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Everything posted by Maier666

  1. So don't know if anyone posted it but there was a FAQ with the AoS Team at Las Vegas Open and the AoS Team there confirmed that BoC will remain in Aos and be used the same way Warriors of Chaos/Slaves to Darkness are being used in Old World. I hope that is true, we will see.
  2. Anyone thinks it could be a Double Kit with The Newborn and Fulgrim 🤔 I think it could be done and you wouldnt even need many different bits 🤔
  3. And we know how good Teclis plans usually work.. Sooo no problem? 😬 Spoiler: Broken Realms 😅
  4. They said it would be in january in the next few weeks, so I think not next week but then sometime. And I think they usually do it Wednesday or Thursday I think 🤔
  5. I don't recall hearing anything before, they just start appearing on the site an halfway through GW makes a post about it 😅
  6. The last two years it was on the 17th. Let's hope 🤞🏻
  7. You need to subscribe to the newsletter to get it early.
  8. Really? I thought the opposite. Big Modells are great but I thought small units with bodies do far better. I think a combibation is really key, but we had never had a problem with big Monsters/Heroes. ( except the bull*#it with the hanging over the edge what we simply dont do).
  9. Hello, i would like to talk with some of you who play Meeting Engagements competitive. I know online for the most it's a joke and I can understand that to a certain degree. But to those who play and like to play it, like myself and my group I would like to talk about it. We will play our second tournament at the start of october, so would be interesting to know how your lists look and what you are about. To start of I will show you my list with which I am 8-0 in tourny prep: Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Knights of the Empty Throne SPEARHEAD Be'Lakor (240) - Spell : Spite-tongue Curse 5 x Seekers (120) MAIN BODY Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Mark of Chaos : Tzeentch - Spell : Mask of Darkness Knights of the Empty Throne Varanguard x 3 (280) - General - Command Trait : Annihilating Charge - Artefact : Corrupted Nullstone - Mark of Chaos : Khorne 20 x Chaos Marauders (160) - Axes & Shields - Mark of Chaos : Khorne REARGUARD 6 x Raptoryx (90) TOTAL: 1000/1000 WOUNDS: 70
  10. I say Chaos Marauders. Would live to play more Warriors, Chosen or Knights but they are so damn good
  11. Should'nt today be the GMG Review for the GHB? Or is it because of the 40k Leaks that all the Contant Creators are prioritising 9th Edition? 🤔
  12. When someone needs translating I can help with that 👌🏻
  13. Hello, I want to sell my Start Collecting Serphon and Skinks. It's all still on sprues and in the boxes. The only thing missing are the Terradons and instead there are 24 more Skinks in the box. I would like 100€ or Nighthaunt also on sprues in exchange. Shipping in Europe from Austria would be included. Please contact me if interested.
  14. I know I'm in the minority but I would love a new version of the Path to Glory book We started a campaign and we love playing it. (with some modifications taken from this forum )
  15. I'm starting with my KO also in ME and my first list will be: Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords - Mortal Realm: Chamon - Sky Port: Barak Nar SPEARHEAD Aether-Khemist (90) - General - Command Trait : Champion of Progress 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo 10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns MAIN BODY Aetheric Navigator (100) - Artefact : Aethercharged Rune 3 x Endrinriggers (100) 5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120) - 1 x Decksweepers - 1 x Aethercannons - 1 x Grundstok Mortars Arkanaut Frigate (250) - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon - Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin) REARGUARD 3 x Skywardens (100) TOTAL: 1000/1000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 61 I have no prior experience with KO but played about 30 games of ME and won a local ME tournament with my Fyreslayers (3x Endrinrigger Allies) Movement is key in ME and I think you can pay pretty strong with KO. Endrinriggers and Skywarden do pretty good damage and the Gunhauler with his D6 MW looks also really nice on paper. Would have loved to take the Endrinmaster but cant find the 10 points^^
  16. Yeah but now you're returning ONE D3 MW don't matter how many 6s your opponent has. That makes him far worse
  17. Hey, you can decide yourself if you want to play with it or not. we started two weeks ago and we all rolled on the table But there are no rules that bind you to anything.
  18. Anyone knows if the text was every something to go by? Would be interesting if someone new or if they just write something that sounds fun.
  19. I went to some WHFB Tournaments. Didnt enjoy to play those power gamers but when we went for a beer (or probably more) I met some some really nice guys, had fun and then saw them ah few months later on another tournament. So I enjoyed the social part and them playing on the lower tables. But I respect that some people go there to when (probably even a better reason then mine if im honest). With the new Slaves book I see myself going to some AoS tournaments for the first time. But where Im from (Austria) we barely get 40 people to events. Possibly flying or drivin out to some next year
  20. There are some Highlights I still want to make and I'm not that good of a painter but you should see the idea. 😅Ps I m also not good at taking pictures. They fit pretty well on the 25mm bases.
  21. In the White Dwarf will be Realm Rules to fight in Azyr. Seemd interesting at least
  22. I made the first 20 Marauders from my Beastman Gor whom I gave Marauder Shields from my old Bitsbox. If I'm going to do more I will be taking Bloodreavers with some slight modifications and the Spire Tyrants (probably also Scions of the Flame if possible)
  23. Can anyone make out the Path to Glory tables? I cant read them proper from the GMG review and want to know what I have to paint first
  24. Anyone can make out the Path to Glory Tables? Woul love to start my warband painting ah bit in advance. Cant make it from the GMG review
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