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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I just used my Warherd vs a strong Soulblight army and took home victory at 36-23! The extra rend makes up for the lack of being able to hit much with Bullgors, and the new Monstrous Action to get more Primordial Call points allowed me to actually summon my Dragon Ogors and a unit of more Bullgors by turn 3. While I fear a severe points increase in the GHB2022, they'll still be better than they were for a long time. Would have liked a new tome with plastic Centigors, Shaggoth, and a god tier Beast named Morghur! None of the new hunter/target stuff was in effect or relevant even in that game, but I do think my Sons of Behemat army will face challenges now. But I don't think people will suddenly only be using Stomper Tribes with 2 Warstompers and Mancrushers to avoid the Gatey and Krakeny extra points.
  2. No each tribe can only take their own tribes' relics or the generic rulebook ones. What should I bring to fight Teclis and bunches of sentinels and wardens tomorrow? Breaker/3 Gateys and 2 Mannie's? Breaker/Kragnos and 2 Gateys w 1 Manny? Or Taker w Gatey and 3 Krakens? All seems about even to me, but I've never fought Lumineth before with anything.
  3. Ah ha, now I see. Woulda been more clear if they gave the Bastiladon a 2+, ignore rend-1 or something.
  4. Yeah, this will make tight close games that much more on the edge. Love that the Bonesplitterz and Gitz are Hunters! The Megagargants being worth extra points beyond just killing monsters is pretty good balancing acts I think. Also amusing is that Fulminators are on the list but the other Dracoths aren't 😛
  5. No such thing as a 1+ save good sir. 1 always fails. Might be totally negating rend values, but that 1 always fails! And with Curse of da Spider God so does a 2
  6. I'm selling off all my FS army now. Too many other projects and not enough money. Here's links to my auctions if anyone needs more dudes: Age of Sigmar Fyreslayers 2 Runesmiters 10 Auric Hearthguard n Berzerkers n bits | eBay Age of Sigmar Fyreslayers 20 Vulkite Berzerkers w shields 10 axes 10 warpicks | eBay
  7. At first I was going to say that the Khorne DP CA isn't that OP....but I just reread it and hmmm, that's pretty darn amazing! Gotta get my 2 Fomoroid Crushers and Soulgrinder built, then I can give him some game time. I expect it to be nerfed at some point, but the way Chaos tomes are going it won't be for quite a while. Betting the next one will be a Skaven update.
  8. Aw crud. Well most horde units have less than fantastic armor anyways I suppose. Gotta get a good Curse in there with them.
  9. But my Megagargants can just walk over your boats.
  10. Maybe Khorne will be getting a universal 'fight when they die' rule? That would be pretty awesome, as a unit could potentially fight 3 times in a turn then....and generate Blood Tithe....and then be summoned back. Ugh, just a shame as Khorne used to be the big bad of Chaos!
  11. It's so tempting to charge things, ever since my 40k days of Khorne daemons. Important to remember Bonesplitterz enjoy taunting before they get to collect the magic marrow.
  12. I was thinking about Gyrocopters today, and a pair of them with the Runelord's Forgefire prayer on them for rend-2....that could get pretty good actually vs any units of 10 or more models. The Copters' speed could easily put them both in range of a whole enemy unit turn 2, or bottom of 1 if the enemy moves carelessly. Of course not as many armies have super big units anymore, but units of 10 are prevalent, and plenty take in 20s. Except Sons of Behemat, but they could still zip over their heads and drop bombs probably. In Tempests Eye near a Hawkeyed General (like a Phoenix perhaps) and All Out Attack, ooh yeah !
  13. Well I only have 1 unit of 3 DOs with crushers for now, but WOW I love the sound of a pure Thunderscorn list! Display board could be a mountainous pass filled with LED lightning.....if only I hadn't picked such crappy stocks 😛 But next week I fight my buddy's Soulblight again, but this time I'll bust out my old Warherd since their axes are now sharper than ever. And I'm tossing in my old kitbashed Skullcracker Engines from Azgorh, which are now just super cool looking Chaos Chariots, but at least they can intercept things and do MW on the charge. Kinda like the Warherd right? Going Frayless this round (spawn aren't painted or based yet)...
