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Everything posted by stato

  1. You can build a stormcast list for Order allegiance, which means not taking any battleline-if. So to take pure stormcast, you will just need 3x 5 liberators to meet your battleline requirements.
  2. Love the bases, I guess you made most of them yourself to match the shadespire style? Is it just greenstuff/putty carved or plasticard?
  3. Its actually available on the app! (currently anway, not sure if its a mistake and its supposed to be locked).
  4. Firestorm was a map campaign supplement and it is still available from GW. Each allegiance is only a page, thats the only place you can get them (legally) though google images sometimes throws up pictures of the pages from review copies.
  5. Technically, in AoS2, you cant do that. Previously there was a sentence that let you choose to use your grand alliance allegiance after picking your army, that isnt in the rule book now. Its pick allegiance before you pick your army. Hopefully this will be corrected in the FAQ due soon (this week?) but if you read the book its clear this is the current situation. Mean factions without an allegiance have not allegiance abilities if they take thier battleline-if (which is why i think it will be corrected in the FAQ).
  6. Factully yes you can get pox-walkers, but those are not any of the 20 that come in Dark Imperium. Those are 1 of the 4 pushfit that come in the small starter set, the AoS equivalent models of which (on a set-by-set basis at least) are the banshees and Glaivewraith Stalkers that come in the Storm Strike starter.
  7. Hey all, Played in a 30 player tournament on Saturday run by the club I go to, really fun day with some great mixes of armies on the tables. I took a random mish-mash list as ive been getting bored of my normal KO list, my first time running Ziflin and also thunderers. Allied in a Runelord for magic counter, and also some longbeards, as in my eyes allying in a hero without some of his kin is just edging into the realm of 'a bit gamey'. Game 1: Pre-arranged Grudge match against Sylvaneth : Focal Points Ive won a few best opponent awards so its a running joke in the club that im 'The nicest man in warhammer' and my opponent won the award at the last club tournament which i couldnt make, so we arranged a grudge to see who really was the nicest . I bribed him with some 40k Nurgle, he bought me a bunch of Carnations ?, he wins. Anyway the game, he had a treelord and Durthu, some battalions, 30 dryads, some judicators, etc. He took first turn and moved up to score, in turn i shot at his treelord causing a lot of damage. I then got 2nd turn and proceeded to kill the treelord and Durthu and take a large VP lead. His Dryads bounced off my longbeards and he scored a few more points, but didnt get a double turn back and couldnt really do much with all of my shooting still in play. Major Win. Game 2: Nighthaunt : Orb thingy Almost impossible to cause any damage on nighthaunt without going for massive overkill on Heros, at which point the troops just tear you apart. The objective also moved away from where i dropped my frigate and i couldnt grapnel to it as there were so many bodies (or not..) on the table in the way. A non-game in terms of going for the win, but still fun to to-and-fro with the nighthaunt, spirit hosts dont do as much damage as i thought, but they just kept regenerating, once up close the mass amount of pistol shots did serious damage(more dice is better than good rend against nighthaunt) but then left me open to charge and death the following turn. Major Loss Game 3: Legion of Sacrament : Shifting Objectives My opponent loves big showcase stuff, so brought Neferata, Arkhan, Mortis engine, bunch of Necromancers, 30 skeleton, 6 endless spells! and some small filler units. He had first turn and had his necromancer went for Spellportal.... double 1!! After that he didnt know what to do so double command point with Neferata to make my stuff -2 to hit and ran her into my lines. I was still seriously concerned, so gave everything i had into her and took her off thanks to the +1 to hit monsters on my Arkanauts and Ziflin re-roll 1 to hit and wound flying things. This left a lot but thankfully a double turn meant my riggers went into and killed his Necromancers and the rest of my shooting took the other heros off. Not quite a table-ing in 2 turns as he still had skeletons and some hounds. Major Win (pure fluke!) Overall just a great day, i was concerned it might not be fun facing magic constantly but it didnt really impact games more than any other phase (last game might have though if he had more luck). Summary 1; AoS 2 is imbalanced not just in points and some rules but also in missions, which means every game has huge potential swings in who could win. Individually you could consider it annoying, but over the course of many games with different opponents I think its fine (as long as your not just playing the same person all the time) Summary 2; KO absolutely need a command point in the bank unless you can be certain of going first. Each game i had to use it as i went 2nd every time and took a chunk of damage to a key unit. Being able to throw inspiring presence down using that bought command point was crucial to not losing scores of extra models. I come out 10th overall, highest placing yet but I think purely due to some fantastic luck getting the double turn in 2 games and my opponent failing spell portal.
  8. Just want to post on here how great this event was, 30 players on the day, lots of excited shouting and laughing all day, everyone seemed to be smiling and having a really good time. If anyone wants to participate in a great fun tournament and you can get to Newcastle upon Tyne, keep an eye out for the next event by @TalesOfSigmar later in the year! (post up some pictures James!)
  9. It got address in the faq/errata. It works as it states, use command ability as if hero were a general, which in the new rules means you can use the generic command abilities with a 12" range rather than just a 6" range. Obviously you still need to pay a CP to use them.
  10. Forgeworld 40k stuff isnt far off looking just like that. Shame the weapon profile wont quite match the scale of the model though!
