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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. I mean several of the kits they are getting rid of like the Skycutter and mounted general are fantastic plastic kits from the end of 8th edition, barely older than the ET kits like Nagash, and certainly MUCH newer than the ENTIRE Skaven range, or most of DEATH. Meanwhile several much older and uglier kits are being left around for cities. These models are going: Click to choose files And these are staying:
  2. Well remember, GHB was finished and went to print while they were still putting the finishing touches on Gloomspite.
  3. I mean this would not be the first time they dropped a bunch of great looking plastic 8th ed kits. And it was just as baffling then.
  4. Well they also got a popularity surge under GHB2106, when they were one of the top armies.
  5. It was a few years back, unfortunately no.
  6. According to an ama the designers did awhile ago, the decision to remove them was made before the End Times even happened, and was made due to their total lack of popularity (the army was functionally near unplayable in 8th ed). So they decided not to renew the moulds, and just runs things until they wore down and models ran out.
  7. Not a huge fan of either Hexwraiths or Black Knights honestly. Though between the two, I think the former are better. I am still upset that BKs to this day feel more like mounted scrub skeletons, instead of the mounted wights they are supposed to be. I think HWs are a bit too expensive for what they do still, and just need another 10-20 points chipped off to be fine. BKs I would make their basic wound 3+, 2" reach, rend -1, double damage on a 6+, and change their charge bonus to double damage triggers on a 5+.
  8. Grimsghasts are still better than Grave Guard even with the new points on both units.
  9. Yep, GoSwMG is no more. Gaunt Summoner with Familiars also got dropped.
  10. Thinking about this list. Not sure on who to make general and what trait/artifact to go for yet. Allegiance: Tzeentch Gaunt Summoner (160) - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch Ogroid Thaumaturge (170) - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum Tzaangor Shaman (160) - Lore of Fate: Shield of Fate Magister (140) - Lore of Fate: Glimpse the Future 10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180) - Lore of Change: Fold Reality 10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (180) - Lore of Change: Fold Reality 20 x Tzaangors (360) - 6x Pair of Savage Blade - 8x Savage Greatblade - 6x Savage Blade & Arcanite Shield 6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400) 3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (160) Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 120
  11. I don't think overlap on its own is the problem. Chaos as a GA has FAR more overlap that we do. Some units can be fielded in as many as 5 different allegiances (6 if you count the GA itself). And Chaos has nowhere near the issues Death has imo. I think the big issue comes from the simple fact that when LoN was written, really the only thing that changed was the resurrection mechanics, moving from banners and innate abilities, to characters and gravesites. Other than that, the warscrolls are all still mostly the same, flat, stats over substance, warscrolls we got when AoS launched.
  12. @Sception Just two corrections. Skaven and FEC (and everyone other than HoS), will get points changes in July via a PDF document. Vampire Lords are, and have been 140 points for a long time.
  13. Yep just like all the chaos stuff that can be taken by different factions, not being listed under those factions.
  14. The GHB was finished and went to print before Gloomspite was even finished. So the finished rules for Gloomspite onward were not a consideration. Warscrolls only override rules when there is some sort of contradiction, they don't ignore rules. So unless there is direct contradiction, you have to follow all the rules.
  15. Have the start of a NH list with the new points. Any ideas on what to fill the remaining 180 points with? I suppose 10 more Grims and a 20 point Triumph bid could work out. Allegiance: Nighthaunt Vampire Lord (140) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Reikenor the Grimhailer (170) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140) 5 x Hexwraiths (140) 5 x Hexwraiths (140) 20 x Chainrasp Horde (160) 10 x Grimghast Reapers (160) 6 x Spirit Hosts (240) 5 x Bladegheist Revenants (90) 5 x Bladegheist Revenants (90) Black Coach (260) Total: 1820 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 140 / 400 Wounds: 113
  16. Still a bit pricey. Also still not tempted to take any of the 3 classes of Flamer or Screamers.
  17. Ouch if the Ogroid is still 180. Have not seen the GS with familiars under either DoT or EC. I wonder if its listed under Other, or if they possibly removed it.
  18. Well the skeletons are also going to be FAR less durable and loose quite a bit of speed without access to gravesites. The latter can be fixed to a degree with the new endless spells though.
  19. Depends. GW allows them in all their events.
  20. So no points changes for anything Goblins, Khorne, FEC, Skaven, or Fyreslayer? A bit concerning. Also makes me wonder why they would complete the book so early, and then just sit on it like that.
  21. Yes, but companies a fraction of GWs size manage to to do across the board updates to every model and faction in their games simultaneously. This also tends to lead to a more healthy and varied spread of forces. Really wish GW would abandon the "one at a time" approach.
  22. Why would Chainrasp Horde get cheaper and Direwolves go up?
  23. Yes you are ignoring an entire line of text, and you just did so again. Read Legions of Nagash again. Look at the line of text directly above Invigorating Aura. That line of text is what is most important, and that line is missing. Nowhere in LoG does it say that it is a gravesite ability, only an allegiance ability (LoN specifically says it is an ability belonging to gravesites). Arguing that you can use an ability as many times as you feel like just because is a very dangerous proposition. Your personal interpretation would result in Sylvaneth players being able to place every Wyldwood they own at the start of the game, because the placement ability must belong to the Wyldwoods themselves, along with an endless list of other broken jank. This is seriously starting to remind me of when one user argued against the entire forum on how healing worked when LoN dropped.
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