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Everything posted by Xil

  1. I didn't reach my target this month. Got knocked down by a crazy fewer, already my second week of it. Really exhausting. Thus my target moves to May. I hope i will be able to do anything again coming next days. Am sick of being sick
  2. To be fair, a space marine with nothing more than a shield and a sword looks more like a fantasy/medival knight than a stormcast with sword/axe and shield would look sci-fi. In this case, the SM stole the fantasy looks from AoS. How are you supposed to make SCE look different when the SM looks like a knight...there is only so much design space.
  3. The new shroudqueens are basically the Saih. You could have used her as an alternative shroudqueen for shadowstalker units.
  4. My group, fairly competitive AoS players, uses some selected Warcry/Underworld units from time to time.
  5. For my armies I collect them too for the most part. Good troop leaders or heroe alternatives.
  6. I like the mechanic actually. But i also see that sometimes it can leave a bad impression after some games. But last match where i played my Daughters vs Khorne is a prime example of how the double turn can change the flow of the game without ****** the outcome. In that game i deployed defensible and thus was given first turn. I moved a little and scored the 4 points (hold more is off the table in that mission turn 1). Khorne went and did the same, coming a little bit closer but screening like no tomorrow out of fear of my punch. Then i gave Khorne the double but he couldn't capitalise from it, so nothing much happend in regards to killing. Then i was able to start picking my battles instead. The game was super interesting and close. We talked a lot and discussed what we could do as it was intented to be a training game. i believe not giving away double wouldn't have changed the game by much. only difference would have been that i had to pick my fights some inches closer to his territory. This shows, that if both players know the mechanic and play accordingly the games don't just fall apart. This only happens when someone neglects the risks and trys to play for the rewards only.
  7. I plan to finish the Arch Revenant and start working on 5 Gossamids. Need them for a tournament list.
  8. Hi, here is my WiP Arch Revenant. It was a painful experience to paint her to this point. Lots of accidents happend which made me almost throw her in the trash can😅 Overall i can live with the result now. It's not as smooth as i would like it to be, but after what happened while painting (weird dry effect of contrast, layers peeling off, etc...) i think it's acceptable. Now some more work on the bark and green twigs, aswell basing
  9. I would like to see more of Ulgu. The Dawnbringer short with Krethusa was good insight on the environment. Would help me with creating a concept for my DoK-Army bases.
  10. I really like the colorful fur. It's an interesting visual
  11. Nice paintjob! Ruined by a mold line
  12. It was just a 1k game. So not perfect to make assumptions. But i definitly recommend 2 Cauldrons minimum. Otherwise your ability won't work if your cauldron dies to an unfortunate accident Also you have more wiggle room to be wholly within 6" to a cauldron. Also i feel like Krethusa lists tend to not be of the fighting kind. Otherwise you could run out of witches fast. Make them durable, with multiple layers in front of a unit with Prayer of Reclamation to really make your opponent think. Maybe even take Kelth Nar over Hagg Nar.
  13. Not much i can identify. Zooming closer makes it a mess of green pixels
  14. I made some progress, so pictures will be posted at the end of this month My focus shifted mainly to the Arch Revenant recently. Needed a break from the Hunters, but i still work on them here and there.
  15. I tried her in a 3ways fun game with normal tempels. her abilities are super nice and mess with your opponents plans. the strongest in my opinion is the reclamation one, because it forces them to put heroes at the front. it's a little tricky to get used to the ranges of within 6" of cauldron and unit within 9" to herself. might needs some practice.
  16. as a none rat player, the bracelets would let me think about RatOgre
  17. Didn't finish...again...sigh Got a little side tracked with some other pieces. Lets see what march brings. I hope i can share some pictures this time
  18. any chance you have the whole ranking? wanna know where some of my favs ended up That arena looks great btw
  19. He swings first first in 10 possible matchups. not that it would matter
  20. The ranking system is also flawed. Gotrek is just at rank 11 for an arena matchup while Alariell is placed rank 3 😂
  21. also no heroic actions or monstrous actions Here is for the lazy ones: If you wanna also look at the rankings that dictate the iniative follow this link to the article: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Arena of Death – Gods, Daemons, and More Enter the Battle Report Challenge - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)
  22. the article says they striped them from all allegiance abilities and such. and they start in combat. So it can not really be used as balance reflections
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