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Everything posted by Xil

  1. Ah ok, i understand. It's clear for me and i wouldn't use 'unleash' after redeploying.
  2. I have the same feeling. Esspecially if your army kind of needs that one or two spells to function on a proper level. Sylvaneth, Nighthaunts and other armies with smaller wizards that don't have a bonus to cast are in a weird spot. You need the spells for your army to work but you won't get most spells throught the cast in this meta. So your choice is to not bring them and forgo the buffs or you try to bring wizards and maybe get lucky. In both cases you lose out vs the magical dominant army
  3. Can someone enlighten me on the Redeploy vs Unleash dilemma? What is it about? What do people mean with stopping shooting with redeploy?
  4. Had the same experience with Sylvaneth vs Hedonites. Hedonites are not to be underestimated. Their summoning is top of the chain in my opinion. Especially vs armys that are reasonabley durable but have mediocre output. That said, sadly that Sylvaneth don't have the killing power to carve through all the summoned Demonettes that occupied the objectives. And even though all but one unit of the Hedonites starting army was gone it severly outnumbered the Sylvaneth.
  5. Something like flat 6 MWs should not exist. It's no fun when your support heroes can be "click and delete"-ed from the game. Kairos for example does this and on top you aren't likely to be able to deny the spell at all
  6. I don't like this direction either. Had the same thought in my games. Too much MWs flooding in the game.
  7. I really don't like the new edition. I have lost all interest in the game over my last 3/4 matches. Shooting is mandatory, MW spam is still king and if you play an army that has no wards you just plug 600 points in the first hero phase of your enemy and shake hands. Core rules might be OK ignoring the shooting stuff. But The Battletome balance is soooo much worse than ever before. Especially the FAQ effed up so much and kicked some armies hard again, which already were down in the dirt eating the waste products of the few top tiers.
  8. I paint to reduce my pile of shame. Hopefully I can get a lot of stuff done before anything interesting for me drops again. I also have some 40k stuff to do.
  9. This, or allow models within half an inch to a fighting model (first rank) to fight aswell. Like its done in the game they stole the coherency rules from.
  10. Can we have our own subforum now? Would be nice to have one like Daughters of Khaine. Wonder why this is not a thing for everyone
  11. There are some lists that are near broken, like Teclis build and the new Roos shenanigans. This might change with v3 or not. What doesn't change is the huge NPE tacked on LRL. It is never fun to play vs. an army that has every tool there possibly is to mess with someone. Lumineth are no fun to play against for me and anyone else in my rather big gaming group. OP or not, Win or Loss, NPE stays.
  12. Nighthaunts: Ranged Unit: Something akin to slingshots for midrange shooting (12 to 18). Shooting some ectoplasm that does exploed when rolling 6s for example A Monster: Maybe something that is a warped entitiy made up from fused souls in one giant blob of sceaming souls, a weird mass rolling over the battlefield to swallow/suck you into its mass. Not something for a huge damage output but rather a great anvil unit that just won't die easily Daughters of Khaine: A beast from Ulgu: Something made from shadow itself, lurking in the dark parts of Ulgu. A small unit of 3 "tamed" beasts with 4 or 5 wounds each accompanied by a beast mistress putting them in a frenzy (and hopefully the right direction). Maybe a multikit that builds you one tanky version and one glasshammer version. A larger monster (with monster keyword): Just as with the beasts, something from the shadows but huge and mean Heavy Cavalary: Something more like the Cold One Knights or Dark Riders Crazy Warmachine Catapult thing? I just would like to have such a unit type, no proper idea. Maybe something that catapults multiple small balls filled with explosives and steaming hot blood? Maybe something thats a more magical weapon than traditional, shooting a ray of searing, piercing and tearing shadow down the field? Sylvaneth Archer Revenants: We have seen a sculp, bring the unit already. Kurnothi/Woodelves rolled into Sylvaneth: Would be a nice addition just like LRL got Light and Wind so far.
  13. To be fair...this was quiet OP, especially considering your Hero just holds up the banner a little higher above his low hanging head. If it at least involved a dice roll before it wouldn't have been that crazy
  14. I am actually glad when Sylvaneth and DoK/Umbraneth are later rather than sooner. Gives me more time to catch up with my pile of shame. Also i have some 40k Projects to finish and i fear when the time comes that they finally bring new Ynnari and Craftworld models... So far so good, Warsong Revenant i can just about squeez in on top of my pile
  15. Hmmm, i once wrote a multipage suggestion on how to balance Craftworlds for 40k to better represent the lore while being a balanced internal and external Codex... i haven't ever heared anything again. Maybe....maybe if there will ever come a new release for models and codex Craftworld...just maybe then i can see if they picked up on some ideas.
  16. Are you trying for Triumph, if this is still a thing? Otherwise i might consider dropping a unit of Shadowstalkers in favor for Sisters of Slaughter. It would give you maybe a tool to counter "unleash hell" and puts you at 2k
  17. My buddy and i thought points were actually fine for AoS2. He had almost won 100% of his games with Slaneesh due to the summoning. He even beat LRL (yeah he was lucky rolling double 6 on dispells a few times). What made him win was a calculated approach to how much damage he would inflict and how much he could receive. He was stacking depravity so fast and summoning 20 Deamonette blobs each round that you just couldnt keep up with the killing. How the recent points influence this is up in the open tho. Smaller board surley helps them archers chipping earlier in the game tho.
  18. Sentinels alone aren't a problem, its the combination of their synergies that makes them so strong. If you think dishing out 3 to 5 MWs on a unit isn't strong then you might be right. But condider that with Teclis its possible to do that to almost every unit that the opposing player brings. I had a game where i thought ok, i have so many bodies that it won't be a problem....oh dear was i wrong! Getting blasted by searing white light, a hailstorm of arrows and a Dawnrider Charge i lost around 45% of my army without even having a go. And why? Because i don't have Battleshock immunity and get hit with a broken mapwide -3 to bravery. Not even Nighthautns, the supposed shock and fear army can debuff bravery that hard. So what am i supposed to do with 3 units of 2-4 models and a few heroes left? Right go and Charge! Guess what, LRL Wardens have defensive grenades and dropped every single flask they had killing all my models that made it to combat. and the few survivers had to hit a Cathellar in that stupid terrain (they get on top for free) or some bonkers wardens which popped an Aetherquarz putting the debuff AGAIN on me. WHERE IS THE DRAWBACK FOR ALL THOSE ABILITIES? WHY DO THEY HAVE AN UNLIMITED TOOLBOX WHILE EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO RELY ON A SPECIAL TACTIC?
  19. I still hope for a shadowy beast from Ulgu to add to my daughters
  20. Then just go for DoK and have some "Dark Elves" Vibe
  21. no it doesn't, it only matters when the enemy can target a specific model. and i think only LRL can do this still (Entomb Spell)
  22. And exactly this power combo is what i dont like. Daughters have been my melee murder hobos... otherwise i would have started KO/LRL for shooting
  23. You know whats great? That LRL can cast entomb on your neatly organised new coherency units and *Pooof* half your unit is gone Edit: Yeah, better setup in 3 rows...
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