules would be great.
  14. AoS got me back into it. Complex rules in 40k and WHFB put me off (as did my perception of the player base). AoS' simple rules were really attractive, and the AoS 1.0 thing of big models on a table with simple rules was exactly what I wanted. Plus the AoS player base (in London at least) is fantastic- loads of interesting and nice people!
  15. As in you use the allegiance? No one is saying that skaven is underpowered! We're saying maggotkin units are!
  16. Let's differentiate between maggotkin and "Nurgle", which for pestilens is really a technicality!
  17. Easy fixes- 1-20% point cost reduction across the board. 2-Make Blades of putrefaction/BK exploding attacks on "natural roll of a 6" instead of 6+ 3-Make GUOs the spellcasting baddasses they should be and give them some bonus to cast. They're literal manifestations of Nurgle himself, they should be able to beat most wizards and be able to cast their spells in the game. I know it's a tired point, but compare to any verminlord and they're way, way, way overcosted. They do zero combat damage, they're pure buff pieces, but they're huge points for spells which cast half the time IF the opponent doesn't try to dispel. In the current meta, you're getting 1/5 spells off if you're lucky. Having said that, 3x GUO thricefold is great as long as you're not playing Nagash or similar top level casters.
  18. As a Nurgle player who has moved on to other armies because I find them too difficult to win games with, maybe i can help? anything -1 to hit will turn off blightkings as their exploding hits activate on a "6+", not "unmodified roll of 6" as such abilities are usually phrased for all newer battletomes. You should have a few -1 to hit spells I think with legions? Nurgle have no casting/unbinding bonuses save for a GUO with bileblade and an artefact, and their most powerful spells are mortal ones which have no access to casting bonuses at all- should mean they're easy to dispel? So here's a sort of gameplan - The Blightkings' FNP is from a Harbinger of Decay- kill that off as a priority with ranged spells. Cast -1 to hits on Blightkings/the units they will be targeting. If successul you can pretty much ignore them as a damage dealing unit. If he's playing with plaguebearers- they're resilient but have no damage output, so tag them in combat as far away from objectives as you can and leave them to slowly whittle down your unit. You don't need to remove them from the table, just keep them away from objectives! With your list building- take a hero (Arkhan) with cast/dispel bonuses to shut down the ranged mortal wound output- it is Nurgle's biggest strength and can do enough damage over two turns to remove all of your 5-7 wound heroes. Take minus to hit spells to shut down blightkings. And even better, take a battalion to outdrop him to prevent that turn 1 sprint across the board that nurgle can do with the +3" move GUO and run/charge combo. As always- priorities are important- you don't need to kill the GUO- they're mediocre spellcasters with little or no bonus to cast and zero close combat damage output. (Funny saying this, I remember when the updated warscroll came out, there was outrage that they could cast 2 spells for their cost!). You should prioritise dispelling, not killing the GUOs/Rotigus . You will need to kill the Warshrine (probably giving a 6+ FNP?) and the Harbinger of Decay (GIving a 5+ FNP) as a priority and engage the blightkings only when they have a -1 to hit activated.
  19. Event Title: War in the Mortal Realms X, a one day tournament in Central London Event Author: hughwyeth Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 11/09/2019 09:00 AM to 11/09/2019 06:00 PM Hey TGA! Our next one-day, 3 game tournament is now up on our store: https://www.badmooncafe.co.uk/product/war-in-the-mortal-realms-x/ Rules pack attached! BMC_AoS_Monthly_RulesPack_November2019.pdf War in the Mortal Realms X, a one day tournament in Central London
  20. until
    Hey TGA! Our next one-day, 3 game tournament is now up on our store: https://www.badmooncafe.co.uk/product/war-in-the-mortal-realms-x/ Rules pack attached! BMC_AoS_Monthly_RulesPack_November2019.pdf
  21. Plus the number of "THIS IS OP!" scares that turned out to be nonsense 2 months later is too damn high.
  22. Yeah this is the most retrograde thing GW currently do. It's crazy we still need to buy print books for all this stuff. I love the printed books and buy a lot of battletomes for armies I don't collect, but they have to get a proper app that has all rules required, always up-to-date, and give free access to faction rules when you buy the physical book. They're years behind here and I don't know why. If a single dude can make AoS Reminders (check it out here if you don't know what it is!), why can't GW make an app that does exactly the same thing?? It would be great to bring a tablet to a game as the only thing you need. I know you can currently do this, but it's literally a PDF of the printed book, which is not at all an efficient way to find rules.
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