  14. Have you checked your local library? Sometimes they have 3D printers and can print stuff for reasonably cheap. Or you might be able to find someone on Thingiverse to print them for you and mail them, or shoot me a message and I can get them for $1 per body from a guy I know, then just First Class Mail on top I'm all signed up for a 5game event this July in central Illinois called Midwest Meltdown (in case anyone else might want to do that event), and I'm strongly considering bringing the Dwarf City. But I'm a bit on the fence about which City and build. Half of me wants to try to actually compete with this Airforce build (making my gyrocopter drakes currently), but of course the other half would love to bring all actual Dwarves. I bet nobody would have a pure Dispossessed army! In that case I'd go Living City to compensate for the 4" movement.
  15. Pure dwarfy goodness. Just need my first 10 Hammerers!
  16. You definitely CAN get plenty of 2nd rank 32mm bases engaged within 1" by staggering. Just gotta really measure carefully, which is where little plastic distance templates come in handy. However when you start bending the ranks around other large bases that's where the 1" range puts coherency in grave jeopardy so you will get less into combat. 25mm based Duardin can all string out in a straight single rank and maintain coherency because of their puny base size. That's why my dwarves live in the city in smaller apartments, so they can get all of their attacks in at their neighbors upstairs who make WAAAAY too much noise for no reason. Oh and the dimensions are blurry on the 2nd pic, that's 25mm away from the Mawkrusha base for the outer rank, and a bit over 22mm between the first rank bases, BUT like 35mm or so between the outer rank models, and you can see that the outer rank on the left is not in coherency with 2 models, thus would be able to attack but would be gone at the end of the turn regardless. In the third picture though if you get the inner rank 5mm or so from each other then you can get the outer rank 25mm from the big enemy in the center and less than 25mm from each other. (1 inch is 25.4mm for reference in case you weren't aware).
  17. Looks like maybe a Magmadroth list would be similar to a Stonehorn/Thundertusk list for Ogors, 2-3 Hero mounted and 3 Troops versions. Fyre vs Ice, who will win?!?!
  18. Will any Fyreslayers be of value as allies to my Dispossessed as we've seen thus far? I'm thinking probably not aside from a tunneling Runesmiter/HGBs, if that's even still a thing. I frankly don't want to buy the new tome, but I'd keep some models if they could do some interesting things without the tome.
  19. Nagash was setting up a suprise birthday party for Katakros, just as Archaon's Sons of Chaosmat showed up to ruin the fun...... 1x30 Morteks and 1x10 Morteks, 5 Deathriders, a Liege Kavalos as General, and actually not sure anything else; subfaction was Petrifex Elite. I used Breaker Tribe (shiny uns), 2 Gateys (amulet and portcullis), 1 Mancrusher and Mecha-Kragnos (an artifical Kragnos designed and constructed by the Chaos Dwarves). Mission: First Blood. I went first and Ferocious Advanced up the center and my left objectives, scored 6 points. He answered by charging the Death Riders into my Mancrusher on the left front and also got into Mecha-Kragnos with a couple, and he moved up the block of 30 Morteks towards the center but could not capture it, and the 10 Morteks moved to my right to not quite get the other objective. OBR failed the battle tactic for Deathriders charging because Mancrusher and and Mecha-Kragnos killed them off, and Mancrusher survived with 1 wound left! Turn 2 OBR got Priority, and zapped the Mancrusher dead with the fancy terrain for an easy Bring It Down, who went TIMBERRR and did MW to Mecha-Kragnos and the Gatebreaker, then Nagash did a bunch of spells and stuff including like 5 or 6? Arcane Bolts. 30 Morteks charged into the center to intercept the non-general Gatebreaker, Nagash was on the center objective but I think failed the charge roll so he couldn't attack my general. 