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Everything posted by BrocknerTheBear

  1. @Sneeto that does certainly sound like an awful lot of effort so I would love to see some pictures if you would be so kind?
  2. They are far too 40k in design. They have spinal attachments and vials sculpted into their backs and the boots they wear and trousers are also very sci-fi in design. You'd be better off using bloodreaver heavily converted in all honesty.
  3. Really interested on how this progresses. I will be sure to look out for it on the tables.
  4. Well if we get the chariots pulled by pairs of dogs that appear in the warqueen novel as mount/unit options then I'm a happy gamer regardless of where the factions gets put.
  5. @Kaleb Daark thank you. The shield is the centre disc of a burning chariot of tzeentch.
  6. I'm considering; troggboss 300 Troll hag (converted from dankhold) 380 3 x dankhold (one unit) 660 3 x rockgut units 480 2 x fungoid cave shamans (made to look like miniature troggs)180
  7. For a 1000 point force we can have 3 fellwater troggs, 3 rockgut troggs, a troggoth hag, and a dankhold troggboss....I'm sold so count me in.
  8. Enemy units are minus 1 to hit if they take damage from the road but don't die for the rest of the battle round. Attack sequence for his club is roll a dice on a 1 nothing 2-3 1 mortal 4+ D3 mortals. Regeneration / inspiring / magic resistance same as troggboss. Minion effects - when you allocate a wound or mortal wound you can instead remove a minion and negate the damage. One of them ignores this rule on a 3/5 up (doesnt get removed but still ignores the damage) One of them gives a ranged 18 shooting attack that on a (looks like) 3/5+ does a single mortal. One of them picks a unit within 3 in the combat phase and on a 3/5 up (they look really similar) gives minus 1 to hit.
  9. Just started working on the "blood crushers" the dracoline will be blind too like the other daemons. They look like giant flesh hounds so they fit better then the metal rhinos and I can use them under stormcast rules too to gain benefits against chaos if need be for narrative gaming.
  10. There is a troll in the background 3 seconds in. Pause it almost immediately after it starts and you'll see it
  11. It's originally be'lakor with his head adapted and his eyes removed so he's got no facial features. The shield is the centre of a burning chariot.
  12. I've almost finished the daemon prince of malal. All the lesser daemons will be bloodletters with heads changed slightly to match. Mounting bloodletters on blind dracolines for cavalry. And the greater daemon is based on the elemental of fire from forgeworld.
  13. Currently building a Malal themed daemons of chaos undivided army using the blades of khorne rules and warscrolls but with heavily converted minis
  14. I'm just reading through myself too but I believe the "wolves" are actually hounds. So the large dog in the underworlds warband but slightly larger still paired and pulling chariots
  15. I would see the emphasis being on the wrong part. "All" would mean any such action. "Or" means one or the other. But you could charge multiple times before your next hero phase (blood tithe table effects or command traits etc) so the effect would count towards these results as well as one made in the charge phase itself. However. That being said, it's still run "or" charge. Other effects specify run "and" charge. It's certainly one for the rules guys to qualify in the next faq because it has a huge effect one way or the other with a gain or loss of 3" in the balance. Still, this is just a clearing up of why I see it this way and nothing more. As such, if happily play others using the other interpretation and I would still use my own and harbour no ill will. I wonder how some of the playtesters or TO's would rule it at a tournament though
  16. Well I think I will still play it as either or. All I can see from this is that you can use the ability to add to both but that you can't use it to stack the same ability twice ie: one to increase run and one to increase charge but not two to add both to charge. This may be contrary to current interpretation but I just can't see the word "or" implying anything other then "not both" This is purely personal opinion and lines up with how relaxed and uncompetitive I play and in no way implies anyone else is wrong. To coin a warhammer tv phrase "other interpretations are available"
  17. @Roark pretty sure you have to choose which will receive the bonus before you roll for either. Would be great if you could wait and see if you get a solid run roll then decide after but I don't think you can. That or I'm about to be really happy to be proven wrong
  18. @will pollock you can run and charge as per the command ability but you have to choose to add 3" to the run OR charge for the bloodstoker ability
  19. Same here. I've just started a 1000 point for doubles that requires at least 20 flesh hounds so this is spot on.
  20. Notice that the flesh hounds are no longer on 50mm round anymore...
  21. Well, this has me super pleased. I've been building towards a darkoath force for a while now and am so glad they use bows after converting a darkoath warqueen with one.
  22. I think you mean 1 skirmish warband member of each unit type (that you could experimnt with a different colour scheme from your main army on)
  23. Is it not also an improved save? I believe it used to be 22 wounds at 5+ and now it's 22 at 4+?
  24. Finally trying my hand at some order conversions...
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