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Kaleb Daark

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Everything posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. I have two alredy but I could always make room for a third for the right price...
  2. I did it by putting a daemon standard bearer unit filler in the unit. So perhaps a blood letter or a daemonette on a rock or something egging them on. Adds a splash of colour to the unit as well, or maybe magnetise a spare shield to the banner pole or something similar with the relevant colours as others have said.
  3. sort of, but you essentially choose a mark a the beginning of each turn like @Agent of Chaos says. Think of the ability like the everchosen ability. Scrub that! I've just read the ghb2018 wording, and yes you have all four keywords without any conditions attached. You do have all four marks. It doesn't say anything about choosing which one any given round. I'm sure this will be getting a faq or errata at some point for clarification, but until it does, yes, you have them all. That's very powerful. So you're a mini archaon rather than a varanguard who must choose.
  4. nope, it basically makes him everchosen light. You could surround him with buffing characters of each god and basically pick which buff he needs each turn to do his job. In this instance the keyword is the mark - he's blessed by all the gods of chaos. fill your boots with the possibilities. remember that unlike fantasy of old, the marks now are just keywords that allow things to trigger rather than abilities with properties in their own right.
  5. I honestly cant understand why fw havent used aos as the opportunity to bring back rhinox cavalry for beastclaw. but back on topic, i see what you mean. Its the thing that makes them different that will be the magic of this faction and also probably the hardest thing to nail down. unless we just see all cultural subfactions find unity under the everchosen banner?
  6. I preferred to look at it as giving a superior tactical advantage. ? after you ash stormed all your dice and then reminded them they wrre all flammable and it was your shooting turn! old times indeed.
  7. while I think of it, with Nagash's announcement to Balthus, did you get the very subtle similarity in the attitudes between him and the minions of Nagash? When Balthus talks of not understanding (when referring to the mortals) why anyone would want to be anywhere other than in Azyr and why they behave and allow themselves to act the way they do throughout the book. The same speech in essence that arkhan gives Pharus regarding the truth that is Nagash and to want anything different is convincing ones self otherwise. So a the end game, when balthus see's the shard of silver and tries to reach for it, it leaves me wondering if the reforging for stormcast who were once given to another pantheon such as the chaos gods is all that much more difficult with the smiths needing to hammer the final mote out of the soul before sending it upwards?
  8. I finished it this afternoon. I couldn't put it down! Its a book of many levels and lots of interesting metaphysical almost gaiman-esque discussions, which I loved. The epilogue was particularly interesting and I'm now ready to open my core rulebook, as I promised myself that the novel would be first. I actually get stormcast a lot more now after reading this, and I like how it teases us with their humanity always in the back of their minds whispering to them. Whereas in the original box I got rid of all the stormcast, I'm definitely keeping these guys. and the way it portrays Nagash and his view of his minions has an understated but powerful resonance about it. I think he's succeeded in interweaving the contradiction but the necessity of each god to the other very well, and the use of Arkhan as narrator and clarifier is very good as well, as we see it all through his eyes but we can instantly draw the parallels to the realm of heaven.
  9. bound magma dragons and the return of the kdaai destoyer after all they had a model for him which they resculpted and re-purposed to a new faction (scaarac) Actually the kdaai destroyer would be pure jaw dropping awesome. for those of you who have never played or read throne of chaos - the destroyer was a massive Kdaai - think gargantuan huge..massive kdaai.. from the world that was: Image and text from Tamurkhan The Throne of Chaos rocking up with a destroyer was the equivalent of rocking up with a couple of mournguls - didn't win you many friends! oh, and a re-imagining of the hellcannon. I miss the hellcannon in our army. Chaos Dwarf crews the world over are getting cold now.
  10. I think that we've seen the look of them in the warqueen and the chieftain - if they phase out marauders to be replaced with these guys I'll be content as its the right vibe. I'd really like them as you say to have the monsters as part of their thing, mammoths, skinwolves and shape shifters, giants, and even chaos tainted troggoths - wheel out the old throgg model for added spectacle. Instead of chariots they could ride massive rhinox sized creatures such as pull the scraplauchers and ironblaster in the beastclaw raider models. I sort of see them as the diametric opposite to the ironwald arsenal, a human faction replacing technology, clockwork and powder for beasts, muscle and physical fortitude. the civilised lands and shelter of cities with blood scarred skies and the full force of the elements.
  11. they've been mentioned in the soul wars novel hopefully GW might make them a thing one day - years ago we had the marienberg class landship from forgeworld from 1984 the citadel dwarf juggernaut
  12. Kaleb Daark


    exceptionally cool.what's the recipe of parts you've used? I cna see giant feet and legs, some beastclaw raider bits... are the torso and arms from the troll who's head you've used - if so, I've never appreicated just how big it is.
  13. thanks Dude !! Yes, for the blessings we can put on this thing I think trading the rampage and chieftain rules is a fair trade off
  14. yes indeed Also the mammoth bravery stacks so a unit within range of two charging mammoths take the cumulative hit. I used to always run the general with the banner and the helm for added goodness, and yes when it goes off, it's a thing of beauty. I also used to run the cursed ettin as his mortal wounds used to be on the modified bravery of the target unit, now it just says bravery on his warscroll so I wonder if that's the modified or listed. Either way, very good. What the mammoth has lost however is the rampage rule - this gave any unit within 3 auto wounds if the mammoth was wounded but, we've gained marks and that's worth its weight in gold. With the bloodsecrator and mr whippy, and the warshrine buffing them they become pretty lethal. Unfortunately we've lost the chieftain - who allowed a marauder unit to make a d6 move towards the enemy before any other moves. - brilliant for getting marauder horsemen in the face of the enemy turn 1. and don't forget, however feeble, each mammoth gives you some free short range shooting as well.
  15. Ive got two, and ive just sourced a third so colour me happy! cursed ettin, three mammoths, warshrine, marauders and horsemen ally in mr whippy and the secrator and you can colour me happier than a happy thing on st happimas day oh and talk to me about the four bronzed flesh ...
  16. problem was that this was an army list option in the original throne of chaos Legion list. They shelved it as there are no models with that option, and obviously we're not going to see any now. then again, there's no skullcracker anymore or siege giant but that hasn't stopped them from putting it in the compendium update...
  17. THANK YOU FORGEWORLD!!!!!! THE MAMMOTH GETS TO CHOOSE MARKS!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!! my khorne slaves will be overjoyed!
  18. Soul wars are up https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/05/soul-wars-announced/
  19. well you've got one already in the form of the knight validor harbinger from malign portents, so I'm sure there are more to follow. The harbingers have been new faction characters hidden in plain sight, so life's looking good for grots and slaves to darkness given what we've already seen.
  20. like I said above, we got one more week of imperial knights to go as the the special character knight is a ,model in his own right, and coming out next week. Then you'll have your pre-orders, so 16th for pre-orders and 23rd availability. There's going to be a big fat box just like 40k with the rulebook in it as well as toys, and also the ghb 2018 will probably be there as well. Nighthaunts battletome won't be out on release weekend, they want to give you a little time to digest the contents. oh and very interesting background twist to the nighthaunts hence not part of the legion of nagash book when that dropped.
  21. we've got 2 weeks of imperial knight releases and then it's the big wallet emptying I'm looking to 40k launch as an indicator of the price point and the box contents with the big rulebook. I'm also looking forward to the Slaves to Darkness battletome.. er.. if that were ever a thing, - given that the harbingers have been heralds for new factions hidden in plain sight
  22. your conversions work on so many levels - really good stuff.
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