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Joseph Mackay

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Everything posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. So how were people dealing with the 5+ saves on the snakes? I haven’t played this army since 2018. I had 1000pts of mostly snakes and some Doomfire Warlocks. I sold the army for reasons I don’t remember. In the hype for the new book, ive been looking at starting them again and played 2 games with proxies and they work how I remember-hits hard, but can’t take a hit back. The game has evolved quite a bit since I last played them, and I’d dread the thought of trying to play against the likes of Tzeentch or Realmlords
  2. My opinion on the Harpies, I like the models but they’re too fragile and expensive. They should have 2 wounds, and the spears should probably be 2” range in melee. I agree with the above, big units just don’t work but small units die too easy
  3. Hmm well that’s an odd one. I suspect if there’s any truth to this, Flesh-Eaters are being rolled into Soulblight Gravelords in some way (Orruk Warclans style maybe as a seperate allegiance but useable in the main faction too). Fec aren’t being retired, that’s a fact* they have rules in the next Broken Realms book as well as the newest White Dwarf (I think it’s Fec anyway) *not so much a fact as such, but I don’t believe Fec are going anywhere
  4. The range of the command ability (18”) is improved (36”). The requirements remain the same, so only Praetorians get the +1 save
  5. Where was this said btw, I’m curious because some people I know would bet their lives on something they said
  6. The spells thing makes no sense unless Fec become part of Soulblight Gravelords then that makes no sense either. Fec aren’t being retired
  7. This. Fec made it absolutely clear that not all of them follow Nagash but there’s no rules to reflect that (like the fact Nagash can use their endless spells) additionally I’ve felt for a long time that Nagash is too strong in the game and he doesn’t belong. Every game I’ve ever played vs Nagash or watched, it always comes down to if you can’t kill him in a single turn you’ve lost because he seems to always heal back up and he does too much to be able to ignore him
  8. Combining Kharadron with the other Dwarf factions doesn’t have to be all doom-and-gloom. Orruk Warclans has separate allegiances for Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz and Orruk Warclans. There’s no reason why a Duardin book wouldn’t still have separate Fyreslayers, Dispossessed and Kharadron allegiances as well as the combined allegiance
  9. Although I agree with the majority of this, warscrolls were updated with relevant armies book release (Dread Saurian, Squig Gobba etc)
  10. Not sure if this is the right place whats people’s thoughts on running Order Serpentis exclusively? what’s the strengths and weaknesses of the faction? which Cities work best for them? what improvements does the faction need if they’re considered bad? Drakespawn Knights, to me seems like their lances should have 2 attacks, but when you compare them to the Dreadspears/Dreadblade/Dreadshards they only have 1 attack too
  11. As they’re behemoths, you could only have 3 + a cauldron (unless the cauldrons aren’t behemoths?)
  12. Fyreslayers have a few points against them: only 2 non-hero kits that look very similar. High prices, at time of release they were more expensive than any other army and armies released after them got cheaper pricing, the Start Collecting box helped with the heroes but really nothing changed. Originally they were a horde army where you needed 90~ of them plus heroes, combined with the price factor I think it put a lot of people off, when they changed to no longer be as much of a horde I think it was too little too late and the damage was already done, the faction is tainted by what they used to be. The book + terrain + spells only release I think jaded a lot of people too, they needed new units but instead got one of the lazy book only releases of aos2, considering what the book was I think we should have gotten a combined Duardin book instead (including Kharadron). Sons Of Behemat were 100% killed by the pricing. Here in nz they’re $380, Archaon is $330, if they’d even been at that price instead they’d have been more popular. Removing the single Gargant so you have to buy 2 now was a bit of a cash grab and a ****** move as well because if you wanted to run the 3+3 then you’ve paid for an extra Gargant you don’t necessarily want, plus it screws with the Gloomspite players who may want a Gargant
