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Everything posted by Noserenda

  1. Goodbye New Model Monday. Hello New ModelS Monday!
  2. The biggest finecast problems come with ex-metal models that werent designed for the material tbh, that said, thats most of them I always bought mine face to face so i could check the blisters and never had a big problem, thats obviously not sooo doable right now though!
  3. Im hoping Kurnothi, possibly related to beastgrave?
  4. Some body diversity for Stormcast sounds like a great idea actually, i mean they already doubled their mortal size for some reason, why not have giant storm dreadnoughts, or more human sized versions or even more wild things like extra or extended limbs, centaurs and the like?
  5. I mean folks are just proving my point that AoS is good once you read around it, GW have always been quite good at putting a spin on classic tropes once you get past the surface but the Old World was at inception fairly unique in its mix of low fantasy renaissance stuff, though its obviously been influential for a long time now. The first look at AoS these days is Golden armoured paladins v ghosts or barbarians, i dont see how anyone could say that isnt replicated a dozen times on some level. But, as i also said, GW is making good progress on changing that up i think.
  6. I think the problem is, even on a surface reading the Old World is quite different whereas AoS feels painfully generic until you dig around a bit and work out whats going on there. Unfortunately its getting people through that first look thats the problem i think. I suspect thats why Elves are getting such a focus recently, to give Order an actual face for example.
  7. One of my group did that, though they went up to issue 5 for the unique model. Certainly in the uk you can always return any issue unopened if you dont want it and get a refund.
  8. One of the winners is on another forum, he had loaded his with space marine start collecting/combat patrol boxes for maximum modelage
  9. I saw a picture go up on Facebook earlier, no names i knew though (least of all mine) so i just meh'ed and got on with my day
  10. I think everybody is usually happier collecting the things they want rather than working off everyone else's expectations. Im not so boned up on AoS fluff but 40k is fairly good at providing plentiful examples of civil wars and misunderstandings to explain why any given force is battling itself, i cant imagine its much different? Tbh its more tedious fighting the same army over and over if there isnt great internal balance, i know one of the 30k events i went to i ended up playing Mechanicum in every single game and it got a bit tedious, much more than playing against the same army list, even when that was fairly limited.
  11. Its classic PETA nonsense, stir up interest with stunts and meanwhile kill as many animals as the can. PETA are scum.
  12. Forgeworlds biggest enemy is itself these days, they use to be the cool part of GW but then GW changed and got better and FW... Slipped into the niche its parent company abandoned with veils of secrecy, particularly predatory pricing and general badness. Especially with their fantasy lines which feel particularly close to the chopping blocks. Specialist games stuff is at least a bit less prone to the worst of it but thats pretty Off topic (Specialist games are great!)
  13. The problem with guessing ranges was the effect on newbies, i mean i can laser guess ranges because i was obsessed with Cannons for years but most people dont learn that skill elsewhere, especially in Imperial measurements (Just some tradesmen afaik) and given the way getting it wrong often ends in a bad time it outright drives some people away, which is bad. Especially bad because past a certain skill point its hardly guessing anyway.
  14. Tbh they divided the factions by race and came up with reasons later, personally i think Sylvaneth and possibly Fyreslayers fit with Destruction and Idoneth could easily have slotted into Death (just have them shack up with Nagash as fellow soul robbers after daddy Teclis booted them) which would mean a less mega bloated Order faction and a bit more interest to the different factions. But then id rather the Grand Alliances were more political/religious than the weird bio essentialism we currently have.
  15. Your last question does not seem to support me continuing to buy from 3rd parties regardless of price changes. A discount is still a discount Higher prices dont really make me buy less, but they do make me buy different things, like ive considered several new AoS armies the past year but the value is much better on things like Titanicus, so i have a bunch more titans instead, gw still ultimately got my money though!
  16. Oh yeah thats definitely true for like definitely half the races you can play in WtW... Hmmm maybe less than half?
  17. I wouldnt write off computer games as a recruiter, Dawn of War pulled in huge numbers of new people to 40k and i wouldnt be surprised to see most of the other games pulling in numbers in proportion to their successes or relevance. Wargamers are hardly some elite class of geek
  18. The advantage of a smaller scale is you can put a whole factions core units on one plastic sprue and then back that up with more plastic, resin, whatever, which given how much they are promising with Old World seems increasingly likely, 2 entirely new races with zero crossover and at least one more faction for them to fight... Its a huge release, much, much bigger than anything thats come before, from a main range, let alone specialist games. Well, unless they spread it over 6 months like they have the latest Marine and Necron waves but that hasnt been very popular (Probably profitable though...) Warmaster wasnt a great hit, its arguably the least popular legacy specialist game and with Horus more mainstream and now a titan class using the name a rebrand wouldnt be unexpected, though id expect a different rules system as Warmaster, while a great wargame, wasnt very "warhammer feeling".
  19. So yeah, Cathay and Kislev both in the Old World confirmed... Its definitely a bold move, they keep amping up the scale of the project! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/03/watch-kislev-battle-a-bloodthirster-in-the-first-trailer-for-total-war-warhammer-iii/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=TotalWar3Feb21&utm_content=TotalWar3Feb21&fbclid=IwAR3WjdRol7tDrrBjQVJUwxrLvr17l-5aHcSlielIHK1fetIMYenPEezpm_s
  20. Its more cultures the giant has smashed up and "recycled" some of their stuff but i might be able to get some pics later!
  21. Worth a mention here that im hoping the Wandering White Dwarf story in White Dwarf means GW is casting their eye over the poor Fyreslayers. It was interesting to see behind their scenes a bit and a good little story. I think it was interesting that Grombrindal is sad at what the Fyreslayers abandoned/lost, i suspect we will see him similarly encountering Kharadon and Dispossessed, maybe even Chaos Dwarves, have similar thoughts and then perhaps look to "fix" things somehow? Ofc whether he steps up himself, Kicks Grungi or brings Grimmnir or Valaya back could have wildly different outcomes but a Fyreslayer revamp or expansion could be on the cards either way.
  22. So White dwarf has started a 6 part series of short stories covering the Wanderings of the titular White dwarf in AoS, which means the last one should be lined up nicely for book 4 or possibly 5 depending on release cadence. Could be nothing but a nice story, could be GW seeding the ground for a big Dawi release/reveal. He is appropriately a bit sad about the state of the Fyreslayers, (in contrast to Gotreks contempt) so perhaps Old Grombrindal himself steps up to the godhood plate in an attempt to bring back the old ways? (Which all Dwarves know were better days ) I mean at this point he pretty much IS a god by AoS standards anyway, or we could see some development with the other Dwarf gods down the line. Could be interesting either way. Also, with 4 Dwarf Cultures in AoS (And Chaos Dwarves not likely to get a positive visit!) it implies there might be something other than a stop off at each. Oh and in a vaguely related note, the design article on the giants also dropped some hints about currently unknown cultures and design queues we might see down the line!
  23. Oh god a Proper Dwarves v Clan Eshin box would be stacked up in my basket so fast i wouldnt have time to thing about how i could afford that and food this month
  24. One thing i noted on the Vampire lord was the increased neck protection, which was a nice thought given Vampires really only need to worry about decapitation on the average battlefield and a basic breastplate will stop stakes. The underworlds Vampire has some really bizarre armour choices in comparison, leaving off the basics and wearing some of the more annoying and encumbering bits of armour... Weird. At least shes not a pirate
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