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Everything posted by VBS

  1. Maybe it is Sigvald himself. In the Malign Portents book, there is a "Magnificent Mirror" in which is trapped the vainest soul ever to have existed. This could be it.
  2. Heard this rumour it will be called: "Making it Big On Azyr-Street: How To Be A Stock Broker In The Age Of Sigmar". I'd buy it.
  3. Pure guessing, but based on the armies tht have been released that combine with older models (ie. DoK), it's quite safe to say that plastic kits from 7th ed onwards will most likely not be removed (soon), or updated at worst. They often follow the "dual plastic kit" idea which seems to quite common, so in terms of business design it fits what AoS is doing (unlike metal/finecast or the early plastic kits). Also, even if fragmented factions, these kits are having regular rule updates in the GH. Can see some of the factions combining with new light/shadow elves or maybe just keep them as side factions to support sales. But a direct squat in a short/medium term would be very surprising. And if they do, nothing like using newer rules for older models (example: HE archers as Glade Guard or SilverHelms as Dragon Princes. It's that simple, really).
  4. Incredible! As always, probably the best minis thread on the forum
  5. This is a very valid argument but it does miss a crucial point: the whole wargaming experience involves usually more than one person. It's great I can play older editions as my minis and books allow me to do so, but I need someone else who shares a similar gaming view to keep up with the old gaming traditions. For AoS, the increasing snowball effect that started with GHB and exponentially grew with v2.0 means it's just not possible to stick to the "old" for many of us. Gotta throw in my own tale of woe, but around here, it's all about 2k games following "what the official books tell us to do". The creativity, not-so-serious attitude, smaller games that made AoS attractive to me evapored, and probably won't come back, which makes me a sad panda. I don't need AoS to become a new-age WFB as it already exists (and gotta admit, the thought is extremely ironic considering the brief history of AoS ). On the contrary other dead/not-supported games are still going strong (like wfb 6th) which allows me to continue enjoying the game the way I like it, but only because there are quite a few like-minded people around. For AoS, unfortunately not the case.
  6. Tbh, most of the "rumours" are not even rumours, but confimed info given to us by GW (new UW warbands, Night Goblins, Slaanesh, etc...). So more like news. Except for those Tuesday pics (which are often 40k, BB, etc.), I can't think of any legit rumour that can create a discussion. Plus we are not allowed to post pics/links to non-official/released stuff. So might as well close the topic if only rumours can be posted PS: I'm fine with the current direction of the thread. Can't think of any rumour-only to post about, sorry for off topic
  7. Paused the video just when it flips the box (gotta be fast!), and this shows the content. As expected it works for both 40k and AoS, it has books for both (+ background, so 3 in total).
  8. The thread has been a bit quite for a while, so here's to bringing back the GRIMDARK to AoS. Well, I hope the following mini us /28 enough, kind of grim sculpt though the painting is a bit "light". Mini/fluff is part of my own narrative (thread can be found somehwere is this section of the forum): Beyond the mountain range that sets the frontier of the Free Principality, in the forbidden areas known as the Savage Lands of Ravage and Ruination, wild Greenskins, malefic Tree-Spirits or lackeys of the Azyr-Tyrant roam freely. Often launching incursions against the Principality, only the imposing Iohsefov Bastion and its brave defenders stands in the way of pillage, ruin and destruction against the peaceful farmers of the Grass Plains. But among these ill-intentioned invaders, some have more interests than plundering and murder. Indeed, the northern barbarian hordes that wander the mountains boardering with the Principality, known as the Descendants of Bones and Bark, have established a certain contact with a sector of the Principality. As one might suspect, the official rule forbids such contacts but the ever opportunistic and avaricious Elves of the Order of Censors sensed favorable circumstances. Details of possible deals or alliances are but rumours, yet several citizens claim to have sighted a grim figure reeking the foulest of rot around the Decaying Pit and the Temple of Tolerance. This sinister figure is no other than The Vessel of Rot, a powerful chaman that leads the Descendants of Bones and Bark. Riding a steed as sickly and bilious as his own wretched self, The Vessel schemes in the darkest corners of the Principality, corrupting the land in his path, rending it infertile and barely more than muddy wasteland. Some even say that the dead land that is spreading at an alarming rate around the Decaying Pit is no other than his wrong-doings!
