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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. I could imagine we get a preorder on the Chaos Knights for 40k for next week. They would be a perfect release now after apocalypse. Also we have the book and models revealed so far. I wouldn´t expect much AoS Stuff untill the 20th because of the same reasons you´ve mentioned. The only exception I could imagine, would be the Sylvaneth Tome and Spells. I expect to finaly have a full Warcry reveal with the Box´s content and wouldn´t be suprised to see some more news on core AoS, maybe the next tome? I could also imagine that the next Block of Shadespire won´t be announced until then
  2. Both actually. Bloodsecrator can´t be stacked as well as the inherited ability of the reavers triggers only once
  3. Aelfy AND fluffy! Maybe something new for the next Shadespire Set?
  4. I am currently working on the last units to finish the following army list: Allegiance: Khorne - Slaughterhost: The Goretide Mortal Realm: Ulgu Leaders Bloodsecrator (140) - Artefact: Thronebreaker's Torc Bloodstoker (80) Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh Daemon Prince of Khorne (160) - General - Trait: Hew the Foe - Artefact: Sword of Judgement Battleline 10 x Blood Warriors (200) - Goreaxe & Gorefist - 1x Goreglaives 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Reaver Blades 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Reaver Blades 9 x Mighty Skullcrushers (540) - Ensorcelled Axes Units 5 x Skullreapers (180) - Goreslick Blades 5 x Wrathmongers (140) Battalions Gore Pilgrims (140) Endless Spells / Terrain Wrath-Axe (60) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Wounds: 145 All in all a pretty streightforward list. The Bloodwarriors of Reavers can be flinged into the enemy turn 1 (Movement + 6" run +2x3" Bloodstoker +2W6 Charge) and are supposed to tie them down or to contest any Mission Objectives, dependend on the game. Turn 2/3 is supposed to get the Skullcrushers into contact. In the best case I can max out their charge damage with some Bloodtithe to charge in my turn, kill a target to get them out of combat, charge again in the enemy hero phase. Skullreapers and Wrathmongers are there to be utilised in the best way possible, killing some targets with MW´s or supporting other units. The Priests are supposed to get some buffs and MW´s out. The Daemon Prince is a designated Hero/Monster hunter
  5. @medivouk Daemon Prince and Ghyrstike? I hope you use it to get the axe to 2+/2+ because otherwise there are better artifacts as the DP has alteady +1 to hit. Also, if you want to use the DP for hero/monster hunting, concider maybe the Blade of Judgement from Ulgu.
  6. Thanks a lot for your response! I will give it a try with smaller ammounts and maybe this will help. Sorry if I confused you with the "Drybrushing Shades" term, is is actually bollocks. I am an non-native speaker and sometime I get things messed up. I´ve ment just drybrushing to lighten the bright areas up and to keep the black primer in each edge and corner as seen in the picture. All by all I also try to keep a downwards brushstroke so the darker areas a in similar places like shadows would be in zenithal lightning (at least in a rough manner).
  7. Well, they are simply said an ok battleline. They are tanky with a 4+ save, 2 wounds and rerollable ones, have 4+/3+ with hammers and 3+/4+ with swords, which even gets better against anything with more than 5 Wounds (3+/3+ hammer and 2+/4+ swords). They can also take a a bigger weapon for a bit more punch. This is all solid, but as soon as they get into contact with some enemy who have rend or multiwounds-damage, they can´t really hold as "tanks" for too long. Also they are vunerable to MW´s. On the other hand they lack the punch to really use them on offensive manners. Also they are slow. Therefore they can´t really do much work in your army most of the times. Sequitors have more punch, can be tankier with better rerolls and can wield more big weapons (1 in 3 instead of 1 in 5 + Champ)
  8. While all big Centerpiece-Models are supposed to Work with an Single Army and have Synnergiez that are built around it, Archaon is the Jack of All Trades to be used with any other Army, despite of Slaves to Darkness, because, well, StD somehow got into the stop where GW stopped even caring. He is not bad in any god-alligience but then there is the issue of how to field his Varanguard as points for Allied units are limited. He is a Wizzard, has some nice offensive and defensive capabilities, a Commando Ability that I honestly wonder no one has abused so far and is fast and durable. Also he can receive every buff from the 4 Gods Alligiences, althrough I totaly agree with @Infernalslayer that is not always fluffy. But hej, Games logic! On the downside, he do not have any buffs to beeing a wizzard and even lacks a signature spell. He doesn´t hit much harder than a 300pts Model and in "Age of Goodstuff" we are currently playing there are way too many threads to a model like him as already mentioned. I for my own would reduce him to 400-500pts. He is a good alrounder, but it currently feels like we pay an extra for the keywords. It is neat to be able to field him alongside Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne or Slaanesh, but most of the time he can profil only from one of the Gods Alligiences.
