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Everything posted by Malakree

  1. So now that the grand clash this weekend is over I'm not so bothered about posting my list. It was about two months of tuning and I expect the new cards will be out before the next one. Won 3 lost 1 round to the guy who finished the Swiss in first after three really close games. The twist is that I'm running kataphranes in the deck. An inspired eagle eye with furious blow 3 relics, army of one and guard is rolling 3 defence dice with reroll on any and if the attack fails you can retaliate on 3 hammers 3 damage rerolling. It can get very vicious. Second in command is there to stop people scoring off your hyper aggressive play and open options for victorious duel even if farstriders is dead. Dauntless/sigmars finest means that an opponent killing 2 fighters actually scores YOU 4 glory and brings army of one online. I think with the leader pack I should be able to fill the last 2 objective slots I've struggled to fill and really make it go. This is all even with the beta rule in place. Honestly farstriders might be the best aggressive warband in the game. I regularly demolish orruks and Magors is a close match where they play defensive.
  2. No, I've been tuning the deck for about a month and run it in 4 different tournaments so far. Probably wait till you have some time to tweak.
  3. I know, I didn't expect much when I decided to try it but actually it's been really solid. It messes with people no end because they go all in on Farstrider then can't actually score leader kills off it. On the other hand losing him early doesn't stop me scoring Victorious duel or Plant the Standard which is so nice, there's a lot of utility in it for how I'm playing them.
  4. I run warning cry for change of tactics, to guard my last fighter and guard a fighter after they charge. Also yeah I actually Want to lose fighters early especially if I can get a second in command down as that stops them scoring things and means I can score victorious duel etc. even if transgender goes down. losing 2 fighters round 1 is potentially scoring me 5 glory ?
  5. You're definitely running a midrange deck where as I'm full aggro. I can't run defensive strike and don't need inspiration strikes for example. Mainly I threw it out there as more of an example of how flexible the farstriders are. Imo they are better agro than ironskullz!
  6. So I'm actually playing a hyper aggressive Farstriders list which can really take the fight to any enemy warband. It also throws a spanner in their plans because they don't expect it. I use Sigmar's Finest and Dauntless to score some super cheeky glory points which compliments very well with the hyper aggression. Throw in an Army of One on your guy left standing and he's running 3 defence dice while inspired. If that dude is Eagle Eye with Furious Blow on him then the opponent has to be careful if they even want to attack him.
  7. Fyreslayers are a flexible warband, you will be balancing both offense and defence depending on the enemy and game state. Orruks are an aggressive warband, they need/want to fight the entire game. Imo the comparison for fyreslayers is actually farstriders with ironskullz being a worse Magors. Unlike ironskullz you are more flexible with who goes nuts compared while they just have gurzag and bone cutter.
  8. To be fair I find that all combat decks, and several others, are all packing the ploys to deal that +1 damage anyway. Plus theres also the self trigger of my turn off shardgale which is gross.
  9. Aye I switched to Farstriders as a better offensive deck slightly after the last two sets were released. That said my Ironskullz ran all of those things and I never regretted Shardgale. One of the best plays is to use it before your activation dealing a damage to everyone then attack then use Tainted Vitality in your activation, it functions very similar to shattering terrain in that way. It's also a solid activator for My Turn. Imo unconditional damage is one of the most important things any aggressive deck can pack.
  10. Just going to point out that I said shardgale and tainted vitality. One of the big problems I've had is that other than gurzag every member of the warband does terrible damage until inspired. Hakka and basha are functionally petitioners until they inspire, if you want to go full aggression they need to be pulling their weight.
  11. In this case, Rules as Written would support that interpretation. The only place on the card that requires you have an unspent glory point is when resolving the effect not when the card is played. For example if he rolls a dodge then the second half doesn't even trigger. Probably not Rules as Intended, I'd suggest you also email the Shadespire email, as it stands however I would see the RaW interpretation as the correct one. Ironically the only mandatory part of playing the card is the "Roll an attack dice" portion, so if he wants to play the card he MUST roll the dice whether you have the glory to steal or not....
  12. I really doubt that's the new warband. All of the fighters have had easily distinguishing features and those lack them.
  13. I mean the gw one. The other option is to send an email to the feedback email. There are two terms which apply here. "Rules as Written" (RaW) and "Rules as Intended" (RaI). What I'm discussing above is RaI since the RaW is so vague. It's why I say to get a ruling before the game or tournament, that way you know what interpretation will be used before it comes up.
