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Everything posted by Sedraxis

  1. Nurgle generally has a pretty good matchup against magic-heavy armies because the 5+ saves they get. What's his army like and is he playing objectives properly? You might just be better then him at the game, in which case you could try to help him with his tactics/list building or play unfavorable scenarios to give yourself an extra challenge.
  2. There is no "Wyldwood" terrain feature so that would currently not be a viable choice. Since the Sylvaneth wyldwoods are a new kit called "Awakened Wyldwood" I'm assuming they refer to the regular old Citadel Woods, and those don't do anything extra for Sylvaneth. Personally, I think abusing the terrain setup to further boost your own army instead of trying to create an interesting battlefield should be heartily discouraged. Imagine every LoN player bringing only Mausoleums, every Gaunt summoner bringing a free unit of 10 horrors and every Sylvaneth match starting on a table filled with Awakened Wyldwoods. I think the terrain table was made with some unintentional oversights benefitting a few specific factions.
  3. This clears it up for me. Teleporting is allowed but will remove the Vortex when it leaves the battlefield as per it's own warscroll.
  4. All I read from that topic is that everyone agrees the rules say it's not allowed but someone knows someone who says differently.
  5. 1. No. Since a battalion drop is still multiple units, the restriction still applies. 2. Im unsure but my gut goes with yes. You deploy multiple units at the same time, but you still get to choose where each unit goes. The only part I am unsure about is wether you need to check how many units are on the battlefield before you deploy your battalion or if you can add then during.
  6. In this case I believe it wouldn't be possible to teleport at all since Balewind Vortex says the unit cannot move, and Lords of Space and Time counts as movement. You'd have to dispel the Vortex first. EDIT: This is wrong, the Core Rules Designers Commentary clarifies that it doesn't actually count as a move.
  7. I think this is wrong. The Judgements of Khorne fall under their Allegiance abilities and there's a line that reads: "KHORNE PRIESTS in a Khorne army can summon Judgements of Khorne" Seems to me they have the same restrictions as the blessings & spell lores have.
  8. Seems very much in line with other updated tomes.
  9. I get that Gristlegore is really strong and hard to counter. That goes for Ballistae and Evocator bombs too. I'm also not saying everything should be liberator levels. All I am saying is that I find it strange that people winning their games with strong combos suddenly start complaining about other combos while still denying the power of their own. I would prefer if the game had less of these obvious power-picks but at least a lot of factions have some options now. No need to pretend your own battletome is terrible just because the meta shifted. Also a lot of examples given about why FEC is so strong are straight up wrong, so I'm guessing some people here don't even actually play the game.
  10. I really fail to understand the logic that goes around in this thread. How is it that wiping out enemy generals turn 1 with 3+ Ballistae, autocharging Evocator bombs or unkillable super-dragons are fine, but when FEC can cripple you they are broken OP? Every army should have some powerful tools, but pretending Evo's, Sequitors and Ballstae are fair whilst complaining about other stuff seems very entitled to me.
  11. Multiple facebook posts confirm that all Kurnoth hunters variations will cost 200, no point changes there.
  12. Please don't let all the initial negative reactions to nerfs ruin all the new goodies, bonuses and tools you are getting. Khorne was already in a good spot and I don't believe they'll be worse off after this new tome. Some people just have a hard time dealing with the loss of their abuseable mechanics like congalines, buff-stacking and other outdated rules. Nerfs always seem to hurt more then buffs seem to heal. Besides, in AoS you as a player has the biggest influence in wether you get crushed or not!
  13. Seems like the Bloodthirster CA's have changed too. Wrath of Khorne now use the ability in the combat phase and allow reroll hit rolls of a daemon unit wholly within 16". No more Run+Charge. All these changes are pretty much in line with the changes from Wrath & Rapture. Less buff-stacking but more base power
  14. Thanks for sharing man! I think Khorne will do great overall with the new changes, the nerfs were bound to happen and the new stuff makes more then up for it imo. Looking forward to see it in action!
