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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Aren't Shootas units of 20 too? I think the Lumineth archers are units of 10. So twice the bodies for only 10 points, such a deal!!!
  2. I have had troubles with the Legion of Barleykorn. Was wondering about the Thunderbellies run n charge but I guess all the Bloodgullet spell action would benefit Mournfangs just as well. Then the FLoSH can unleash the full potential of the Splatter Cleaver, and take Lifeswarm too.
  3. Someday Draigo will return to the grimdark galaxy recounting tails of fantastic Realms and glorious slayings of daemons and beasts, find Cypher and deliver his sword to the Golden Throne, and the Emperor will finally die and be reborn as Sigmar Exploded-from-inside-in-a-good-way, and the 2 games shall unite!
  4. The Chaos Dwarves did have the Black Orks didn't they? That's got ancient fluff smeared all over it! I also think next 'season' of AoS might be in Chamon. Don't know why, just have a hunch, as it's a relatively unexplored region....and it would give a good reason to unleash the United Duardin army too.
  5. I think in the GHB2021 it says our allies are Gloomspite Gitz (Troggoths). But you know the Kruleboyz came out after that, so maybe they FAQd it? Or will very soon? The Marshcrawla especially for the hit bonus, but I have a feeling they'll change that to only help Orruk Warclans units.
  6. Hmmm, is that the Underworlds guy? I'll have to take a look. Besides the deepstrike, the Gorgers provide tiny Ogor MSU for extra MW via charging (since they reroll charge rolls that helps too).
  7. That's a whole lotta Mournfang action! Alas, the Marshcrawla guy is not Gloomspite, so we can't have it as an ally.
  8. Yeah I have to agree. While I don't appreciate rules bloat and multiple publications to account for all the rules (see 40k's situation) if they're put out by GW and they say legal for Matched Play, it's super lame for any TO to say otherwise.
  9. Chaos is SOOOOO fickle. Except for Legion of the First Prince, they don't give a hoot which daemons they use :D
  10. Ooh yeah, I forgot StDs can ally in any Marked unit! That could help with a variety pack of Marks then. Maybe like a Fatemaster for some Tzeentch guys, etc. Definitely on my army to-collect list; keeping my eyes peeled for some of those old metal chariots too to mix up the models for the different Marks.
  11. I might recommend a couple Doombulls. Not much more than 1 unit of 3 Bullgors, but a better save, better hitting, and they now do D3 MW on the charge on a 2+ I think, plus the rare Blood Greed MW.
  12. Anyone tried a Despoilers army at all in 3.0 yet? I was wondering how good their terrain LOS blocking thing would work vs all the wizardry and shooting lately. I kinda like the idea of a whole bunch of daemon princes, and like 3 or 4 chariots for battleline, plus whatever random interesting units fit. Is there a particular Mark that would benefit such an army over others? I have 1 Khorne Daemon Prince, but 2 more pairs of old metal wings and some weapon arms begging to become more Princes.
  13. Here's my next experiment, Underguts w Gorgers. I mean at least they can score that one Battle Tactic turn 1.
  14. Generally speaking from what I've seen GW DOES make the best models available on injected plastic sprues. But there are soooo many other models for certain units that are made of cast resin or 3D printed resin that beat the ****** out of some of GW's sculpts.
  15. hmmm, do the most recent tomes have compulsory traits n relics for subfactions? I find those to be the most limiting things. If the native warscrolls don't change guess most of my army comps won't change too much. I mean, leadbelchers blast and ironguts bash, and slaughtermasters toss messes all over the place in several ways. It would be great to have more deepstriking or ambushy units that weren't so dependent on being Beastclaw. Just having Gorgers be units of 3 would help that...and with new plastic models. Rat ogres might make good bodies for converting those though. At least they can be units of 2, but 3 would be better.
