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Everything posted by Naem

  1. Hey guys, I will be attending a small regional 2v2 tournament, where every team has 2000 points so that each player has to bring 1000. I will be playing with an Seraphone ally and now I am looking to build a nice complementary 1k list. I was thinking of maybe going all shooting and magic, while Seraphone brings the big meele units (and also magic). My list would look something like this: Allegiance: OrderAllegiance: Order LEADERS Knight-Incantor (120) Lord-Relictor (100) Lord-Arcanum (150) - General UNITS 5 x Liberators (90) - Warhammer & Shield 5 x Liberators (90) - Warhammer & Shield 6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (340) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Everblaze Comet (100) What do you guys think, how would you build a list for such a purpose?
  2. Man I am really bummed that Kroak seems to be such a must. Is there any way to replace him with anything, maybe a Lumineth caster? Cause I really don't like the model just aesthetic wise.
  3. That is a very interesting list, will definitely look into it. But for now I would like to have something more balanced between cavalry and infantry, not too much of a "rush" list like the one above. What do you think of my list above? Any suggestions for swaps?
  4. So I just finished painting up my Start Collecting StD Box and wondered where to go from here. I would like to build a Tzeentch themed army but I really love Knights and Warriors so I would like to have them in there mixed with Disciples Units and heroes. But no idea what is good right now or how to match StD and Tzeentch Units. Do you guys have any suggestions for lists that don't totally suck - even though I don't play tournaments so it doesn't need to be super competitive. Just lists that can stand their ground in regular semi competitive games. Should I go for a Start Collecting Tzeentch Box or just buy a couple of Tzangors and Akolites? Happy about all list suggestions, all I want is basically a Tzeentch army that includes the StD SC Box (and maybe 5 additional Knights - I love Chaos Knights and spend too much time painting them ). What do you think about a list that goes something like this: LEADERS Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (250) Ogroid Thaumaturge (160) Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (260) - General Tzaangor Shaman (150) UNITS 5 x Chaos Knights (180) - Ensorcelled Weapons 5 x Chaos Knights (180) - Ensorcelled Weapons 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Chaos Warriors (200) - Hand Weapon & Shield 3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (180) 3 x Flamers of Tzeentch (120) 3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (200) Its 2080 P. with the old points but with the decrease of Warriors, Knights and Chaos Lord it should hit the 2000. But maybe the list lacks some Endless Spells or anything else?
  5. Not quite sure where to put this so I leave it here: Have any of you magnetized your Dracothian Guards? Is there a guide somewhere on the web to show where exactly to put the magnets and where to cut something away? Because I lack imagination right now, the spaces at the shoulder for example are to narrow to fit a magnet.
  6. Yeah especially when it is a matter of hours to update the App - just change a few numbers and be done with it. Every Intern could have done it within a day. I really don't get it.
  7. They announced yesterday that they will make the box made to order so that everybody can get one. Seems to me like it was a deliberate strategy to scam the scammers who bought many boxes to sell them for a profit on ebay.
  8. Does anyone know when the point adjustments will be live in the app army builder? Still have the old points there, even though I bought GHB2020
  9. To be fair concerning the balance - it is SO incredible hard to balance a game with so many different armies, factions and units. I would almost say that it's impossible, you can only hope to achieve something nearly balanced. Look at Starcraft for example, it sticks out to this day because it is one of the few games that ever were able to create 3 different and unique races to play and still keep them balanced in competitive matches. Now imagine doing something similar for 5x the amount of armies. Sure, balancing a RTS is something different than a Tabletop but still I think the argument stands. So I wouldn't put to much hope into seeing a "balanced" game anytime, there can only be varying degrees of imbalance. The alternative would be a game where a lot of units are very similar, like AoE2 for example. But that would also take the fun out of it for a Tabletop.
