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Everything posted by Greyshadow

  1. I am painting up some Slaves to Darkness at the moment for Path to Glory. It is an escalation campaign expansion book that replaces the points system. You earn new units by playing in a campaign and each unit you add has to be the minimum size. I haven't started playing it yet as we are doing Skirmish at the moment (from the White Dwarf magazine expansion that came out earlier this year where your army is around five to ten models). I also have some Khorne models from the old Age of Sigmar starter set. If you have some Blood Warriors lying around at home you could paint them up to match your other Chaos Warriors. I have seen that done and they look great in other colours.
  2. I am really impressed with all of the new war bands. We know that most of the Mortal Realms are under the control of Chaos and with these models you kind of get the true post apocalyptic setting as it is realised in the background. Very hard for me to choose a favourite but these new snake ones might be it. I've gone from mildly interested in Warcry to quite excited to see what is in store.
  3. I assumed the new primer was part of the chemistry. Like perhaps slightly hydrophilic to draw the paint away from the edges? Maybe it is just a nice tone for the contrast colours to sit upon?
  4. That’s how I feel. The skink in the video looks a bit rough but it isn’t bad at all for table top standard. Hopefully, we’ll get someone who has tried them out at the demo to enlighten us.
  5. Looks pretty interesting. Could be good for horde armies like Skaven. I am especially interested in combining the colours with the existing range and how the 'Eavy Metal team might use them. Think you will like them?
  6. Hang on @RexHavoc, Footsore Miniatures said they received a request to change their name and worked with Games Workshop to reach a satisfactory conclusion. This is from the own press release. This is nothing like Chapterhouse. It was Dark Peak Games who served a cease and desist on them. To everyone else, I am sorry to make a post like this because it has nothing to do with rumours. I just thought you were being a little unfair in your last post Rex. Anyway, probably a topic for discussion in another place on the forum.
  7. Not sure the idea of the OP is a good one. I loved the Old World with great passion but Age of Sigmar is where it is at. If you miss the dark and grit, it is all there and then some in AoS.
  8. An interesting idea @Whitefang. I think it all lives on to some extent whether that be in rare texts, cultural memory or in the minds of the Gods. Even Bretonnia and Khemri survive in the lore as the Knights of the Breton and Chrimson Monarchy.
  9. Yes, I am planning a short piece of prose about Bretonnian Knights who were fighting a battle at the moment when the world gate collapsed and how they were protected by a Damsel and emerged, unbeknownst to them, around a thousand years later in Ghur. My reading of the lore leads me to believe that events like this were not only possible but likely.
  10. I would guess a realmwalker is likely an explorer/map maker scholar. There was a famous traveller of Ghur in the Age of Myth call Occlesius the Realms-Walker.
  11. I think it would be wonderful to see the Tomb Kings back - mainly because I loved the 8th Edition model releases. I'd love to play against them but wouldn't plan to collect them myself to be honest.
  12. Well done on those who picked the Sylvaneth for the rumour engine of chitinous armour. With news like this the new Battletome is likely very close.
  13. It does say the paperbacks are disappearing in June though - at least that was how I read it. I would assume they will remain for sale digitally.
  14. Wow - they look fantastic. The purple/pink tones look brilliant and the eerie glow effect looks tops. Nice work!
  15. The first Slaanesh models are now up for pre-order on the NZ site. Reading about them on Warhammer Community this morning and having a close look at all the models online makes me realise what a fantastic army the Hedonites are. The different fabrics and masque-like costumes make this army look really fun to paint. I am tempted and to be honest Slaanesh was probably the god I am least interested in! Love the little paint swatches in the Battletome too. Some great advice on different skin tones, fabrics and ways to paint hair. Also love how the old keeper of secrets vibe lives on in the fantastic new Fiends of Slaanesh. Those guys have got to be the weirdest monster in Warhammer. That enrapturess with the harp is super cool too. Amazing release.
  16. Nice work - fantastic stuff!
  17. Greyshadow

    Sylvaneth dryads

    Brilliant how you have made the faces stand out. Beautiful colour choice and basing too. Lovely work!
  18. Interesting to hear more reveals at Warhammer Fest in the not too distant future. Not long until Adepticon now though, I don't know if it is even possible to top the Indoneth Deepkin reveal from last year.
  19. Oh wow - Leena Stormspire is awesome! It would be a two hour drive to purchase this kit but I think it would be worth it. This is the Stormcast model I have been waiting for. I think she would make a great leader for a Skirmish warband.
  20. For me, the terrain is the star of the show. I have a pretty reasonable collection of Azyrite Ruins so I probably don't need heaps of it but I could make a large size ruined city if I combined both kits. I do love the models though, especially the Furies. Not a big Khorne follower (I am more Tzeentch). Interested to find out more though.
  21. I just realised I didn't say a proper congratulations! Well done @Greasygeek, that is an awesome achievement.
  22. Hehe - yes, it’s a challenge. My goal is to get at least 40 minutes of painting done per week. Last week I got 50 minutes in, it took me nearly two years to get the monsters for Silver Tower done. I have just spent nearly a month base coating five Freeguild Archers! Focusing on Skirmish has made my slow rate much easier to bare.
  23. At the end of The End Times: Nagash most of Khemri turned their back on Settra and joined Nagash. These forces could indeed have survived the destruction of the world-that-was through Nagash. I feel that if the Tomb Kings did indeed make a return they would be thralls to Nagash and indeed a Death faction.
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