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Everything posted by michu

  1. "But what's that? It's the Dwarfs with the gromril chair!"
  2. Honestly, so far I haven't seen anything that would make want to cast ES
  3. Nope. I would take old Prosecutors over this thing any day. But that goes for all Thunderstrike.
  4. Don't know about the Nids campaign, but the Necrons one introduced a civil war between loyalists of Szarekh and the Sautekh Dynasty of Imotekh the Stormlord.
  5. Why wouldn't it be canon? They might never get minis, but that doesn't make them non-canon.
  6. They made a mistake in the article. Chambray of Couronne is a Duchess, not a Duke.
  7. Sorry Gaz, this will be the last thing about the coherency topic from me here. I never said that I want for AoS to become r&f game. My response was only to show that you don't have to memorise that table to play KoW.
  8. What is there to memorise? This chart is only important when assembling and putting your minis on trays or multibasing. During the game you can tell what the unit is by looking at it. Their footprints are different enough to make it impossible to mistake them for one another.
  9. Is the photo broken? I see only a black rectangle
  10. I don't remember the name of the adventure, but it's in the "Refuges of the Realms" pdf
  11. Literally, the old adventure said that you can save only the people not the place. So this is not a "GW destroys another CoS", it's a continuation of the previously established situation.
  12. This adventure is a continuation of an old one that tasked you with defending that village.
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/09/old-world-almanack-designers-notes-on-the-faq-and-errata/ New FAQ!
  14. Not everything needs "AoSification". Especially not them.
  15. You underestimate how many GSC kits people buy for kitbashes and Necromunda.
  16. That would make them the first non-mercenary unit available to multiple GAs
  17. Me. I'm choosing Castigators. I'm always picking oldcasts over thunderstrike
  18. Vampire Counts are safer. TOW would get their old kits (and I hope so, I prefer 8th ed skellies).
  19. The sprue suggests a single character
  20. No, Destruction is not about "bringing the civilisation and whole reality to a primordial sludge". Destruction is about "destroy the castle, let them rebuild, repeat".
  21. This can be reversed. We don't know if the TOW stock was the same as AoS one, it wouldn't sell out anyway.
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