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Everything posted by Painbringer

  1. I haven't posted anything since June, so it's time for something new. I have started working today on Be'lakor, the Dark Master. It's coming along nicely and it's far from finished, but I wanted to share some pictures of current progress:
  2. Since I have been painting Stormcast Eternals lately, I have realized that I haven’t posted these pictures - it’s one of the Farstriders models for WHU I painted a while ago:
  3. I managed to finish my C'Tan Shard of the Void Dragon (I just need to paint few little Scarabs on the base): Also, I did some work on Knight-Vexillor:
  4. And the second unit of Annihilators is done! Knight-vexillor is next.
  5. And today I have finished the second unit of Annihilators:
  6. I am close to finishing my second unit of Annihilators and I have also started painting Knight-Vexillor. My aim is to have them both finished by the end of the June. If there's some time left, I will also finish my C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon.
  7. Recently I decided to make a small Stormcast Eternals force. Since I really like Annihilators, those were the first models that I painted - here's the first unit:
  8. I also like this a lot - these are some fantastic changes, especially the last one!
  9. I got a unit of Annihilators, to play them as allies with my Sylvaneth and IDK (especially here ). I painted the whole unit today and there's not much work left: just the weapons and bases. Here they are: Actually, I enjoyed painting these dudes so much, that I started thinking about creating a small Paladin army, but I'll set that idea aside for now.
  10. I was a bit disappointed after today's show. I play Chaos Space Marines and Sylvaneth - so I was very interested in seeing what GW has planned for WH Fest. The CSM reveals were great (I am not interested in Cultists and Mutants, but the Possessed are very good and I'll probably buy two Daemon Princes when they become available), but what I saw today simply felt... underwhelming. Skaven players getting only one miniature, while a lot of their range needs updating... No comment. Sylvaneth do get new models - that's fine, but I really hoped for a bit more "inspired design". They already explored this concept - mounting Revenants on insects or giving them wings really don't seem that much interesting to me. Lady of Vines is cool character, but the model, again, doesn't go anywhere with the concept. We already knew that new GHB book will come out (they do every year), so why waste time on that? Announcing new faction is also strange - to me, it looked like they really don't have anything to show, so they announced something they are working on and that will see the light of the day who knows when. Two new characters are cool and there should definitely be more models based on protagonists from the BL books, but all in all - I felt like they really did not have a lot of things to show. I mean, it turns out that the biggest reveal for AoS is the leaked S2D Battletome - that won't be out until winter. Not to mention that GW published the battletome roadmap and I hoped that the show will address that as well - but nothing happened. To sum it up: hey, we can't spend an hour talking about three new Sylvaneth minis, so let's talk about the thing that we work on but that no one can see yet and oh - here's a new model for Skaven players! Oh, and don't get me started on reused cover art! This is something that felt pretty lame (especially after creating new art for IDK, but leaving Fyreslayers with the same cover).
  11. I play Chaos Space marines and Sylvaneth. Recently, I bought Be'lakor and Chaos Knights (so I can play Disciples of Be'lakor). However, after seeing today's preview, I start to think that it won't be so bad if Sylvaneth get only the Battletome And suddenly, I am wondering if it is possible to field an army made only of Daemon Princes...
  12. For me, the wording is clear: monster from your starting army is a very precise term. If you did not have any monsters before the game started/after the setup - you simply have no monsters from your starting army. It does not matter if one of your units becomes a monster later - the requirement is clear (at least to me). If there is anything that can happen before the first battle round that can satisfy this condition (for example, an ability or artifact that would turn your hero to a monster, then yes - you would have a monster from your starting army. Otherwise, you don't have one, regardless what happens later. I am not saying that what you described does not make sense - it does and I believe that a lot of people probably play that way. In games I played, there was a similar situation with Monstrous Takeover battle tactic, that uses the same wording (monster from your starting army). In a group that I play with, the general consensus was you cannot use Metamorphosis for scoring that tactic, for the reasons I listed above (however, you could still deny it to your opponent). Maybe both readings are plausible until there's an official statement confirming this, as you say.
  13. No, you can’t. This model was not a monster at the moment it was added to your army. It became a monster later (after the keyword was added) and became able to do things like Rampages, but it does not count as a scoring unit in this case. A model from your starting army that becomes a monster later and a monster from your starting army are not the same things. As the rules state: “A player's starting army is made up of the units in the army that were set up before the first battle round” - this model did not have a MONSTER keyword at that time, so it cannot fulfill this requirement.
  14. I've started collecting Disciples of Tzeentch last summer. Up to that point, I have played them only in Warcry, but then I decided to collect the full army as well, because I really like the look of the miniatures (especially Tzaangors and Lord of Change/Kairos). I've yet to play my first proper game, but I have bought and assembled most of the stuff I wanted by now and I also started painting my models. Here's my Lord of Change:
  15. Personally, I am waiting for the Kurnoth Hunter hero. I really think that something like that is missing (our only melee focused heroes are Spirit of Durthu and Arch-Revenant, with nothing in between).
  16. Oh, and I must not forget this company: https://creaturecaster.com/eu/ They have some absolutely fantastic sculpts, and their demons are truly magnificent and can be easily used instead of GW models (however, they are expensive):
  17. This guy has some very good proxies for Stormcast and Naighthaunt (but some other armies as well): https://www.patreon.com/ghamak
  18. Yeah, I also think this is one of the new CSM models - either new Possessed or those mutants that were mentioned (and I play CSM so I am really interested in how those models are going to look like). However, I am really looking forward to the new Sylvaneth stuff (they are my main army, anyway) - but I would be pleasantly surprised if there's something for Beasts of Chaos as well.
  19. I already painted the model I have planned for April, so I decided to start working on my last unpainted Necron model as well - here's my Illuminor Szeras: This colour scheme (which is used on every model on my Necron army) is actually very simple and can be done quickly - what you see in these pictures has been completed in less than 3 hours (excluding priming). Besides the base, there are a few more details to paint, including the poor guy being impaled by Illuminor's leg - and that's it!
  20. And - done! Warsong Revenant is now fully painted!
  21. Warsong Revenant is almost finished (there's a few details that need to be painted + base):
  22. Shortly after I finished the Lord of Change, I continued working on my Warsong Revenant. This model also sat on my shelf, partially painted, since January (for the same reasons that I listed in the post above).
  23. So, the Lord of Change is finally finished! This one took a while to paint - I was working on this model on and off during the last six months due to several factors (work, family and some health issues). I really wanted to put in some extra effort, because this model, together with Kairos Fateweaver, is going to be the centerpiece of my Disciples of Tzeentch army. I also wanted to keep my focus and did not start working on anything else before this one was finished, which made the situation a bit frustrating. It was a huge relief when it was finally done, but in the same time, I am very happy with the result.
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