  9. @mods: May I suggest this thread being Pinned, please??? It would be very practical to look up the list of manufacturers. Also, I just discovered Warploque minis, they have a very interesting range of fantasy stuff. Their Bestiary section is particularly impressive!! https://www.warploqueminiatures.com/shop ^could work as an undead Idoneth Leviadon? Looks sooo cool. To finish off, if someone is interested in checking what MoM minis look like once painted, I finished an Elf Hero that can easily fit as Nomad Prince or Dragon Noble for AoS. Not only the mini looks waaay better, but the price makes it a no brainer (4€!!!!):
  10. Updating with a few pics of untouched terrain, if anyone wonders about quality. These are from MoM Miniatures, they have some of the best terrain for fantasy and extremely varied (Dwarf Statues, Skaven Giant Bell, Elf and Human statues, Orc Totems, Temples, Towers....). As seen below, quality is more than decent and very detailed, just need to some cleaning as usual with resin. To give an idea, those 5 Phoenix Temple-style pieces were going for 15€, and the Herdstone only 10€ (...and better looking than a certain one that go recently released, ehem ehem....). I'm planning on getting more from them, it's possible to get a load of terrain to have a nice looking table for like 50 bucks.
  11. Great thread! I have a few minis of some stuff listed here, full support to stuff like Raging Heroes, MoM or Mierce! (maybe will put picts?....) To completed a bit more the list, here are a few others, including other small Spanish ones (really booming in quality for Fantasy): https://lastsword.com/ The place to go for High/Noble Elf kind of minis. Recently did a KS with aaawesome "Albus Custodes " (Swordmasters) and "Dragon Guard" (Executioners/White Lions?). They also have regular troops (spears/bows) and characters. Quality looks really really good. Cool Bretonnia/Freeguild models also. https://www.norbaminiatures.com/en/ More Spanish stuff, huge range including very complete options for Bretonnia or Chaos Dwarves.... Sort of reminds of MoM, though I prefer the later. https://www.avatars-of-war.com/eng/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59&Itemid=51 Quite massive range of characters of all types. Also has cool regiments of Chaos Warriors or Dwarves. Characters are metal, good quality. Fair prices for the quality. http://www.shieldwolfminiatures.com/index.php?dispatch=categories.view&category_id=28 I really like their "Northern Alliance" which should be good for Free Guild, including Bear (/demigryph??) Riders! https://fireforge-games.com/ Great range for Bretonnia (more historical). They recently started a more classic fantasy range with aaawesome humans & undead. Announced some Elves too! http://www.gamezoneminiatures.com/tienda/es/ Huge range for many races (humans, undead, elves, orcs, dwarves, etc...), with really beautiful designs, including the coolest Cold Ones ever. Mostly metal, depending on kits I heard different opinions on quality. The company is also infamous for that Heroquest project that went wrong, which doesn't make me feel safe.... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hiddendreams/hidden-dreams-miniatures Can't say anything about the quality or anything, but their Wood Elves/Sylvaneth look so neat! Also very nice Lizardmen, Skaven and Dark Elves. Someday, maybe... http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war-vanguard/getting-started.html Well, I guess everyone knows Mantic, which don't always have the errrh... nicest looking models *cough*. But I have to say that the recent KoW Vanguard minis really improved their sculpting quality. I mean, that Giant is one of the best I've seen and the price is a steal! Their Basilean range (for Vanguard) is really nice and their "paladin" kind of look should fit very well with Free Guild allied to SCE. Really have to keep eyes peeled if they start putting out stuff like this.