  14. So just doing a quick check of and the card itself is completely vague. A basic thought experiment, if you are in one corner with an adjacent enemy fighter on one end of two short end boards and there is another enemy fighter who is in the exact same position on the other end of the board. If it measures the distance to every enemy fighter and you must be further away from each individual fighter then the ploy is unusable no matter how many hexes movement you get, as you physically could not get further away from the fighter in the opposite corner. Given the name of the card and it's artwork (the warden) it implies that it's there as a tool to move the Warden after he gets jumped by an enemy fighter by some method, say hidden paths. Thus the restriction is there to stop it being used aggressively, say shifting the harvester from adjacent to one enemy to adjacent with 4. In that case it wouldn't make sense for a fighter 15 hexes away to stop him from shifting away (escaping) from a fighter next to him. So RAI seems to be that if you start adjacent to any enemy you can't end adjacent to an enemy fighter, if an opponent played it against me that would be my personal reading of it. If you are playing in a friendly local setting I would just explain it to your opponent before the game and get an agreement one way or another. You might want to pack sidestep (if you aren't already) so that you can swap it if you can't. In a tournament setting contact your Tournament Operator and get a ruling before you submit your decklist. Again I'd suggest taking a replacement with you so that in the case of an unfavourable ruling you can just swap it. I'd suggest asking it on the Shadespire facebook, they will often forward it to rules team so that it makes it in the next FAQ and are fairly good at giving an answer, if a bit noncommittal Sorry I couldn't give you a better one.
  15. Ploywise you want things which let you make extra actions or reaction extra damage after attacks. Trap and ready for action are perfect examples. Shardgale is probably the best card in the game for you, combine with tainted vitality to get a free warband wide inspire. Inspiring your fighters makes them way more powerful, demonic weapon and inspiration strikes are both glorious. For upgrades you want survivability and damage. The key damage number is 4 as this lets you one hit almost any fighter in the game. Objective wise you're after a combination of easy to score early, to get the upgrades rolling, and big scores late, to give you the win. Swift advance and conquest exemplify this dichotomy. I don't know what sets you have so want to avoid giving an exact list but those principles will give you a working aggressive ironskullz deck.
  16. First of the posts I link so often it's unreal. Saving it here for easy recall.
  17. I don't think they really paid that much close attention to destruction tbh. It was probably to stop us from taking 4 Spear Chukkas as allies.
  18. I believe @Sangfroid prefers the Spear Chukkas and I know that @Chris Tomlin used to run them. My personal preference for the Rock Lobbers comes from the combination of reduced cost, indirect fire and guaranteed damage. If I had to guess I think the cost is the big swaying factor in their lists at the moment, 2 rock lobbers saves you 40 points. That lets you "upgrade" a unit of 3 GG's to a unit of 5 Brutes while at 3 Spear Chukkas it costs only 40 points to put 4 rock lobbers. I did a bit of math, the spear chukkas are slightly better in terms of killing heroes/monsters, the indirect fire of Rock lobbers means the opponent can't hide key support pieces out of LoS. Since our primary use for Artillery is to snipe out those support pieces anything which reduces his counter play is great for us, while on the other side if you have 20 Brutes you don't really need something to kill monsters for you. When you then factor in the points difference that's where my preference comes from. Honestly it IS a preference though. In the list above if Chris swapped to spear chukkas he's either got to make 60 points (for 3) or spend 60 points (for 2) both of which is super awkward for Ironjawz to do, hence the rock lobbers just fit way more snugly into the list.
  19. Seems like these are just key for us, having no shooting vs the 3/4 rock lobbers just does so much. Would you favour 4 or the allied Fungoid Cave Shaman? Personally I don't mind the Weirdnob, though that's probably because I run the 30 Ardboys block.
  20. I did that for blood and glory, still ended up short 2 GG's. Since then I operate on "what models are completed when I write/submit the list" rather than trying to rush paint. Helps that I've been spending the last 3 months on the Maw-Krusha, my god he's a stunning model but such a huge ******... Really looking into getting the rock lobbers myself, just the lack of threat range is so brutal
  21. For this I would actually look at it from a "lore" perspective to work out how you want to go to it rather than a model equivalency. So basically imagine a bunch of crazed Greenskin shamans building up a giant pile as an effigy of Gorkamorka and then suddenly the thing wakes up, stands up and starts to go on a rampage. That's the Aesthetic you're going for and there is a bunch of flexibility in it I feel. Definitely going to require a bunch of work but get it right and it'll look super cool.
  22. It would be a conversion job rather than a proxy. The bad moon symbol on the top would work wonderfully as the "face" and you have a solid start to the body. You would want to add feet, arms and maybe bulk out the body a bit but it could be a very cool and unique looking Idol. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-170x105mm-Oval-Base That's the base size you would need to put it on in the end.
  23. Looking cool, only thing for me is the Base looks incomplete. Maybe try some grass tufts you can make look frozen or something to just add that bit extra to the large grey patch?
  24. Sorry if it didn't come off like that but I was agreeing with you ? I was trying to add some of my personal experience and opinion to your "to fist or not to fist"(!) Also yes I love the new IJ alleigance. I think the free charge is the huge weakness of it but even then we could maybe use it to try for the mythical 8"+ from the ggs. Do love the battle reps, always useful to see how others are faring!
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