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Everything posted by TheOtherJosh

  1. Progress is moving along on Magore’s Fiends. They’ve been joined by a Bloodsecrator (with a now pinned icon as it decided to cause issues ) and a Khorgorath.
  2. I suppose ... that if you are aiming for a specific set of models, and those models aren’t in the Start Collecting boxes that would be the case. The Start Collecting Daemons of Tzeentch has a number of units that are considered “sub-optimal” in a tournament list. SC:Daemons of Khorne is in a similar state with sub-optimal units purely from a tournament perspective. While the boxes have a great value. They aren’t win at all cost “tournament optimized”. I’m a fan of the Daemons of Tzeentch box because it literally comes with almost all of the available units from the line. It lacks a full unit of blues or Brimstones, the Changling and doesn’t have an LoC... but pretty much everything else from the line can be built from the kit. (Including a kit-bashed Blue Scribes)
  3. Discussing what the limitations of the game is part of that initial “let’s have a game” negotiation. For starting players, (and those of us who are more inclined to the painting aspect) a collection is part of ‘collect what looks cool, and what you enjoy’. (That’s very applicable to the Legends side of things. Because at the end of the day, you’ve got some awesome looking display pieces to show off.) A starting player with just a starter box or one of the mini-Warband boxes or the AoS starter set would let folks know that this is what they have. It wouldn’t be out of the question to base the game on what the player with the smallest set of available options has available, especially if they are the newest player. (I personally would encourage it.) And in a good community, folks will work within the limitations of what someone has. Our objective as AoS players should be to encourage a good community.
  4. Path to Glory is narrative and doesn’t use points for balance. One handles Balance via other methods. For example: Bring an agreed upon number of warscrolls. (Should we allow Duplicates on Named heroes?) No more than X number of warscrolls with War Machine, Hero, or Monster. Define a number of wounds for the army. As an example: Let’s play 75 wounds no more than 6 warscrolls, no duplicates for ‘Named Characters’. Max of 3 Hero’s. No Monsters and only 1 war machine.
  5. Magore’s Fiends assembled and Primed for painting ... what color scheme? Traditional ... or something different? Decisions ... decisions ... Nothing like taking advantage of the fact that the models are press fit and don’t have to be entirely glued, allow them to be taken apart to get access to hidden and hard to paint areas!
  6. For using these in play in casual games, I recall that prior to the GHB 2016 there were a number of gamer created “points” equivalents in use. I recall the use of “wounds” and a variety of points systems that were in use based on calculations based on unit stats. Or Bring X number of warscrolls. While certainly not perfect it’s a valid method to do rough estimates. Technically ... for legacy 8e armies against legacy 8e armies one might be able to do points entirely based on the points from 8e. And still get to benefit from the streamlined play rules in AoS.
  7. Slightly delayed... but starting work on building the Magore’s Fiends Shadespire Warband was on my table for Wednesday
  8. Fyreslayer Doomseeker painted in a traditional color scheme using the method from the @Mengel Miniatures article on the Warhammer Community website “Fyreslayers the easy way.”
  9. @Ben The Flesh-hound of Khorne from the Shadespire Set (Magore's Fiends) comes with a 50mm base. I'm voting that we update the 60x35mm to a 50mm round. The recommended 60x35 is (likely) based (ha!) on a 'one up size oval' from the Cavalry bases.
  10. Silver Tower is on my table! Working on the Doomseeker for my painting pledge for April.
  11. Nice! Glowing orange eyes wouldn’t be amiss in these ... kind of a burning from the inside. (Especially given the coal colored skin.) Perhaps a little contrast on the beards. Similar to what you’ve done on the plumes on the helms.
  12. @Reggi please don’t post pre-release images. @Gaz Taylor tends to get grumpy when people do that ...
  13. Interesting, it’s an embedded link that works great on mobile ... and fails completely on MS Edge. It’s the exact same end location. I blame the Deepkin for stealing the soul of the document away from non-mobile browsers. Thanks for killing off those vile scum and returning a direct path to the heart of the matter! I’ll have to be more cautious in the future.
