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Everything posted by Kyriakin

  1. Isn't eastern basically the equivalent of a whole Grand Alliance in Malifaux? Ten Thunders, or whatever they are called
  2. My Start Collecting assembly advice is something along the line of...: (1) Build the big beastie as a Frostlord on Stonehorn (2) Sell Mournfang sprues. (3) Sell kidneys. (4) Sell children into slavery. (5) Buy loads of Yhetees at 10 quid a pop.
  3. It didn't even know that Gutbusters players had discovered fire yet. Good on them...
  4. My issue with FW can be summed up in two words: Skin Wolves They are humans who turned into wolves - literally BEAST-MEN! And yet, not only are they not Beasts of Chaos, but they are Monsters of Chaos that can't even ally into BoC. I keep hearing that they "don't have an AoS team anymore", but what kind of "team" would be needed to change a single work on a PDF warscroll (i.e. "Monsters" to "Beasts")? The same kinda keyword nonsense applies to the Preyton too, but at least they are OOP. With Skin Wolves, its like they are actively trying to not sell them. And who remembers that bizarre points update a few years ago, where the Mourngul went DOWN in points, that was quickly pulled. Forgeworld are utterly worthless IMHO. They do the hard part (i.e. making the models), but seem unwilling to commit a comparitively tiny amount of resources to making the keywords make sense and actually selling the models.
  5. Bring back Preyton, and change his Warscroll so that each and every one-wound model within 50 inches suffers a Mortal Wound.
  6. I noticed Skin Wolves are on the BoC warscroll builder. Is that a thing now? They are some of my favourite models and concepts in the game, but unusable MoC until now.
  7. Then what would happen to the Everwinter lore, and armies themed around it? The book would need that true division to remain within it, as well as an option for an overriding Ogre force that dips from both.
  8. Just to save space, lol. I am not aware of any advantage in not taking cats in 2's, and a few downsides to boot (i.e. taking them in 2's allows you to lessen received damage through overkills).
  9. Could I ask if the eyesight issue is cornea related? It often is in situations that are not correctable with contact lenses, glasses or simple surgery.
  10. Yea. 1-3 units of marauders, with optional Darkoath Chieftain. 120 for 20, or 200 for 40. Lose initial command point if any mercs (i.e. multiple units is no futher CP penalty).
  11. Allegiance: Beastclaw RaidersMortal Realm: ShyishIcebrow Hunter (120)- General- Trait: Everwinter's Master - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar Frostlord on Stonehorn (420)- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet 2 x Mournfang Pack (140)- Gargant Hackers4 x Frost Sabres (80)4 x Frost Sabres (80)4 x Frost Sabres (80)6 x Icefall Yhetees (220)6 x Icefall Yhetees (220)3 x Icefall Yhetees (110)40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes- Allies40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes- AlliesSkal (130)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 400 / 400Wounds: 196
  12. I don't play The 9th Age or Legion of Azgorh, but was randomly flicking through their forum and saw this complete history of the Chaos dwarfs from the 80's to the present day (including Blood Bowl and Man o' War). https://www.the-ninth-age.com/index.php?thread/46255-chaos-dwarfs-through-the-ages-whfb/ I was exclusively a Big Hat guy in the 90's, and I thought it might be a nostalgia trip for others too.
  13. No need to. I believe AoS changed course so significantly that it is possible to have disliked its initial iteration and like it now, without having been "wrong" at the start.
  14. In BCR groups/forum, I have seen arguments between 'thematic" BCR players (who like the ice/everwinter theme predominantly, and therefore do not want to be lumped back in with Gutbusters) and "competitive" BCR players (who want a combined Ogre book for maximum number of warscroll options).
  15. Anyone know what would be the go-to primer/contrast combination for white (or very light grey) fur and skin? I am thinking Yhetees and Stonehorn/Thundertusk.
  16. BCR freeguild/barbarian mercenaries = Kislevites out the ******, which is what I wanted anyway.
  17. Thinking about BCR mercs (models, not rules)...: Blood Knights / Outriders = Kislev Winged Lancers Marauders = Kislev Boyars / Kossars Pistoliers = Kislev Horse Archers Freehold General = Ice Queen of Kislev
  18. What is the recipe for this skin and fur? Cheers.
  19. Did you feel that way when Nighthaunt - which are basically bedsheet ghosts - were released? Also, the Deadwalkers (zombies) and Deathrattle (medieval Castlevania-esque skeletons) you mentioned are as generic - and perhaps even more so - than Egyptian mummy-type stuff. Furthermore, I would hate to see an army that "builds upon" the current GW Dire Wolves and Zombies, as they are some of the worst sculpts in the current fantasy range. Hell, even the much-mentioned Undead Pirates are quite a cliche - albeit one not yet seen in GW's products so far.
  20. You don't think it would be cooler if the ghouls - or the top guys, at least - were carrying/wearing torn pieces of heraldry and armour that they had scavenged from a battlefield somewhere?
  21. My only issue with so many new side game sculpts is how bad a state many of the main-line AoS sculpts remain. Skaven, Seraphon, LoN, BCR, BoC, Bonesplittas (etc.) all have big issues with old, derpy or even absent models, and FEC - while, Vargulf aside, are technically OK sculpts - don't really match their lore. I don't want another Silver Tower situation, where loads of cool new moulds and sculpts are usable in AoS for a while, and then disappear from sale/AoS if/when the game disappears.
  22. For 1000 points, BCR need a Frostlord on Mournfang pretty urgently (or the Hunter to suck less)
  23. So, if the OP came in with, say, Order Serpentis, Skal BCR (etc.) and lost to a fine-tuned Skaven, DoK, FEC (etc.) net list, this is evidence of a "skill difference"?
  24. Is there a Contrast Paint that basically colour-matches Guilliman Blue?
  25. I think it's the time (i.e. 30 minutes without drying time) to quality ratio that is the key point for this figure. I think it's more a call-out for higher-level painters about how - when combined with more advanced techniques - these paints can be used as a shortcut for high-level results, rather than just as a way for lower-level painters to achieve tabletop quality quickly/easily.
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