  12. Exactly! Sales don't go well = stop translating. Stop translating = people stop buying. I have the slight impression that is how you assure losing your presence on a market. TBH, I'd be glad if they stop translating altogether, there is no point in buying mediocre products but it is a shame for those who don't have a decent English level. I honestly doubt about this. Mainly coz GW never took into account purchase power to determine their prices (same all over) or adjusted locally a product. Moreover, the difference per unit is 5€ (!), so I don't think local disposable income is an obstacle here (especially for this type of hobby). And SP/IT GDP has always been lower than the other two but it didn't prevent GW from offering full quality translated books in the past, this should maybe ring a bell.... Sure, they are looking to cut costs (less printing, not hiring translators) but I can't see why it would be due to "culture and weather" or money. My impression as a local that walked around different communities in a fair amount of cities is that it's pure lack of interest in the product (the Game, not the miniatures), so demand vs offer in a saturated market, which obviously drop sales. Offering garbage translations will clairly not revert the situation either, but hey, that's up to them.
  13. Just speculation as someone based in Spain, but I think AoS (and GW products in general) probably sell less than in Germany or France. Thus, the company might consider it not so worth to invest in full and decent translations. Before, their translations were great quality and complete. So a business move is most likely the reason. This has been a current trend since the end of 8th (I think) and very palpable when the ET or AoS launched. The translation quality is just really bad. This also applies to other GW products like 40k. The introduction of Spanglish (using keywords, names, etc.. in English instead of Spanish) pushed this further on, and now translated books are an utter unreadable mess. The quality is really amateurish and dissapointing for a company that is suppose to be the best in the market. At least, people are taking into their own hands the translations with wikis and stuff, since GW doesn't bother. I stopped buying non-English GW books a long time ago. Certainly does not help to increase sales and just keep things as they are (unfortunately).
  14. Not a rumour, but I'm sure many will be interested in grabbing a few of these.... BRETONNIAAAAAAAA https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/09/02/heroes-of-order-for-one-week-only/
  15. @Pyreshard LOOOVE the map. Looks so authentic, reminds me of those old medieval maps where they go "here be dragons" hehe. The crudeness is so awesome, I can imagine an Imperial Free Guild erudite drawing it among a huge pile of old papers in the middle of the night with a dim candle in hand I prefer these to computer generated ones, but all ain't have the talent!
  16. Luv me some maps! I've looked into this Inkarnate, and it sure is better than Paint/Photoshop Updated the map from my narrative army/project, it looks half decent now! Just copy-pasting the intro, for a quick glimpse about the background. As you can see, the Glimmering-City is an overcrowded ****hole metropolis!!!! The Free Principality of Veriithas lies in a remote location of Ghyran, concealed to the eyes of many. In an enviable geographical position, this peninsula of vast fertile grasslands is surrounded by the natural defenses of a mountain range in the north and the immensity of the ocean elsewhere. The activity is mostly centered around the major urban capital known as the Glimmering-City, the Jewel of Veriithas. Resplendent towers and busy market streets all contribute to the magnificence and prosperity of the region, while its inhabitants boast of high moral integrity, intellectual brilliance and formidable martial prowess. The very name of the capital is testimony of its greatness, as even in the darkest hour of the night, it may be sighted from many many leagues away, its incessant activity granting an eternal glow of light. The older generations assert this was all true in the past, nostalgic of greater times. For in the current age, not all that glitters is gold. For more info, feel free to check on the appropriate thread (still wip of course):
  17. It's up, in case anyone is interested. Amazing miniatures! The chameleon hero and cold ones are some of the best lizardmen I've seen...
