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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I favor magma cannons in the Artillery Train, with 3 or 4 units of 10 Fireglaives for battleline, then with Skullcracker Engines to hammer forth, maybe a Tauruk as general but not absolutely necessary. Castellan and Standard Bearer are pretty decent support dudes.
  2. Dump that puny sorcerer and take the Artillery Train! Then you won't have to have your Daemonsmith nearby to max out their range. Actually you won't need the Balewind either, his Ash Storm is 36". I didn't realize Belakor was 280 points! I hope he comes down a bunch in the new StD tome. Then you could fit in another hero to use your third artefact if you get the second battalion, which is very useful. But I've been hankering to try this type of Azgorh force. In a really big game it would be cool to use all 3 battalions!
  3. I am really gonna have to practice with this army. And get some old metal Tyranid gargoyle wings for my hook-horror daemons of Malal. They will be my Furies. Thanks for the tips!
  4. Furies have intrigued me just because they're Chaos undivided. How would one utilize they're Skaven-like retreat thing? I think the Epitome is a great ally for so many Chaos armies. I just loathe the model, but would love to try and kitbash one. I didn't realize it could so much stuff!
  5. My only problem with Varanguard is......the $100 pricetag. But your army idea sounds pretty darn solid, and somehow realistic.
  6. The conversion opportunities for Slaanesh Soul Grinders is awesome! Are Chaos Knights going to be decent? They weren't bad before, just not great. Thinking about getting some really old ones to match my really old Chaos Warriors. Good battalion for Knights maybe?
  7. Hmmm, yes, I always liked Gutter Runners. Outflank and assassinate with ninja stars is excellent. Spume and Blightkings are solid. I like the Gors for the cheapest battleline, though maybe Marauders are cheaper, I will have to see about them. Can't wait for the new Slaves tome, I think that will aid the Wrenches of Chaos
  8. I have been using Legion of Azgorh because I like to try out armies that few people use, and because I got a really good price on a bunch of the old big-hat Chaos Dwarves and I liked those models! And while I did get trounced the first few goes, they revealed their strengths eventually, and I got 3 major wins/1 minor win/1 major loss at the 2019 Adepticon Champs. I go to tournaments mainly because I can get at least 3 games in a weekend for that, and regular weekly games are tough to come by for me. Winning is always great, and I do try my hardest, but I don't chase the meta, as they often just don't please my aesthetics, or wallet. Now I'm onto the Gloomspite Gitz with Spiderfang. Primary reason I'm onto that now is 1) I read they can be decently competitive, so when learned, they can perform and not make a sad panda sell off stuff, 2) cool models and good deals found on them, 3) I am liking faster armies and more magic now, and mortal wound output in other than the hero phase, and Spiderfang has some of that.....and I really won't need CPs for anything but battleshock immunity.
  9. What's he rumored to be doing in his new rules? I always liked him and what he could do but thought it was a few too many points. I'm definitely getting a psychic cat! I hope those are only like 140-160 points. Ooh, that's a bunch of Fireglaives! They'll certainly be able to prevent Nighthaunts from deepstriking from the Underworld if you position right. Protect the cannons as they'll be your main hope of nuking those pesky support heroes, whithout whom they fold pretty quickly in my experience. Not sure about what Legions of Nagash do besides having a bunch of skeletons who maybe can be resummoned? Nagash is nasty though, I've not beaten him yet. Have you considered getting a pet cat, and bitsbashing a pet Skullcracker?
  10. If I could somehow kitbash it with really old Slaanesh bits, I'd run one. Gotta match my old bighat Chaos Dwarves.
  11. So what I'm gathering is the Nurgle Daemon Prince from StD has a command ability to make a unit cause mortal wounds to an enemy on a save of 6? And that can be done from enemy shooting? If so that's crazy, and I fully expect it to be Erratad, but also fully expect to see it on the table everywhere until such time. Really makes me want to keep using my four magma cannon Azgorh army, no saves from there!
  12. I think the best allied things for Azgorh will be ones that debuff the enemies, like Festus the Leechlord. Just not seeing a great shining future for Azgorh however. I'm wondering if I should even unload my other AoS Forgeworld units for my Gloomspite Gitz. If FW isn't going to support AoS at all in the future then it might be unwise to have any from them.
