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Everything posted by Soulsmith

  1. I agree, list making was always a bit of a challenge for me, except for when I started using digital list builders, they were fantastic. Keep it up anyway, this is definitely the right place should you need list advice
  2. Thanks a lot! Yeah, he is the forgeworld banner bearer. I bought the pack a few years ago, and tried my hand at the boss but only got his weapon and head completed. Since I've become a more competent painter, and got myself nice new shiny paints instead of a decade old bunch, he awaits stripping. I will probably give him a go after my next planned projects, which are a weirdnob shaman, and a box of brutes. I totally advise buying them though, the details are incredible, really slows down painting time though! Glad I'm on the right track with the green too
  3. Thing is, if they introduce a core tax, what if they make the definition of a core unit way, way broader? Using destruction as an example, what if it included all forms of boar boyz, leadbelchers, Ironjaw brutes and Ardboyz?
  4. Soulsmith the ever-late, here again on a Thursday to bring you the finished main body of my FW orruk banner bearer! The amount of detail on this made it take a staggeringly long time, has to have been about 15 hours. All the parts are so clearly defined, cloth, armour, skin, no simple bits at all!
  5. Hey there guys! Just doing a quick update entry to show off the banner bearer. His main body section is now finished, apart from maybe some touch ups (Like the bright silver on his left foot is too thick!). I've decided that the green colour, whilst not maybe as nice by itself as a yellowey natural green, works better with the dark metallic armour, as it is the primary source of colour. The skull on his pauldron seems a bit washed out unfortunately but the rest seems to have been caught well enough. C&C is always welcome of course I have fluff in the pipelines and would regurgitate some now but I'm rather tired, so soon I will do it Enjoy!
  6. Now that is a very cool idea. I look forward to moving on with fluff anyway and getting something to show here, even if I am slower in painting than most.
  7. I may go for Deff Clawz. Thought Deff Skullz but thats a 40k clan i remember... I like the idea of using the bones of the beast as the clans name though, so maybe Bloody Skull Gitz? I guess I can always name the smaller factions other names. Deft Claws fits with my love of the brute claw.
  8. As a GM for whfrp, I was pretty upset that the setting was gone. Especially since the favouritism for the skaven was so incredibly blatant it ruined the narrative for me. But, in all fairness, the system is intriguing and I look forward to points being added, and I am really excited about making fluff for my greenskins with so much to play with
  9. I'm a day late, but I've begun the detail on him - teef/horn/bone is done, red and silver parts are basecoated. Still need to get the brass/bronze buckles done, then will finish it all up with the edge highlighting in runefang on all the metal. Also it's a rubbish phone picture whilst I'm at my paint station.
  10. Hey there. So on the painting front, I have nearly completely finished the banner bearer's body, and will get on with his weapon and pole so I can get him assembled. Then I'll worry about the banner. But for now I have had lots and lots of fluff for the tribe and where they live and hierarchy whirling around my head with one major flaw; I have no idea what to name the tribe. I therefore also have no idea what there clan symbol would be, and that's holding up painting the banner. So any suggestions are more than welcome, on both accounts! I'm using a predominantly dark scheme, with spot colours in reds and the odd purple. Narratively, they live in a ruined city built by noone really know, that sits between two rivers. These fall from a tabletop mountain that stretches wide in each direction. One is a bright, crisp, blue. the other stinking orangey brown. At the base of the clean water lies a colossal skeleton of a great beast, lying on it's back, having fallen during some titanic struggle from above. It's lower half sits on a small shelf 20 metres or so up from the cliff floor, and the water finishes it's cascade in a series of smaller waterfalls over the bones of the great creature. In, around, and on the ribs, spine, and skull, greenskins have expanded the ruined city to incorporate it, and the upside-down skull is now home to the shaman of the resident ironjaw orcs. That's just a small idea of it. I have a lot I'd like to share and expand the background with each unit I create. But I would like to give them a unifying tribal group. The plan is to incorporate three main forces - Ironjawz, savage orcs, and grots (predominantly Night goblins, used as the cave dwellers, builders, city scum, and general desert grots) with a nice contingent of beasties, mainly river trolls, spiders, and a mawkrusha. I will now hurry up and keep painting so I can give you guys some more cool photos. Sneak peek: up next after the forgeworld banner bearer will be the ironjawz weirdnob!
