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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Is it in the same manner as warcry's campaigns that you kind of play your own story line and you mix and match from there? But with more upgrade tables?
  2. You go @Eldarain! You are right. if the shop receives my ordered wraithbone primer I’ll make it 💪
  3. I'm still trying to convince myself on this set and warcry in general. So i'm playing a game on sunday with some of my own armies. As I understand Stormcast are a bit much I decided on DoK vs KO. Seems like a nice match up. But I'd be happy to change things around if people advice something else for a test game or two. Lists KO: Gunnery Sergeant, Skywarden with pike, Thunderer with flamethrower, Thunderer with cannon, Arkanaut with Gatling Gun, Arkanaut with pike, 3 arkanauts. DoK: SoS champ, 2x SoS, 2 Khinerai, 5 witches with two knifes. Again just aiming for a fun game. So if this is super skewed, I'd love to hear.
  4. Destruction can ally in all three named: 'KRAKEN-EATER MEGA-GARGANTS can only be taken as MERCENARY units by Order and Destruction armies, or by armies from factions that are part of the Order or Destruction Grand Alliance. ' And this text is there for the Death and Chaos one as well. @Charlo, I'm fully with his Lordship. I think Krakeneater adds the most for us. But it's roughly equal to the Frostlord. Frostlord is a bit harder I think. But the Krakeneater gives you a bit of ranged threat, the ability to step over screens, pick out those daemon banner bearers so they can't spawn back etc. It's a cool model though, so might be a bit of a utility vs strength comparison. Although what is truly better you'd need someone who played both. My money is on the Frostlord though.
  5. Looks so good. on the old surpreme sorceress model. I would definitely take a look at the Sorceress warscroll. Her inbuild spell is very useful when playing a glass cannon army such as DoK outside of the extra save temple.
  6. Mixed it actually pretty good. I would advice you to the mawtribes thread tho. Lot more info there. most armies feature 1+ Frostlord on stonehorn. Even if everything else is gutbusters.
  7. Flamingos are pink because of the food they eat. So let nobody tell you that in a world where the spirits of mountains walk around and elves ride flaming birds that your models skin tone can’t change. my Garreks Reavers have been eating some very dodgy shrimp as well edit: I used a YouTube tutorial for this as a basis. If this was the style you want I can look it as I’m sure I saved the link somewhere.
  8. Nor should that be required. If you need a youtube deepdive as a beginner just to begin, something is wrong. But @Ogregut I would have loved those resourced when i was a kid. Although we did have make your own terrain books. Those were awesome as well. Would love a 2020 version of that. And even Campaign books always had a 'make your own X' section.
  9. Haha oh no😅 but that’s is a good comparison. I would like to see him be able to beat up a mega gargant over two turns. Maybe not if the mega gargant gets the charge. but he should be able to hit a 4+ save enemy do 15 to 20 (mortal) wounds. survive a hit back. And do the remaining wounds the next turn.
  10. You Just Know that Nagash is that guy who will hold a grudge for an accidentally spilled beer till he runs into the person weeks later. In every barfight I've ever been in/seen there was a Nagash 😂
  11. Oh sorry. Yeah definitely it will be a ‘worse’ deal. But apparently the boxes in 40k didn’t serve their purpose to GW, and the old SC didn’t have a big enough margin. to me this is seems just reinventing the SC so that a price hike isn’t just that but looks a bit more.
  12. Ogors: 6 gluttons. 20 gnoblars, tyrant = 500 points & 95 euro hunter, 4 mournfang. = 400 points & €87,5, so probably toss in some cats? But that would make it €102 stormcast: Lord aquilor, 3 vanguard Raptors, 3 aether wings, 5 Vanguard Raptors = 480 & 90 € if they can manage to split the box but I don’t know how those sprues are build. I know you get five in the start collecting already with all option, so it is possible. knight incantor/lord ordinator , 10 sequitors, ballista = 490 & 95€ Couldn’t think of a cool warrior chamber one though. Without being very expensive or missing battleline.