  15. Meanwhile on every other faction discussion people feel like LoN is unbeatable and unfair. Once again the grass is always greener. There are plenty of balance changes that could be made to improve the game, but they include stuff we have too. Don't just compare 2 units/abilities and complain, it doesn't work that way.
  16. Nope, you're all good for now. The basic rules are in the free Age of Sigmar app along with all the warscrolls. Just download that, grab some dice and put your stuff on the table. If you want some more background lore, more detailed rules, extra options and battleplans (scenarios) to make your games more interesting the Core Book provides a ton of that. However, with a little creativity you can create your own scenarios and extra rules just fine tho, so I consider it optional. If you want to get into matched play (with points and restrictions for more balanced competition) the latest edition of the Generals Handbook is what you need. It also has some extra content for Narrative and Open play, but the core book brings more on that front I feel. Have fun!
  17. But that is the point of the game I believe. LoN shouldn't have a cheap functioning elite unit. There shouldn't be a solid answer to the question: "what is our hammer best unit". Grave Guard and Black Knights and Morghasts and Vargeists all perform fine, Grimghast are just better. If every unit of that powerlevel (Evocators, Eels, DoK infantry/witch etc.) would be normalized, no one would need a unit like that. Everywhere I look people say "no but we need this OP unit because other tomes have X". The grass is always greener and such.
  18. I feel Grimghast Reapers really take LoN too far. Without them the book looks really well balanced. They would still do great without being summonable, competing with other elite options like Vargheists and Morghasts.
  19. I like how every faction has the exact same thoughts about how only their strongest unit is viable. It's almost like all the strongest units are too strong
  20. Let's play the new stuff and lists first before we all decide what sucks and all. Most reviews and podcasts I've seen/heard have varying opinions and seem to misread and misunderstand a lot of rules, and not all of them are necessarily good at the game either
  21. It seems to me not a lot of people actually read the battletome rules and just assumed how things work. It reads: Legions of Nagash When you are choosing your army, you may decide it is taken from one of the Legions of Nagash. If you do, choose one of the following faction keywords. All units and warscroll battalions in your army selected from this battletome gain that keyword. • Grand Host of Nagash • Legion of Sacrament • Legion of Blood • Legion of Night This means that battalions like Deathmarch and Lords of Sacrement can be played in any of those 4 allegiances as long as you meet their restrictions. Next up, the allegiance restrictions. Each Host or Legion has a restriction right at the top: "A GRAND HOST OF NAGASH army may include any of the units in this battletome. If Nagash is included, he must be the army’s general." "A LEGION OF SACREMENT army may include any of the units in this battletome, apart from Nagash. If it includes any MORTARCHS, then it must include Arkhan the Black and he must be the army's general." This is the same for the other 2 Legions, Blood with Neferata and Night with Mannfred. So no Nagash outside of his own Grand Host and no command traits if you take a Mortarch in a Legion, since they have to be the General. Grand Host with Arkhan without Nagash will allow you to pick a general, just as any Legion without Mortarchs will. Are you still with me? Good! Next up is spells. The allegiance abilities read: "All WIZARDS in a GRAND HOST OF NAGASH/LEGION OF SACREMENT/BLOOD/NIGHT army know an additional spell from one of the Lores of the Dead". The Lores of the Dead state: "WIZARDS that know an additional spell (or spells) from one of the Lores of the Dead, as described in their army's allegiance abilities, generate their spells from the following tables". So no double dipping! Each wizard in a Grand Host or one of the Legions army's gets 1, except Nagash who gets 3.
  22. Grand Alliance battletomes might also be a thing, which would be pretty cool.
  23. The lack of a describtion above anarchy and mayhem makes me extra certain it is an error. Otherwise they would've just added 2 to wound rolls to begin with. Skyfires have the same issue with the +1 from the shaman on both the warscrolls.
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