  10. Love the List, always wanted to be able to put all the nice big guys on the table and the comet and two wizards.
  11. But don't forget that SM were pretty mediocre for a long period of time in that edition. So kinda like SCE as well ^^ Foot Dracoth Paladins would be awesome btw
  12. That's good news, thank you! I think Lumineth might be my next army, but right now I still have a ton of stuff to paint and my wife will call me crazy if I come with another box full of plastic laying around for half a year 😁
  13. Is there any Info on which of the models from the box are going to be exclusive to the box?
  14. Decimators and StarDrake to eat away the formation may be some fun playstyle against Lumineth
  15. So here are my takes on some Starcast Combos: My favorite right now is the Starballistas -> Allegiance: OrderLeadersCelestant-Prime (340)Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)- Celestine HammerKnight-Incantor (140)Lord-Castellant (120)Lord-Ordinator (140)Battleline5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & ShieldArtilleryCelestar Ballista (110)Celestar Ballista (110)Celestar Ballista (110)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsEverblaze Comet (100)Prismatic Palisade (30)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 91 The other one are Starkitties -> Allegiance: OrderLeadersCelestant-Prime (340)Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)- Celestine HammerLord-Castellant (120)Lord-Exorcist (120)Battleline5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & ShieldUnits6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsEverblaze Comet (100)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 95 Esp. the last one has quite a good win/lose ratio for my standards
  16. Hi, yes of course. Can’t wait to play some games again
  17. Great Topic, I am a history buff myself. The real history TV channel on Youtube is really awesome. I wondered how the guy manages to produce such high value vids on such a large scale - until I found out that he is a multi million $ worth CEO of a big video game company. Even more so: fascinating guy and channel. Other history channels I have been enjoying lately are"Voices of the Past" where original sources from first encounters (e.g. first Europeans in Japan, first sight of Europeans by the Atzteks and so on) are voiced. The other ones are "Kings and Generals" (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw), Epic History TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvPXiKxH-eH9xq-80vpgmKQ), and Weird History for a little lighter approach (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-N24Y5OA0gqbjBwe1ttfA).
  18. Well to be fair SM only got good in the 8th edition after the latest codex. Before that they were stuck in a similar place as SCE. Not the worst but definitely far away from being top meta. Concerning the Ballista list - I once calculated that 4 Ballistas with Ordinator compensate the lacks in reliability by quantity of shots. 4 seems to be the magic number for me there.
  19. Thank you very much, that makes the thread even more helpful I also do like to play Starkitties with Stardrake, Prime and 6 Evocators on Dracolines plus Comet, Castellant and Exorcist. Alternatively I liked the list with Incantor, Ordinator and 4 Ballistas instead of the Kitties. In that list I found the enemy to often be to distracted by the Dragon thread to deal with the Ballistas and getting shot to pieces. Kind of a distraction Carnifex
  20. I play a lot of lists like that. My favorite would be what I call Evokitties -> Evokitties: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals LEADERS Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220) Lord-Castellant (120) Knight-Heraldor (100) Knight-Incantor (140) UNITS 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields 6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520) 10 x Evocators (440) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Celestian Vortex (40) Quicksilver Swords (30) 2000/2000 P. I mean...you got yourself 16 Evocators there - whats not to love Another option would be my "Dracolive Golden Standard" that I play most of the time: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals LEADERS Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220) Lord-Castellant (120) Knight-Heraldor (100) Lord-Ordinator (140) UNITS 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield ARTILLERY 6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520) Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) Celestar Ballista (110) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Everblaze Comet (100) Had to drop one of the Sequitors Unit there because I needed the 30 points, but here you have a battery of Ballistas with Ordinator plus the Comet to soften up the defense before your Kitties run havoc
  21. Guys, love the thread, love the lists. Got myself my first Stardrake and a Prime to try it out and looking forward to painting them. But could we maybe keep the first post of the threat updated with all the viable lists we have collected so far? Because as it is, it is pretty hard to find all the lists that are being discussed here giving that the thread grew quite a bit.
  22. The Second is my Kitties n Ballistas List - just would spwa the Sequitors for Liberators leaving you 120 Points to take the Comet.
  23. Wish that were true, but I can work 100% from home and as an Attorney there is a hell of things to do right now for our clients with all the state aids needed for businesses, insolvencies and so forth. I'm stuck at home right next to all my toys and can't play with them :(((
  24. Also I think the problem of SCE is not that they have no battleline cavalry but rather the cost of cavalry as well as the battle line units. They just don't do enough for their price.
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