  18. I think we see a pattern on who is back. For now, every old character that has return had a connection to the winds of magic either by being an incarnate or being able to bind them, even if they died during the ET (Teclis turns to dust and Nagash crumbles after the ritual collapses, after all). These characters also happen to be Gods in AoS. Applying the same reasoning, maybe Grimgor, Gelt or Caradryan could be back in a different form? Would be fluff-consistent at least... Another case is Gotrek, who is not related to the Winds, but happens to "replace" Grimnir during the ET, so he also had some sort of "divine" power that could explain why he is back in AoS (I suppose the upcoming story will tell more). There is also Morathi, but I find that more random. She is not in the any of the previous cases but happens to have saved herself from Slaanesh (is there a specific reason? I didn't buy the DoK BT). If random escape is the explanation, might as well just get Caledor too for the fun. That would be awesome and consistent considering Morathi's case... Last case I can think of are the Mortarch Trio, brought back as servants of Nagash, even without being divine/winds of magic-infused. Undead just get resurrected, probably, for a lazy explanation. Though I suppose it is more due to the brand new kit that came out during the ET, and that certainly was not going to be discontinued... so shove it in the fluff somehow! This could be a solid basis to get back Vlad, Isabella, Krell, etc... So, I think there seems to be a reasoning behind who is back from a fluff perspective (and miniature wise too). Though GW can certainly just do whatever they want and give "reasons"... It's the over the top mega-magical Mortal Realms afterall.
  19. If I ever do, it will not be before many many many months But I'd love to! Actually building both an AoS and a KoW army based on this fluff since I have a box full of old Empire & other random minis. And since the story till now seems to aim towards a mix of civil war, increased Chaos influence and the forces of Order wanting to wipe out the Principality, I can already see a narrative campaign on different scales (from a small AoS Skirmish to a large KoW battle) and up to 4 sides shaping up in the horizon...
  20. Random thought but to develop on this, I have the impression a lot of people tend to be quite egocentric when dealing with toy soldiers. Possible explanation to the backlash towards the kids books for example (I'm totally fine with them btw). If a product from their favorite company that covers different lines does not appeal to them, they will make sure to be heard and can't (or refuse) see the objective and/or appeal of said product simply because they are not the target and will not buy it. They want the company to only concentrate on what they perceive as useful. We have plenty of examples even on TGA, illustrated through factions not being updated immediately (omg SC agaaaain?), the Warhammer Legends stuff or when 40k 8th dropped and got all the attention. Arguments revolve around "waste of ressources", "loss of momentum" or "how terrible it will for the company if I stop giving them my money". Basically nonsense as I suspect 99% of us here don't work for GW or have any knowledge of the company's finances/business. I suppose the internet and forums are an easy way to vent and nurture an illusion of self-importance and entitlement through a random granular opinion no one cares about (or almost). Warhammer books for kids is exploring new possibilities, as they have been doing ever since the CEO change (in case someone still didn't notice...) so I think it can interesting from a company development perspective, even if I don't see any personal appeal for the product. Yeah, people never cease to amaze me, more so when overpriced plastic toys are involved
  21. Making sure children get hook on plastic-crack addiction from a very early age. Well played GW. Very well played.
  22. Minis start to get finished, with a bit more fluff and dug up some terribly painted old minis that need a new fresh start! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Last bit of fluff concerning the Order of Censors: "On certain occasions, the Order of Censors assist in battle the armies of the Principality, although this becomes rarer as the Principality develops a full autonomous military force. Instead, the Order focuses its activities on pacifying and maintaining social control. As such, they are often deployed in small groups, patrolling cities in pairs or involving half a dozen members when launching operations such as hunting heretics and infiltrating illegal cults. Theoretically, the aim of the Order of Censors is to preserve intact the Cult of the Primeval Truth, which has much evolved since its inception by the Founding Fathers. They show a regal and dignified appearance in public, with majestic ornamental golden armor and long colorful robes of the highest quality. Their immaculate appearance convinces the average filthy plebeian of the Principality of the good will and positive intentions of the Order, who rather use their reputation to do as they please. In case some ill-fated civilian suspects of the Elven order's hypocrisy and mischievous purpose, they are quickly arrested and dispatched to the Temple of Tolerance, a colossal fortress-like structure resembling a mountain