  11. Oh yeah totally keep the picks, i cant see how anyone could question them as double handed weapons, and they look cool with picks and candles on their helmets. For shields you dont need to give them to everyone, but maybe 50% to at least visually represents you are carrying. You could probably find something suitable to represent Miner style shields, maybe the shields from <spit> grots and sling them on their backs.
  12. Compendium points are still currently usable in matched play at the moment, if you play a tournament its best to check but I dont think it will be a problem. With compendium you are required to use Order allegiance obviously, but thats not a significant issue. Miners can easily double as warriors or longeards with 2 handed great-weapons in a dispossed list, either as a unit of their own or mixed in with existing warriors. I have 20 I plan to do that with. Mining cart can then be used as a nice objective marker.
  13. With the availability of many new artefacts (Aqshy one if you want to be true to Tempest-eye ?) there is a lot of scope for good lists with a KO bias. Ive been waiting for the Stormcast battletome to work out what new options there are from a fully mixed Tempest force, but im pretty interested to come up with a few fun builds mixing factions.
  14. List might have to wait as dont have the freeguild I thought i had. My Tempest force stalled, i got a lot assembled but had stuff going on in the house so no space to get the airbrush out to paint anything. Time flies when youre not paying attention. I did make a start on finishing 30 Tempest Longbeards last night to ally to my KO for a tournament next Saturday, ill post a pic when they are done. Keen to get back on it and field a proper Tempest force!
  15. Here is a funny list Ive been toying with for Tempest Eye (basically using what i have). Basically just swamp the table with bodies, using the 10" first turn move with the Disspossed to take half the table, yes i lost the shield re-roll but hopefully with the +1 to save enough will survive they get re-roll all wound rolls againt whoever charged them. Then Freeguid with militia weapons behind with 14" range bow hitting on 2+ from strength of numbers and general buff the following turn. Will it win, unlikely as have nothing strong to pick out enemy heros, but it should be amusing to play, 204 wounds! Allegiance: Tempest's EyeRunelord (100)Runelord (100)Warden King (120)- GeneralFreeguild General (100)- Stately War Banner40 x Warriors (280)- Axes or Hammers & Shields30 x Warriors (240)- Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields40 x Freeguild Guard (280)- Militia Weapons40 x Freeguild Guard (280)- Militia Weapons30 x Quarrellers (360)Gyrocopters (80)- Gun: Brimstone GunTotal: 1940 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 204
  16. That. Its 1 out of every 4, 1 of 4, 1 in 4, 25%, 2 of 8 etc. ?
  17. Stormcast vanguard, either hunters (they had an FAQ change which may impact this choice) or palladors could be a good small contingent of Stormcast, or even prosecutors with their 3D6 charge capability.
  18. Sadly not anymore, the GHB states the points restriction limits, followed by the sentence 'This is in addition to the restrictions that normally apply to taking allied units'.
  19. Its still a half mix of old and new. The FAQ states downloadable one on GW website is correct, which is currently the GHB2017 one. Until that changes whatever is on the App of Scrollbuilder is not valid.
  20. Yes. Iron Sky Squadron can be a 1 drop list if you put non-battalion heros or other units in the Frigates. NOTE: Your 3rd company unit can still be in the battalion, there is nothing to say you have to have the same number of companies as frigates, just min 2 of each.
  21. It was always use a command ability as if they were the general, which is what they have now clarified it as, it increases the range of generic command abilities for non-general hero's as if they were the general (12" instead of 6").
  22. Hmm, interesting. That would be nice, but looking at the heros revealed so far it looks like most have the shoulder molded into the design, so there will still be some who dont match.
  23. Guys and girls, bit of lore help please. I have a small collection of Tempest Lords with appropriate Stormhost upgrade parts, but since they cancelled the upgrade sprue (and the starter/pushfit models have Hammer of Sigmar shoulders?) im not sure how best to mix/match the two together? Would sacrosanct have Stormhost specific heraldry like the upgrade kits gave? Ideally id paint them all tempest-lord, but maybe I should Sacrosanct in a slightly different scheme? or even just the shoulder pad? but still close to Tempest-Lords and say they are different because they are Sacrosanct? An alternative thought was running a mixed Stormhost, with Sacrosanct as one host (possibly Azyr based as i guess they all come from there with being defenders of the anvil) alongside a force of 'normal' Stormcast. Would that work lore wise? (i guess it doesnt really matter game wise). What are your thoughts? and how are you going to tie in this new chamber to your existing models painting, modelling and back-story wise? Cheers.
  24. Yeah, im confilcted. The reason i brought it up was because, as you say, it clearly states how to move with the grapnel, but the Fly rule does say fly ignores units in the way. I think they want to treat it as a direct drag (which i guess a grapnel would be, a tight wire pulling in a straight line!) but i think it will be a constant debate... like a lot of changes poorly worded or thought out in AOS2. Can definitely grapnel after a retreat though, ability would have to specifically state if it couldnt as its an ability not a shooting action. Of course we can fly when retreating so 12+D6" retreat should get the unit somewhere it can use a grapnel if that was your plan.
  25. Maybe you are right, the fly rules state a model can pass across etc. when it makes any move. Just with the grapnel being an ability and the very specific wording I think it might cause arguments.
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