  13. I have been constructing a few different single drop armies, but haven't made the Spiderfang version yet. It definitely costs a bunch of points, but could be pretty good against some opponents in certain missions. The Spider speed is great for getting on top of objectives early on, especially with the Skitterswarm. I go with 3x10 Spiders so each unit can have an icon and drummer, but many swear by 15 Riders. In my battles with weak Bravery units like we have in Spiderfang, limiting our melee engagements is pretty key. I think if you can limit that, jamming them up with Scuttletide and using Flingers to make enemies strike last in combat, you could do well with the big Stalktribe. Definitely save those command points for anti-battleshock though!
  14. Maybe in GHB2020 they will change up how objectives are controlled, perhaps by wounds, or some sort of added keyword (at least for Monsters?).
  15. How far could a GUO move with the Thermalrider Cloak? That would be a neat conversion, a filthy stained cape, and maybe it could be really really tiny with a tiny freehand flame, or a Nurgling holding a lighter underneath it?
  16. Nice! I look forward eagerly to my first game using the Vanguard. I haven't faced Skryre yet but Pestilens was brutal (though I was using Eshin at that time).
  17. Skaven have some good wizardry, so I think keeping the Incantor is wise. Also keep the Everblaze Comet and position the caster far enough away from any other wizards to prevent unbinding (since you can drop the comet wholly within 36" away). I also might consider dropping the Knight-Venator and Neave for the Vanguard Angelos Conclave battalion. It's a pretty crappy battalion but lowers the number of deployment drops a little bit, also nets you an extra relic for the Lord Aquilor and a Command Point. Then you'll have a few extra points for some more Aetherwings perhaps, which while not super awesome, are SOOOO annoying to enemies with their move during their charge phase, effectively negating their charge in most cases unless they can fly themselves and roll a huge charge range. Can't go wrong with those allied eels. They'll provide hard hitting mobility to make up for no Neave or Venator I think. Good luck! I'm in the process of assembling my Vanguard force. Kitbashing my Knights for the super battalion, because I really just don't want to spend another $90 on them. And I want butterfly wings for mine
  18. This is the perfect opportunity for GW to hop on board block-chain technology. The dice roll could be generated digitally within the AoS app by the Archaon player, then logged via block-chain and transmitted to the presumed-they-have-one giant viewing screen at the appropriate time, and announced over the loud-speaker.
  19. Has anyone run the Nurgle's Menagerie? Is this just a terrible idea? It would require the purchase of a garden's worth of Gnarlmaws too. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing GUO (general, not sure what relic) Gutrot Spume Horticulous Slimux Plague Priest 3x1 Beast of Nurgle 2x3 Nurglings 1x3 Plague Drones 1x5 Blightkings 2x5 Chaos Warriors
  20. Can Goretide Bloodreavers run and charge?! I didn't think Khorne could do that anymore with anything (more of a Slaanesh and Beasts of Chaos vibe now)?
  21. Oh I thought you meant the Blade of Symmetry also gives -3 rend and the extra damage. Though I don't think Skaven would be fond of Hysh, they probably would like stealing things from there. Sash of the 10 Paradises on the Warpseer, or maybe the Aetherquartz Brooch? If they went to the opposite realm, the Warpseer could have the Dimensional Blade for rend -3 and the Deceiver could rock the Sword of Judgement to theoretically do some extra damage to Heroes and Monsters in mortal wounds. He could choose his targets carefully too with his spell to avoid -1 to hit debuffs. Anraheir's Claw from Ghur is pretty good at +2 damage on hits of 6+. Chamon has some interesting ones too, like the rend-3 of a Rune Blade, and the Hydroxskin Cloak.
  22. For the Warpseer I think that would be awesome; the Deceiver is already -3 rend with his stiletto.
  23. Azgorh did well then! Those blasted ghouls and vargulf/gheist? things were all over the place from the edges when I played them. There's a big 2500 point event in April, and I'm toying with the idea of taking an Execution Herd, Artillery Train w 3 Magmas, 2 Skullcrackers, and another 20 Fireglaives to round out the battlelines (with Shartor as General for Renders as Battleline).
  24. Here's what I came up with just now..... Verminlord Deceiver (general, Malicious Conqueror-or whichever the one to augment the +1 to hit chance to 5+, and Chaos Talisman for another ward save) 2 Slaughterpriests Changeling Blue Scribes Horticulous Slimux 3x10 Gors (with shields, battleline) 10 Chaos Warriors (battleline, shields and swords) 2 Jabberslythes Soulsnare Shackles Prismatic Palisade Vermintide Hexgorger Skulls Bleeding Icon Extra Command Point I wonder what Slaanesh could offer in a jam-them-up style army? -1 to hits and Dark Temptation from a Keeper is pretty good and no random roll required. Then it would be all 4 gods participating too, or 5 with the Horned Rat!
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