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Everything posted by Kyriakin

  1. What is the "AoS theme"? One minute AoS is limitless and infinite in its possibilities, and the next minute is has a very strict and defined theme within which any miniature made before 2015 doesn't fit. Sometimes I feel people just say this stuff as "payback" towards WHFB and its player base that was initially lukewarm (to say the least) towards AoS. In the case of those who entered the hobby more recently (i.e. directly into AoS), it's like the new boyfriend who never met his girlfriend's ex-bf, but hates him anyway and wants all traces/mentions of him gone. It's one thing to not like WHFB aesthetics - which is fair enough - but phrases like "pandering" and "grogs" create the exact same exclusionary and somewhat toxic environment that the aforementioned grogs often get accused of. Just enjoy what you enjoy, and let others enjoy what they enjoy. You don't have to play it and, if your feelings about it are really that strong, you don't have to play against it either.
  2. Wait, that thing is Chaos? It looks like the most Destruction thing ever, and literally breaks stuff up and lobs it.
  3. Indeed, the Crusher is well-painted. It's night and day between those two models painting-wise.
  4. For most AoS-era armies (i.e. those with new miniature releases), the player is generally railroaded along the creative path laid out by GW's designers, artists and lore writers. Sure, there is some things you can do to add your own twist on these armies, but their theme is so inherent within the sculpts (e.g. IDK are nautical in almost every detail) that it would be difficult to turn them into a whole new theme like, say, "Fire Idoneth". However, in Cities of Sigmar the player essentially has a blank canvas - a generic force onto which he can add his own thematic "skin". This means that you could make an army of humans from frozen wastelands (a Kislev Made to Order, please!), as well as "Fire Elves", "Forest Dwarfs", "Desert Elves", (etc.). A Cities of Sigmar miniature release would stifle this creativity, as the theme and aesthetics would be signposted and heavily-converted armies would become more the exception than the rule.
  5. Is it just me, or is that Warrior guy not that well painted? Better than I could do, but for Eavy Metal he seems a bit slack. Also, the Crusher looks Privateer Press AF. That's not a bad thing per-se, but depends on your preferred aesthetics.
  6. Then do one of the other factions then. There's like 20+ others that are also fully supported...
  7. How so Aelf societies work? Do all those who have zero magic ability, can't shoot and can't fight become pirates? Like, is there is no other option left for these junk elves? Then the most absolutely worst of these worthless pirate elves gets promoted/demoted to the position of Fleetmaster?
  8. Just found out Anvilguard is in the Realm of Fire. That seems like a weird visual match for Scourge Privateers, and the like. Feels like they should really be in the Realm of Shadow.
  9. I think the Fleetmaster has to suck (he even did during WHFB IIRC). He's basically a meme now. Supreme self-confidence, with nothing to justify it. Does that Kharybdyss howl stack? I'm picturing a Kharybdyss gangbang (which would reduce anyone's bravery) right now, with venn diagrams of multiple bravery dubuffs. Also, Feast of Bones was the most pointless rule in the game before. Now its solid.
  10. Went immediately to the Kharybdyss warscroll to see if the most pathetic and utterly irrelivant rule in the game (i.e. Kharybdyss healing) had improved. Wow, yes it has. Before: If slay a model with the Fanged Tentacles (only), roll a D6 and on a 6 (i.e. 1-in-6 chance) get one wound. WTF! After: If slay a model (with any weapon), always heal D3. Also, I am picturing the Darkling Covens players ripping all the skull heads from their Executioners right now, and frantically clipping the Black Guard heads from the sprues.
  11. All the people on Facebook asking for new Cities of Sigmar sculpts are missing the point of this army, IMHO. This army is designed to appeal to older gamers, converters, retro collectors and/or the general niche crowd. A model release would railroad the aesthetic so as to say "Cities of Sigmar is specifically this...", rather than "Cities of Sigmar can be, aesthetically speaking, pretty much whatever you want it to be". While one upside of new sculpts would be new warscrolls to convert your models to fit, I don't think we'll be hurting from a lack of warscrolls in this faction.