  13. This is quite interesting, these UK? Prices don’t look too different from each other, but when you look at different currencies like New Zealand Death -Skeleton (10) $54 -Zombies (20) $71 -Chainrasp Horde (10 ETB) $83 -Crypt Ghouls (20) $85 -Mortek Guard (20) $115 Order -Blackark Corsairs (10) $48 -Freeguild Guard (10) $48 -Dreadspears (10) $50 -Skinks (20) $71 -Saurus Warriors (20) $75 -Ironbreakers (10) $80 -Witch Aelves (10) $80 -Phoenix Guard (10) $81 -Arkanaught Company (10) $90 -Dryads (16) $90 -Namarti Thralls (10) $99 -Lumineth Wardens (10) $115 -Vulkite Berzerkers (10) $115 -Liberators (10) $124 Chaos -Ungors (10) $48 -Gors (10) $54 -Plaguebearers (10) $64 -Clanrats (20) $71 -Pink Horrors (10) $72 -Marauders (20) $75 -Tzaangors (10) $90 -Chaos Warriors (16) $92 -Kariac Acolytes (20) $99 -Bloodreavers (20) $116 -Blood Warriors (10) $124 -Varanguard (3) $200 Destruction -Spider Riders (10) $64 -Stabbas (20) $71 -Gluttons (6) $85 -Squig Herd (12) $90 -Squig Hoppers (10) $99 -Savage Orrucks (20) $105 -Brutes (5) $105 -Ardboys (15) $114 -Mancrusher Gargants (2) $180 i agree that the ‘cheaper’ units are leftovers from fantasy with some that stand out (units that used to be Elites in fantasy having ‘elite’ pricing but are now Battleline in AoS but the price didn’t change to reflect that. Witch Aelves, Ironbreakers etc). It also shows that early AoS kits (Blood Warriors) were priced higher than newer kits (Namarti Thralls) I buy exclusively from a gw store because I’m friends with the manager and play games regularly at his house. Buying from elsewhere is a bit of a slap in the face to one of my best friends. I dislike the pricing and I’ll complain about it when I can, but ultimately I still buy the stuff, I just buy a bit less as I’m on a fixed income and any price increase decreases how much I can buy
  14. Both are wrong actually as gw called them Battle Boxes on the web store 😂
  15. Dok playstyle is ‘glass cannon’ ie hits hard but can’t take a hit back. As for witch selves, it was ridiculous how many reliable attacks (2+ rerolling) they were dishing out before and that needed to be toned down
  16. Thoughts on all snake lists and how to make them a bit less ‘glass cannon’ the biggest problem I’ve found is that they hit hard but can’t survive multiple rounds, so they need to kill the enemy outright or they die to the return attacks also, Bloodwrack Medusa. It’s sold with a 40mm base, the base guide says 40mm, but there’s official gw images with her obviously on 50mm, and at one point they updated the base guide to 50mm (but reversed it when everyone complained because the model isn’t sold with that base). I personally think she looks better on the 50mm as I think the tails hang off the 40mm too much. Thoughts on this?
  17. In my opinion, I don’t think aos3 is very likely for 2021. GW have a specific financial plan of releasing a big/major item (usually a new edition or a boxed game) in June/July at the beginning of the new financial year, which would suggest aos3 is coming. However, because of COVID I think Warhammer Quest Cursed City will be the ‘big’ release. COVID caused massive delays for gw last year and they’re still trying to play catch up. They missed the usual June/July release slot, but they rushed out 40K 9th edition as fast as they could which delayed everything else. Some of the Necron and Space Marine kits still haven’t made it out. Additionally, the GHB20 showed how much Sons Of Behemat and Lumineth Realmlords were delayed considering the GHB is printed at least 6 months in advance. Then there’s the odd situation of Realmlords wave 2 which I suspect were supposed to be in the book originally but were removed when gw realised they wouldn’t be able to get all the models out in time (I can’t see any other reason that makes sense-except for the obvious ‘cash grabbing’ DLC approach of forcing you to buy Broken Realms Teclis). I believe they’ll delay aos3 until the 2022 financial year rather than releasing it later in 2021. We’ve still got Warhammer Quest Cursed City, Broken Realms Teclis, wave 2 Realmlords, Soulblight Gravelords, Dark Eldar 40K and 40K Kill Team that we know of coming soon. As well as stuff for Bloodbowl, Middle Earth, Underworlds, Warcry and Adeptus Titanicus, plus more rumoured Broken Realms books
  18. None of the ‘endless prayers’ are considered prayers from a rules point of view from what I remember
  19. Thing is, stuff like Thralls aren’t bad, but the Eels are just so batshit crazy that you’re handicapping yourself if you don’t spam them. They put out too much damage and have too many wounds for their points. Add Volturnos and his stacking command ability and it’s just ridiculous. If the command ability only increased the attacks of a single weapon then I’d probably feel less strongly about it. I don’t play competitive so maybe it’s different in that environment, but in casual games it’s way too strong
  20. Agreed. I’ve done some comparisons and there’s some really weird differences between the UK and NZ prices. -pre price increase, Seraphon Carnosaur and Start Collecting were same price UK but NZ the start collecting was higher. -most clampack/single model box heroes are higher in NZ. -a bunch of Space Marines stuff is either higher or lower in NZ by comparison, I mean I’ve been taking the NZ price of x product and comparing it to the UK price. I’ve found in some cases that products x y and z are the same UK price, but in NZ all 3 are different
  21. I don’t really think ‘average buy in price’ of armies matters, it’s still $380nz for a single model, But the 6 model SoB list costs $1500nz (with one regular giant being unused)
  22. Is there not a matched play rule that restricts all endless spells/prayers etc to one of each on the battlefield at once?
  23. These new prices are what killed Sons Of Behemat for me. I still look at them every now and then and go ‘these are cool models and id like to play them’ but $380nz is just unbelievable. I’ve seen people try to dismiss the price by comparing them to 40K knights, but knights are a hell of a lot cheaper ($220nz) unless you go for the Castellan? ($330nz)
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