  9. As @Battlefury mentioned, Mortal Crushers are affected by other buffs than Daemon Crushers and vice versa. Bloodcrushers can be used to doublefight, which is great as if they can kill an enemy unit with Charge MW + 2 Rounds of Fightning, they can use 3 Bloodtithe to charge right into the next enemy unit. Beside of this, most buffs are available to Blood and Skullcrushers, but are attached to different units. I for my own prefer Skullcrushers as they overall have just the better stats. Edit: I´ve got my Judgements yesterday and wanted to ask you about your opinion on the sculpts. While the Axe and the Skulls are okay, I am really shocked about how bad the quality of the icon is, as it looks like a Happy Meal Toy (also, its really just the icon, not the base which is okay again). Big, round surfaces which lack any detail and are far from the usual GW Quality. I am currently concidering how to add texture. Most propably by using liquid greenstuff to dab some texture on it. Any tips on this one?
  10. Well, I have Foam Trays from Feldherr. They are nice but actually really get troublesome when you have bigger models like monsters, tanks etc. Then there is the Ikea Samla Series, which is my current storage and transport system. The boxes are cheap, can be easily stored together, have enough room for most miniatures and are light so transport is no issue. I usualy travel by public transports to out local gw and it is no issue to travel with 2 of these, althrough transport by car is easier with them. Also they can be easily improved with magnetic tape (which is actually just a tape magnets can stick to) so models won´t move around in the box but instead are fixed. Oh, there are also some little clips you can use to keep the lids closed. Either way: Great system. https://www.ikea.com/de/de/cat/samla-serie-12553/
  11. Does anyone recall if this is a new Artwork? As GW currently has a strict "Do not depict if there is no model for it" policy, this actually might be a pretty nice teaser for us! Especially as all Waverns/Drakes in the Pic are very similar and might be therefore based on a model. This would match the pattern as they also didn´t got a point update, which is a sign that new points may be in the new book. As Ironjaws got new point Values, this is a clear sign that IJ and BS won´t be merged as rumoured New Models come either with a bigger Wave of Models (GG, NH or SCE Sancrosanct) or with a dual box in the last time. Therefore chances are good on a Bonesplitters vs XY Box (Fyreslayers might but don´t have to be an option as the box arts are most of the time secret until an official teaser). We know that this year is supposed to bring us a new Destruction Battletome. While Gutbusters are discussed, BS would be a nice revamp as the green orruks are a typical Warhammer asset
  12. Units running away count as slain. Therefore any rules, that apply when a unit is slain, apply also when a unit runs away. Also models that run away are counted towards mission goals/victory points as if they were slain by an enemy. Rules like "No Respite" usualy especially mention, that they can be used whenever a Unit is Slayed in the Combat step. "Dreaded Death Frenzy" of the Verminlord Warbringer doesn´t mention this. Therefore you could use the rule in the battleshock phase, too.
  13. I would assume option 2 as the most possible for gw. A lot of units were already tied together in the shop and I could expect this to happen also to the book. New Artifacts, a cool new Alligience Ability, Spell Lore and Maybe some Sort of Clans could add more then enough depth to the Gutbusters. I could imagine an own Lore of Magic for Firebellies and maybe an additional perk, but no full sub-alligience like f.e. Skaven Skryre in Skaventide. This kind of release makes the most sense as it is a good for gw in selling stuff as customers may be attracted to a wider range of products and requires a lower ammount of investment than a full new range of models.
  14. Before the Rumour Thread gets out of controll on this topic and mods start wearing hats again, I would like to create a thread for a topic which I really like to discuss about: Female Models in our hobby. I know that people have a lot of different opinions on this topic, therefore I would like anyone participating in the discussion to keep respectful even when opinions differ drasticaly. This thread is all about female models and anything beyond. From talking new and old sculpts, talking about trends or flaws in GW´s (or other manufacturers) design approach or even about what importance the depiction of women has on our hobby, or even society. As Kick Off I would simply quote the mentioned rumour thread posts that the discussion started with this time:
  15. Well, I am a bit torn between this assumption, that there is something we didn´t see yet due to the pipeline thing beeing stuck and the option that they simply did not changed anything for these Armies. I don´t know Bonesplitters, but I had the opportunity to play Gutbusters for some time and the current points for them are allright in my opinion. Yes, they lack a bit of a punch but thats rather due to the missing Alligiance and 2.0 polish than to point values beeing too high. Nevertheless, I really look forward into the Sylvaneth Release as I hope that we might get a lot of cool stuff that was delayed afterwards. By the way, I am also curious how this will affect gw´s value as a company and if they decide on some changes, like keeping parts of production in europe. But....wait....When we expect that there is a stucked pipeline, how can it be that GHB19 releases without delay?
