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Everything posted by Barimbino

  1. I'd like to see a rat-ogre sized Tzaangor unit. With two heads having theirs horns twist together. Maybe a Pink horror melded into his chest and a screamer ripping out of his arm. Here's hoping.
  2. Looks like we have out first rumor thread model unveiling. Guess it was a Tzaangor Wizard holding that staff.
  3. Barimbino


    Wow, love the look of these. The etheral look is amazing with the other colors. Great job.
  4. Guessing the AOS box will have the instructions and have the warscroll and rules to run them. Nice that they put the sprues in with the 40k box so if you want them you don't have to wait for the new release.
  5. @Changer Maybe Tzeentch got a hold of the instructions and burned them. I mean who doesn't want a head coming out of a leg socket. Or an arm coming out of a banner?
  6. Exactly, The way the hand is holding the keys makes it seem like it could only be Tzeentch. Almost like it's tempting you to grab the keys, or keeping it just out of reach.
  7. @Changer definitely Tzeentch something.... maybe something to do with the Gaunt Summoners and the Silver Towers that started to pop up at the end of the Realm Gate Wars?
  8. Exactly, please guys, I come to the rumor thread for.... rumors, nothing else. :-)
  9. The gems make me think aelves, but the clawed hand makes me think tzeentch.
  10. What do you think this is? New picture from the warhammer community rumor thread...
  11. Love those witch elf conversions. Great job with the airbrush. I got mine last year for my b-day. Just use it for priming and a basecoating. Need to use it a little more and get comfortable using it for more detailed work.
  12. This looks like an amazing theme, can't wait to see what you do with the rest of your ideas for this army.
  13. Barimbino


    These bases are truly amazing, I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into them.
  14. Barimbino

    Kurnoth Hunter I

    I feel if you ever saw this guy in the woods all you would see his this blue scythe swinging towards you. Amazing work, GJ!
  15. Barimbino

    2nd unit of black knights

    Very, very nice. Love the red/bronze look. Can't really get a good look but those bases look really cool also. How did you do those if you don't mind me asking.
  16. Tzeentch can twist those models into looking as cool as he wants, but with a 5+ save they're just a whole bunch of beastmen cannon fodder. :-)
  17. Is there a price tag on that model yet? Probably around $150?
  18. Barimbino

    Grave Guard

    Very cool, Really love those weapons. Got to get to my GG here soon.
  19. Wow, great work. Now if you don't mind I'm just going to go over here and cry in a corner.
  20. Tzaangors with chainswords? 1:19. Wonder if it will be a double kit for AoS and 40K.
  21. Wow, that comes with paladins too? Guess they must have skipped that when they were putting out the box content list.
  22. For the SE it says Dracoth riders, do we think this is 2 or 4? I would say 4 but without picture I guess we will have to wait.
  23. I would guess this is them testing the waters to see if sets like this would sell, much like the start collecting boxes. If they sell well I wouldn't be surprised to see another release later on in the year.
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