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Everything posted by michu

  1. Thanks for feedback. TBH I gave giant rats similar unit size as squig herd, because I thought they fill similar role, but you're right, they're weaker.
  2. I've decided to create Skaven minion rules for AoS Solo campaign. Boss behaviour table is mostly a reskinned Gloomspite Gitz one. Warning - not playtested! I've changed D6 (as published in WD) to D3 in boss chart as it was definitely a mistake. AoS-Solo-Skaven2.0.pdf
  3. @Grim Beasties Thanquol will be envious. "Oh, you found yourself a new enemy-nemesis, yes-yes? Well, it's not like I care-care!"
  4. I think it's rather a reference to biblical golden calf.
  5. @Emmetation announced on discord that we're going to have new holiday adventure soon with new archetype - Brewmaster!
  6. Well, one of the first warbands is a Lumineth one. Restraining order probably.
  7. At least we will finally have plastic vampire lord/lady.
  8. Vampires, Bonesplitters(?), OBR and Idoneth.
  9. Hey, that lizard-thing stole our brass orb!
  10. No. Point values changed but not unit sizes (at least not much).
  11. Interaction with garrisons is weird. We can topple scenery and nothing dies?
  12. I believe that's the part of the joke.
  13. Chamonite Nurgle Duardin. Someone will definitely make that army.
  14. @PraetorDragoon sometimes when I read that kind of "rumours" I think "O tempora, o mores!".
  15. Shadowstalkers are Morathi's faction, that's true. But in that article there was really word "Umbraneth" before correction.
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