  16. Hello, I have some questions about how Endless Spells work when Allying units in: All begins with a simple question: Are Faction Specific Endless Spells part of a factions Alligience or are they available to all factions and only bound to the casters Keyword restriction from their Warscroll? Also there are questions that follow up: When I Ally an Wizzard from another faction, can I also use the Endless Spells of this faction? Do I count the Spells into the Ally-Point Restriction? When a Unit can have my Main Alligience, but it´s keyword also allows me to cast Endless Spells from another Factions (Verminlord-Corruptor f.e. can be used in a Nurgle Army and still fullfills requirements to cast Skaven Endess Spells), can I cast them? Thank you very much for your help in advance!
  17. How do you get it through the Airbrush? It clogs almost instantly in my Airbrush whenever I try to airbrush it 😮 I´ve decided to try drybrushed shades with contrast paints today. Both techniques were new to me and I am pretty happy about the outcome. So far the mini has a Valejo Black Surface Primer Coat, drybrush with Celestra Grey, Ulthuan grey and light layer of ceramite white (which added a bit of unwanted texture due to the size of the pigments, won´t repeat this). Afterwards I´ve added Blood Angels Red on the Skin. I really love the current look and have even concidered to keep the miniature this way without changing a lot beside some minor details.
  18. Some people just want to see the world burn. I tought that is a common view among us chaos players
  19. I like the idea of an pinned FAQ but I do not know if the people who are able to change the initial post have the ressources to gather these questions together
  20. This "First and Second Rank Fights" Rule is something I actually really enjoy each single time I get to 40k again. It makes the game so much smoother and faster and also leads to less frickly situations where players spend unnecessary amounts of time to max out the number of fightning units. I guess the range of weapons were supposed in AoS to make this more uniform but with different base sizes this is yet a messy spot in the rules. Also the fact that units cannot charge into 3" but have to end in 1" to the enemy makes fightning with ranks with different weapons weird. You either get charget or have to make some weird formation. At this point the rules for AoS 3.0 shall be maybe cleaned up a bit. Ot maybe it is just me and my playgroup that dislikes that current way how things are handled.
  21. Just came back from a 4 Way Triumph and Treachy Game that we expanded with the new Rules for 1000pts battles and it was quite nice of a mix. The game really built up and the fist turns of the game had a nice vibrant feeling of our forces building up.
  22. So, another two weeks without AoS Releases means pipeline is still stucked. Meanwhile the movement trays may be a nice thing. I will get some for 40k as moving 40 Necron Warriors gives me a headache every game. Maybe they will be a thing for aos too
  23. Looks nice and I am quite curious how it will work on the table. There are some things that yet do not look quite right to me: -Chariots are 1-3 not for matched play from what I saw. I wouldn´t wonder if Gorebeast ones were the same. -A Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Mount is always a good addition. The rerolls from Daemonic Might are great, the free Arcane Shield also never hurts. -I would concider more Knights. What Marks do you want to use? Khorne would be great for the Bloodstroker buff. 3 Gorebeast Chariots with a Stroker-Buff could really be insane! All in all it looks like a nice theme army! I would love to see some batreps
  24. Actually like 60% of our Units need a reduction. My "Wishlisting" would look like this: Chaos Lord - 120 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount - is fine, 140 Chaos Lord on Manticore - 230 Chaos Sorcerer Lord - 130 Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore - 200 Daemon Prince - is fine Exalted Hero - 60 pt Chaos Warriors - 80/440 Chaos Knights - 150 Marauders and Chariots- according to the new adjustments Chaos Chosen - 140 is quite ok I guess Warshringe - 160 is ok, too All 3 Battalions could get like 30-50 pts cheaper. I am curious what GW will do with the StD within the Darkoath-Book. We can assume a Skaven/BEast of Chaos alike shared Army for several Alligiences, therefore Everchosen and Darkoath will have their own abilities loose from Slaves. The current Slaves Alligience is all about heroes killing heroes and monsters to go for the eye of gods, and minor buffs to our basic units with the marks and auras. Basically it looks like the set up for an army which utilizes great beatstick heroes to slam our enemies heroes/centerpieces and a passive buff system which bases on marks. The tought is great, just the way gw did it is awfull. How could one do it better? Well, that ain´t so hard at all! WISHLISTING BELOW!
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