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Everything posted by Kirjava13

  1. Oh for goodness sake Gaz, four posts about a tiny (yet oddly horrifying) beastie with claws hardly merits a mod intervention, chill out.
  2. AoS naming conventions so far tend towards either InventedNoun CompoundNoun (Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron Overlords, Ossiarch Bonereapers) or Nouns of Noun (Blades of Khorne, Cities of Sigmar, Hedonites of Slaanesh). Makes speculating about them very entertaining.
  3. That sounds like something Slaanesh armies would be totally into.
  4. True enough, I got distracted by the odd "Battleline if" conditions we have I suppose.
  5. That was a project already underway when Fantasy's life support machine was still beeping though, so I wouldn't include it.
  6. If GW don't make new Kroxigors based on the Total War designs then they deserve everything bad that's ever happened to them. Those beasties are beautiful.
  7. That's the really maddening thing! There must be some behind-the-scenes wrangling we don't know about, because from the outside it's obvious what FW should be: it should provide larger and specialist hobby pieces which are an optional bolt-on to AoS. Absurdly large monsters, bits for customising your units- things that probably won't move in the volume required to get them into a shop or cast in plastic, but for which there is nevertheless a confirmed hobbyist market. It just... doesn't do this. In fact it hasn't done anything so far, with the exception of those aforementioned Stormcast bits.
  8. Trying to figure out Forge World, at least as far as the fantasy side of things goes, is an exercise in smashing your head against a wall. Worse than having no idea, GW seems to have fifty different ideas about what FW should be doing, and looks to try implementing a different one of those ideas every other week.
  9. After reading and rereading this post I finally got the joke. We'll say it took me so long because I'm sick. Yes, that's what will go with. But when I did get it, oh how I chortled! Your man cave looks like it's bigger than my flat 😐
  10. We can't ally anyone. Only Pestilens have an ally choice, and that's Nurgle, and that's only if you go pure Pestilens and your general is Pestilens. Maybe Nova had a special rule...?
  11. I don't understand the logic of the Warcry expansion. It's the spiritual successor to Mordheim, apparently- a game all about skirmishing. And now, what, a month after release, they're already letting you put a Terrorgheist in your warband? I don't remember the Reiklanders in Mordheim being able to tame a griffin.
  12. From the people who brought you Ferrus Mannus, Lionel Johnson and Angry Ron.
  13. So... Hench Undead Xerxes isn't the thing that was beneath Lake Lethis in Forbidden Power, is he? Apologies if this has already been discussed and I missed it.
  14. As much as the "give 'em Endless Spells, terrain, a new book and maybe a new character and chuck 'em out the door" approach has twisted my nips (and not in a good way), it does seem like a bit of a kick in the teeth for Cities and Orruk players that they don't even get that cursory level of attention.
  15. Those four-armed dudes are like Tyranid Warriors crossed with Man-E-Faces.
  16. Hmmm. Either I plough on with my Skaven, or I switch gears and try and make some progress with my Deepkin. I think I should stick to the rats, or I'll never get anything finished. So, with that in mind: - 20 Clanrats (Horned Rat's blessings upon Contrast) - finish Clawlord - finish Arch Warlock - finish Warlock Bombardier - make a start airbrushing primary colours onto Stormfiends and Verminlord Warpseer - airbrush primary colours onto Gnawholes
  17. If you already have all the unique models (like characters) then getting duplicates won't really help you all that much. If you need more line troops, like Chainrasps or Grimgasts, then it might be worth picking up those specific issues.
  18. Bucky O'Hare goes, and you can choose to believe this or not, where no ordinary rabbit would dare. Now I have to go and revisit all my favourite old cartoons.
  19. I remember that being a show with quite a sinister vibe to it... dammit Overread, now I have to go and search for it on YouTube.
  20. Ah, Dinoriders, aka my happy childhood. "Put this in your Easter basket, Krulos!"
  21. I've unearthed a private GW concept video for the new Death army.
  22. What about if the current phases were to be kept but you alternated activations within them? So we start with the hero phase, I choose a command ability, you cast a spell, I use a trait, you cast another spell, I cast a spell, you use a command ability, and so on.
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