  16. Some excellent and epic battle reports there! Thanks to you two for posting, with nice pictures (wish my phone camera wasn't busted). I had trouble with Pink Horror spam as well using my Sons. Honestly I think they are OP even for their 200 points. They shouldn't be allowed to split versus MW I think, and I'm hoping they get rid of the rend-1 bonus for any but Flamers/Exalted Flamers in the Eternal Conflagration in the next Tzeentch tome. Those two nerfs, and I think those are fair nerfs, would help balance them out quite a bit. End rant..... But I found a plastic Archaon in a bits box, just the dude himself. So he will be getting my next megagargant kitbash. Actually kind of an upgrade from Dorghar, aside from a slightly less amazing armor save, and MW shield, and all the other junk Archaon normally does.
  17. I'm gonna whine and say the Legion of the First Prince, with Horrors, is broken and OP. Horrors hit by MW shouldn't be able to split, they should just burn up into nothing.
  18. All I know is that axe wouldn't work against megagargants. Not sure if Morathi has protection vs being outright slain like they do; if not she would suffer unreality. Wish Ghorgons could just eat her.
  19. Aw, crud! Thanks for pointing that out. Guess I'll buy a couple Gorgers or a few Yhetees instead then. Just wanted an extra trick in the Ogor bag.
  20. Greetings from a safe distance, Kruleboyz! I have read that there might be 2 Troggoth units in your army and one or both can grant my hungry Ogors +1 to hit somehow with an aura perhaps? Anyone know which units these are? No free warscrolls on the GW site anymore....wasn't wanting to buy a whole tome, but that Mirebrute sure looks pretty awesome, and only $50! Please and thank youz!
  21. The nice thing about Taker vs Stomper is the Mancrusher extra damage won't affect you since you're units of 1, not 10 or 20. I bet you could almost take out a Mancrusher from the Mob with boulders/debris in your first round of shooting, then finish some more off with a multicharge against the same Mob. Then relax and let the dice unfold gently over the next 4 battle rounds.
  22. I think a new Ogors tome will maintain much of their current allegiance abilities but probably alter their subfaction abilities to dish out more MW somehow. Don't think we'll see Ironguts go rend-2, though that would AMAZING. Maybe hits or wounds of 6 for various units will be rend-2 or MW; the latter seems to be a popular trend. Would be a good Command Ability for the Tyrant or Slaughtermaster. And we'll get some unique Battle Tactics for sure. REAAALLY hoping for some appetizing Endless Spells too, just ridiculously oversized ones (gargantuan maw of some sort to devour everything around it, a massive hand with club similar to the Khorne axe but HUGER to hunt things, and mountainous pile of food or something like a mirage to encourage the hungry to speed up for dinner). The coherency for units of 5 or less in the core rules is just dum and should have been 6, since so many units come in 3s and 6s. The little Troggoths come to mind, and of course Gluttons are just trash because of that. But I don't think they'll give an exception in a battletome unfortunately. Also Gnoblars need to be like 80 points for 20. I am keen to see which units in the Kruleboyz are Troggoth and give a +1 to hit bonus to Ogors?! That's exciting news to me....
  23. @PennydudeHello again! Once on the bridge is better than none Such a cool looking spell, and I think it could be useful for my Ogors too, probably my Bullgors as well. After playing against those Horror blobs, the Stomper Mancrusher Mob is much more appealing to me. I mean if an army has 1 of each Mega and the Mob anyways, it almost doesn't matter which Tribe is used, and we could get a 3 drop army too, or a free 6" run.
  24. I was wondering about that Net. Trying to figure out how to model nets on my customized megas (which are Chaos mechanical constructs). Also strongly leaning to making a 4th mega though if my 3 Mancrushers don't sell I'll just keep them and save hobby time. I don't think the Arcane Tome is worth it for the off-chance of a single unbind. Best chance of dealing with something like Blades of Putrifaction is to hurl boulders at the wizard with that spell, usually a puny wizard if I remember my Nurgle correctly. However I just remembered a guy at a recent big 3K event using Stomper Tribe, Arcane Tome, cast the Soulscream Bridge successfully twice at the event, once he launched a Warstomper with a 3D6" charge into someone's face turn 1, and in a different game it was 3 Mancrushers. Game 4 Vs a high table Tzeentch army, 3 mancrushers in a different army wiped out 50 Pink Horrors (and their subsequent splitters) in two turns using Stomper Tribe. Guess that tribe has its perks! When it works, it WORKS.
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