  12. I am writing a novella called "A Sword Up the Wrong 'Un" about Hellstrider Champion that goes around doing every mortal, undead, daemon and even, during dry periods, his own mount. It's brilliant. He had been told by a trickster Changeling (posing as a Keeper of Secrets) that it will turn him into a Daemon prince, but, in fact, it just makes him really, really tired. Think "Chuck Tingle plus Josh Reynolds, minus Josh Reynolds".
  13. I have 18 derp-cats, and have never been so happy to see my existing models get replaced. There is simply no way they couldn't be better. I could make a better cat out of blue-tac and a paper clip.
  14. Yes, the ability to potentially combine "race/faction + realm/theme" (e.g. Fire Aelves, Ice Goblins, Pirate Vampires, etc.) is potentially awesome, and not really possible in the World That Was. I'd love to see an official warscroll editor, where you could edit the image, fluff, background colour and descriptions to fit these custom themes (while obviously keeping the hard numbers the same).
  15. I like (pseudo)-historical, with a twist of fantasy. Plus, i tend to be more interested in the mundane lives and concerns of low-level elves/humans/daemons/skaven (etc.) than the stories involving powerful gods and emperors. That said, i only need one army, so if CoS works out i can just happily go full Kislev, and leave others to enjoy their flying sharks and new-fangled bone-whatsits*. *shouts at cloud*
  16. A desert-based faction. AoS clearly has most of the fundamental biomes (i.e. snow/ice, ocean, sky, forest, magma, etc.) covered, but a desert-based faction has been notably absent since TK were removed. The desert is a great potential source for spells, endless spells and unique terrain (e.g. sand tornadoes, pyramids, tombs, etc.), as well as fauna/mounts not covered elsewhere in the range (e.g. vultures, camels, scorpions, cobras, ibex, etc.). While bringing TK back (probably as mummies, rather than skellies) is obviously the lowest hanging fruit in this regard, the faction could also be an Araby-esque human faction or, better still, a sort of Nubian/Araby/Moorish desert elf faction: Also, Vampires. No need reinvent the wheel on this. As classicly gothic as possible to match the aesthetics of the Coven Throne and Neferata. Finally... GIVE SKIN WOLVES THE BEASTS OF CHAOS KEYWORD!!!
  17. Masque, Black Coach, Fiends of Slaanesh, Changeling, Tyrant...
  18. Exactly. I always found it strange how some people say "the mortal realms can be literally anything", and then rush to try and gatekeep anything remotely classic looking out of the world. Basically, "it can be literally anything... but not goblins riding wolves...". "Anything" can, and should, mean the entirety of the classic-new spectrum. It's up to GW to try and gauge how to distribute releases across that spectrum, and while I don't doubt that the centre of mass of the player base leans on the side of "new", the significant positive respose to this release shows that it's not an either/or situation. In fact, having classic goblins makes the wacky Moonclan goblins seem even more wacky in comparison. Or, to put it another way, in a world where everything is special, nothing is.
  19. While I agree that Gitmob and Sepruchal Guard might be a bit dry for a full release in this day and age, I can't say I agree with regards to Kurnoti. A "Wardancer army" feels as viable as the "Witch Elf army" we have already had. (i.e. Take the most feral aspect of an old elf army, and go all-in with it).
  20. Black Coach, Fiends of Slaanesh, Changling and The Masque... Plus a fair few squiggy/trolly things in the Gloomspite release. Beasts of Nurgle look kinda different in form, but have the same name. Ditto the four greater daemons.
  21. This makes me wonder about Kurnothi. We assumed that Warband = Future Army, but the Bone Daddies are pretty much a nail in the coffin for a full army that resembles the Sepulchral Guard. Furthermore, I can't see GW doing a whole Gitmob army either, so maybe the Kurnothi could yet still be a one-and-done warband only?
  22. Wow, some people like classic styles, some like more "out there" concepts, some like something inbetween and some like things across the spectrum. I would appreciate less of the "I don't want this, so GW should not make this" sentiment, though. That works in both directions (i.e. classic design fans against new concepts, and fans of new concepts against classic design), where the "grumpy grognard WHFB loyalists" and "everything made before 2015 sucks AoS loyalists" horseshoe around to become almost exactly the same as each other - despite their massively differing tastes.
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