10 Morteks had gotten the far right objective, so scored max points that turn as my Mancrusher was no longer on the left objective. -Gargants answered with Conquer and general Gatey went to the right objective to easily swat away the 10 Morteks. Mecha-Kragnos went around the middle block and charged into Nagash and did 24 mortal wounds! Then he attacked and as soon as the first damage point went through Nagash teleported away like the chicken-bone that he is to the left objective and had perhaps 10 or so wounds remaining? He can heal too. Center block of Morteks were super tanky and didn't suffer too much from the Gatebreaker but were steadily being whittled down. 5 more points for the gargants. Turn 3 Gargants got Priority (and OBR burned the center objective) and chose Wreckin Crew, so the general Gatey went for the fancy skeleton temple and whiffed on the Monstrous Rampage but luckily Gatebreakers can do that at the end of combat phase naturally and SMASH, rubble and 2 points. Mecha-Kragnos meanwhile encircled around the center melee and rolled a 17" charge! But because of the terrain in the way was like an inch shy of fitting into the pocket to reach Nagash and so did a few MW to the Liege Kavalos and the Mortek blob, then killed Kavaolos and more Morteks who were down to only like 10ish models maybe. -Nagash then loaded his clip of Arcane Bolts, and went into Mecha-Kragnos, who ignored only 1 Arcane Bolt and ended up getting slain by the Death God, EPIC COMBAT. More Morteks fell, Gatebreaker was more bracketed. Turn 4-Nagash gets Priority, goes into slay the center Gatey, gets TIMBERRd and wounded and immediately teleports to the right objective, and still controls the left one thus scores max points along with some battle tactic (I think Monstrous Takeover?) AMAZING turn of event.s Game is super close here. Morteks floating in the center and high tail it to the left objective. -General Gatey still at full health goes for Nagash and CRAM! beats down the skele-Pope for Bring It Down and 1 objective point. Chucked a boulder and killed some Morteks but after they had added some models could not erase them all nor could he reach them. Game over and the Sons win 20-17 IIRC. One of the most exciting games I've played in a while! Mecha-Kragnos earned back my respect with his new warscroll, the 3D6" charge and ward save and model count on objectives really make a nice value for the points. Not sure the Sons really need him, but the extra charge distance is pretty darn good.
  20. I guess we could think of Kragnos as like a Rogue Idol plus 2x4 Big Stabbas almost. How do they compare? Pretty close in terms of aggregate killiness, BUT Kragnos (while half the wound count), has the Mightiest Makes Rightiest, so out weighs them all in objective control, and with his excellent armor save and potential spell ignoring, can probably outlast all of them too, AND he makes all the Bonesplitterz wholly within 12" of him roll 3D6 charges. Add the icing of the big charge MW trick, and I think he becomes worth it at that point. I'm certainly trying him next game I do with the greenskinz.
  21. Ah, that's some good list theory! Alas, I have only a single Mancrusher for now. Really shoulda kept the 6 I made in the past 😛 I'll go Breaker for a change, give Kragnos a whirl again. He disappointed me greatly at a 5game 3K event but maybe his magical shield will do something, or prevent doings. Report coming in a couple days.....
  22. Ahoy! I have a game vs Lumineth this Thursday and am trying to decide which list to use. The guy is bringing Teclis, lord regent, 30 sentinel archers, 3x10 spear wardens. Adepticon practice (big fancy tournament). I have used my Taker Tribe a few times with mixed results (Kraken general/sandals/intimidating, Gatey w Amulet of Destiny, Kraken w Manticore Venom, another Kraken....2 Bosses of the Stomp). Vs an army with 60 infantry, I'm kinda liking the 30 model count for objectives. But there's alot to love about Gatebreakers, so what about Breaker Tribe-loathing to hit wizards better cuz aren't all those Lumineth units wizards? (Gatey general/5 extra wounds trait/amulet of destiny, Gatey w Portcullis, 1 Mancrusher, Kragnos). Is this just stupid? Kinda figured the 3D6" charge could come in handy, Kragnos might be able to shrug off all that Teclis can throw at him, or at least half I've never faced Lumineth at all, and guess it's a matter of surviving the first round and then not failing charges and not failing in melee. Between the archers and Teclis I think they can easily drop a mega per turn. What say ye?!?! I really would love to spank these fancy pants aelves, as I always lost to Eldar back in the days of 40k.
  23. Very interesting indeed. Time to paint up my Kragnos disguise for my 4 legged megagargant then. Bonesplitterz will BELIEVE it's Kragnos, and thus it will become Kragnos.
  24. Most folks I know use the occasional 3rd party bits/models/bases, including 3D printed stuff, in conjunction with GW models (which may or may not have been purchased 2nd hand.) I agree that 3D printing won't bankrupt GW but it definitely takes away something from their potential profits. But probably only another yacht for the CEO or similarly negligible effect. HOWEVER sometimes CEOs take drastic measures when they don't get that second yacht!
  25. Whoa, AWESOME! I don't the have tome yet. Nor do I have the Soul Grinders and Chariots, but everything else I do.
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