surrounded by ever expanding barren lands, sterile by the miasma emanating from the Decaying Pit. Indeed, no law or authority is applied to the members of the Order. Not even the Princeps, or the Triumvirate for the matter, have any sort of control over them. This is exploited by the Order to enrich the vaults and terrorize the population, always with a certain restrain and staging to ensure no backlash or revolt reaction might occur. It is of course within their interest to maintain this equilibrium, as the Order and influence of the Cult of the Primeval Truth has thrived under their “unofficial” rule, and most notably due to the ruthless pragmatism of Master-Censor Noirythe, elven lordling who rose to the highest rank of the Order due to his impeccable understanding of the court's politics and foresight regarding the interests of the Order. Noirythe's guidance and consciousness of power is motive of great distress within the court of the Glimmering-City, as the rumors of an uprising of the Order of Censors grow stronger every day among the petty nobles. The inability of Princeps Asphodellus to even maintain minimal control over the group of elves has tainted the political scene of the Principality with great pessimism, uncertain on how the pressure of the Order of Censors will end in bloodshed if they continue squeezing power and competences from the legitimate authority of the Principality. The unstable balance of power between the Order and the Triumvirate is weaker than ever. The Order of Censors itself is a very horizontal structure. Besides the guiding command of the Master-Censor, unanimously voted by its pears for the greater good of the Order, every member enjoys the same rank and privileges. It is probably this quasi hegemony granted such power and discipline to the Order, stranger to insignificant internal fights and pesky political intrigues. Training for the Censors never ends, as they constantly accumulate an enviable knowledge in a great number of areas such as astronomy, alchemy, fine arts, theology, politics and obviously military training. As such, the Order of Censors claim to have the most formidable warriors and savants of the Principality and beyond, with a good reason." The Ritual Curator: "The Cult of the Primeval Truth heavily revolves around obscure ceremonies, mental alienation, intoxication, sacrifices and executions. Many of these customs are performed by a highly revered priest, the Ritual Curator. Versed in the arts of magic and the most visible authority of the Cult, his influence is immense within the tumultuous balance of the powers of the Principality. The current Ritual Curator is known to be a relative of Clairvoyant Mrothia, closest adviser of Princeps Asphodellus, raising alarms among the nobility on possible influences of the Cult within the court. Indeed, the separation of politics and religion is a pillar of the Principality, which may well be under threat..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Time to stock up on that nail polish remover! Thanks for reading
  23. I think that is most likely one of the reasons a more competitive or utilitarian mindset might exist in certain ocuntries. I remember when living in Slovakia how many "normal" jobs were payed even less than what you mention. Obviously, I did not expect to find a Warhammer scene or anything (some stores stocked GW stuff as a side-product though). I often think about how GW prices are fixed (per currency) independently of the location, and how badly that affects some people. There will be a large difference of income % required to afford these products between countries that have equally large life-cost differences. This will most likely make GW products much less prelavant in certain countries. Like, User A has 10% of his 3k monthly salary for toy soldiers that will get him a full army in no time, and possibly vary a lot his collection between competitive army and rules of cool. User B has 10% of his 600 monthly salary for toy soldiers, and thus, if wanting to play a more competitive game will be inclined to buy the "strongest" units in order to get an army after a couple of months and pouring ressources that represent an important investment for him. To me, this makes perfect sense and I can understand that in some places there might be a scene as you describe, Karol. In those cases, I think a possible solution might be to look for other manufacterers that are not GW (that can be just as great for less) or buy second hand (it really does save a ton, and access to otherwise impossible to buy minis!).
  24. This is exactly what I wanted, full new warscrolls for the whole old armies! Some of the DE units look really good, Malus & Shadowblade look quite beast! Looking forward to the same treatment for the armies I collect Will be interesting to see if all WHFB get the treatment though, and what will schedule be... As for lack of points, meh, not that big deal. I'm sure someone will figure out more or less correct points (should be easy just by comparing with similar "official stuff") that could be used for a certain sense of "balance", if required. Would be useful coz even if I like Open/Narrative and loath the direction Match Play is going, it is also nice to have a (optional) minimal frame to set up a game in a practical/easy way!
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