  14. There are some overlaps, but there are also differences. You’re looking at two units with similar (and yet different) rules that still have options. It bears repeating that unconstructive criticism doesn’t really help. I feel that it gives an alternate way to play Khorne mortal forces, with access to cleave and they’re not quite as fragile. With a more resilient stat line it means that they are a familiar jump from the Reavers from a core Cards perspective. And if you don’t like the core cards ... there are a couple of other alternatives available in the generic options. (And if it really isn’t your play style there are six non-Khorne forces available to choose from.) They have 4 units, rather than 5... which means they’re on par for rolloff with Orrucks, and beat everyone else other than Stormcast. And better opportunity for board setup control. The Cards have reasonable objectives and it will be interesting to see what Riptooth the Fleshhound brings to the table. At the end of the day, there are multiple variables in the equation. Off the cuff anger posts don’t help out the community.
  15. Yeah ... the full stop is important. But it looks like reactions rules on p.24 are the controlling rule for the issue. The Last Chance card is an Attack reaction that is played “during the attack” that interrupts the attack and modifies the success condition. If it was an “after the attack” then the success condition would be able to be met. Either way, consistency is good!
  16. What do you call an attack that successfully connects and the opponent fails the save .... but does no damage? Its like Kylo Ren shooting Luke Skywalker with the entire group of AT-ATs ... and doing no damage ... I believe that was not a successful attack ...
  17. You’re in luck! We’ve just started the Monthly Painting Contract thread for April 2018! Come join us as we pledge to get stuff painted (and built)!
  18. Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh, painted in the color scheme for “Lord Redomir” from the “Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal” boxed set
  19. No, he’s the Prince of Darkness. He has been that since 1979.
  20. The fleet master is looking good ... What would you not attach if you had to do this again? The jawbone looks ... challenging and the hair swoosh covering the chest armor...
  21. If you take a close look at the 'lava' base ... that looks entirely like skull faces in the lava...the bases definitely have potential but you're right, they have fewer skulls on them than the Blood Reavers. You'll have to drop over to the Monthly Painting Contract to show us the cool stuff after they're released.
  22. Purely from a model perspective, I’m ... disappointed in the lack of dynamic poses in comparison to earlier bands; Garrek’s Reavers, The Sepulchural Guard and Spiteclaws Swarm all come to mind as more dynamic from a posing perspective. They don’t feel substantially more special than the “Quick Build” Blood Warrior kit. (Other than the additional flesh hound.) No fancy special special “Goreglaive” weapon... the leader has a slightly different hole in his gut ... They look like solid sculpts. I’ll definitely want them. But they’re not “zomg awesome sculpts”. (Though I’m all about plastic flesh hound. Not a fan of the finecast versions.)
  23. So .... you told me not to tell you ... So, if’ll excuse me .. my friend over here has some questions about AoS... *turns away to talk to someone just out of your line of view* .... what do you think of the new kit? Yeah ... it’s a sweet multi-part plastic model. The detail on this new one is awesome. Much better than that model planes and ships you were working on last week. What? Oh, yeah you can use the same glue you use on those.... but, yeah ... not everything needs glue. What doesn’t need glue? Shadespire, some of the easy fit smaller models... some of the new AoS starter kits.... yeah, the red and gold plastic one ... What is that guy? Oh, that’s a resin model, you’d want to use super-glue for those.... Yeah, you’re right about that ... the detail is pretty crazy on these. I’d definitely recommend a pair of small clippers ... or maybe an xacto knife in a total pinch ... yeah, i ...I don’t really recommended clipping them off sprue with an xacto ... but doable in a pinch. How much? You can use a really cheap pair of clippers ... something like a pair of flush micro clippers ... no, probably no more than $12 usd or so ... okay no more than about £9... Yeah. The same ones you used to do the fine wire clipping should be fine ... lemme know if you’ve got anymore questions ... *turns back* Sorry about that, did you have any questions I could help you with? (yeah ... they’re multi-part kits ... Sorry to disappoint you ...)
  24. Gaunt Summoner Of Tzeentch from the Silver Tower
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