  13. As I’m one of the people who was excited about it but because of the price won’t be getting it (might convince myself in time though) Its not just because it’s the new hotness. It’s because it’s presented or at least viewed as a one stop and complete starting point. i can start the game without it. Although I wouldn’t be able to get the markers. perhaps not the full terrain set as not all parts from the previous one never got sold. (although I’m probably the only person excited about the doors. ) on top of that it’s already incomplete if you consider chaotic beasts as part of the core game. So it gets more expensive. but the alternative is getting all the bits and pieces separately. Which between two books, terrain, two warbands is even more expensive. so I’m stuck between taking the gamble of jumping on board with a set I feel is a bit overpriced. Especially compared to the previous box I missed out on. or getting all the parts separately with no guarantees it will become available, and spending more money. Just so I don’t have the massive expense in one go. the only advantage that does give is it allows me to pick and choose. But having not played Warcry, that’s also not the best situation. at least the above is what makes it a dealbreaker for me. (edit; just to clarify, the gamble is investing in a game I might not play it enough. Due to friends not liking it, me not liking it, not getting through painting the terrain etc.)
  14. I think the celestant prime is supposed to be his avatar. But the rules are hopelessly outdated for what his lore is. the best of the best souls a god could find throughout time, trained for centuries, armed with a weapon that elevated a common man to godhood*. Yet he is outmatches on all accounts except the ability to fly by a grumbling dwarf that stumbled into a new game and an empty but very shiny suit of armour *not to mention a weapon so powerful a toy soldiers game in our universe is named after it’s type.
  15. Its also better than just saying the same thing is now more expensive seems they learned from how they handled it with the aos boxes. Although I thought it was pretty fair how they open card played it when they did it.
  16. Havent played it. But wouldn’t the catacombs rules with the walls mitigate that a bit more?
  17. given that the recent boxes that were persistently painfully priced* were all 30% more expensive than similar boxes released a year ago... I'm starting to suspect its the trend. Although €180 already sounds so expensive when you compare it to the currently still available Soul Wars box (€125). *not really, but I'm a sucker for a good alliteration 😂
  18. It's the only way to become a succesful politician it seems. So if it works there, why not here Drycha seems a pain to built? Or isn't it?
  19. Take it step by step and you’ll get there. next step undercoating one warband? that way you can either undercoat or paint whatever you fancy at that time. at least that works for me at the moment. I have several kits on the table in various stages of ready to build, ready to undercoat, ready to paint, ready to base and in the middle of painting. whenever I feel or have time to do one of those things, I have no hurdles to make a little progress. Although it’s a pain that I can’t really have the building stuff lying around as my daughter can no climb on the table by herself ☹️
  20. Well. It can yet go either way. He will either be as misshapen as the hunchback of the notredame but with a golden heart. or he will wear in addition to his Decimators axe, the decimators shoulder guard. i snipped off one arm before checking if that is easily replicated on the other side 😅 Because to fit the decimators shoulder piece I needed to create some extra space between his shoulder and torso.
  21. I’m trying to open up the possibility that your wrong. Just like this comparison is wrong. At least here in the Netherlands we have a difference between murder and manslaughter. And the fact that I instantly knew these terms I’m pretty sure the UK has as well. intent matters. And if you claim to know why GW does things. You better back it up. Rather than just say the community accepts it. it’s a worrying trend in general. Less so when discussing toy soldiers I admit . But that’s how conspiracy theories start and maintain themselves. Creating an echo chamber for the suspicions, a whole lot of conversation bias, and the filter bubble (on a bigger scale at least) doesn’t help. again you might also be right and it’s all intentional on the part of GW. But if you arguing the intent you need to bring up sources for that. Or else be honest that you are speculating just like the rest of us. It’s an interesting discussion though
  22. Without saying you're right or wrong. There does seem to be quite a bit of conformation bias going on. On both sides of the argument. Because do what you suggest I could find changes that seem to corroborate your view. But on the other hand, I can definitely find examples as well that seem to corroborate the view that it's accidental. Which slightly lowers the bar for the next example, and the next and the next. The thing is, in the end as long as the discussion is about intent, people will find examples to support their believe. As the only way to know the intent is not to judge the outcome, but only judge the decision making. Which is impossible unless you were there.
  23. Yeah my thought now is to try it both with contrast over a darker mix for the spots as it’s nicely translucent. or like my stonehorn with regular paints. but it’s going to take some trying with the light colours. i really like how there is a bit of orange in the white fur. Also I have more gryph hounds than I’ll ever play 😅 also on a side note. I just ruined my lord aquilor. Or put a finishing detail on the model that helps tell the story. born from losing that small broche while undercoating it. Blew away somewhere in the garden 😒
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