  11. I think the base looks good, though are the flagstones highlighted? I can't tell if it isn't showing up in the photograph but the black seems very solid if not, they could do with definition from one another. Is it cut from a sheet of flagstones? If so I'd suggest painting the whole thing, and then cutting them out. Will mean you have to do the marbling in one go.
  12. An actual update with much more impressive photographs and painting (I hope!). So I put in another couple of hours and the skin is now finished, including a glazed lip thanks to you guys on the destruction sub-forum. Also finished the leather straps (Have cleaned up the left under-arm strap since posting, that red's a bit too wide), so I will be tackling the armour next. Chainmail is also done, I added some Typhus Corrosion in the spots where it's torn and damaged and his skin is showing through, and then gave it a light drybrush with orange, just to show taking care of it isn't really in his ballpark. I do still need to do the lining of the mail shirt, probably a dark grey. The face will pop a lot more I reckon with the eyes and teef done. I have attempted Mitzy's method of stippling on his right shoulder plate and elbow pad, but I don't think it is working out (maybe not a good plan to use GW stipple brush - too coarse?). So I have another idea, to use Warplock, wash with Agrax and Biel-tan, then edge highlight/scratch with Runefang. That's sort of what I did with the old orc model above, though that is a leadbelcher base which may be why it took so many coats. Comments always welcome, hope you like!
  13. Hey there all. Thought I'd start off by saying that painting time comes and goes so it might be sporadic, but I've decided that the best way to kickstart myself from a dry-spell of painting is to not go back to Nurgle's rank and file and bore myself straight back out of the habit, but instead to paint something really shiny. So, as I intend to hit ironjawz and associated destruction forces hard post-nurgle, here is my first orruk in a while. I bought the FW orc bosses a few years ago now but only did a few parts of the Warboss, and never tackled the banner bearer. As the warboss' painted parts are awaiting stripping, it was an easy choice as to what to go for. I recently purchased a whole load of new paints, as I've been scrimping since forever and have grown tired of reconstituting paints that really just want to retire (You can even see some original flip tops in the photo! ). Also, I find citadel's new range recipe to be so much better for some reason. Unfortunately light has faded for today and I don't like painting under unnatural lighting, so all he has is a base layer of Waaagh Flesh, a wash of green, and then a layer of Warboss Green. The chainmail has also been given a drybrush of warplock, then leadbelcher, and a wash of agrax earthshade. The picture makes it look a lot brighter than it actually is, when it gets a bit more further along I'll break out my friend's fancypants camera and lightbox. Also attached is the last orc I painted about a year ago, making the most of what I had. He's a lovely old mini I re-purposed for an as of yet still in-progress orc mordheim gang. They might be done by the time it's re-released from GW's new specialist team. I felt the sword was a bit too 80s and not brutish enough, so it was replaced by a spare from the blorc set. Really not a fan of the emerald-green looking flesh, but still, I feel like I can do better now so looking forward to cracking on and then diving into some Ironjaw Brutes! Also gotta get these guys based, 32mm or 40mm?
  14. Very interested to see start collecting boxes with two forces, if they have one with 5 orruk brutes I might grab it, depending on who it's paired with.
  15. Soulsmith

    Old model, new spin

    An old model I bought a while back for an orc mordheim crew. Gave it a new spin by removing the old, less savage looking sword and shield for newer plastic parts. Best I could do with a limited, ageing bunch of paints but just splashed on a large stock ready for new ironjawz, watch this space.
  16. Necromunda and Mordheim confirmed from GW is all I needed
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