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Everything posted by Dreadmund

  1. The FAQ'd rules say that you can use faction specific terrain during terrain set up, but they must be assigned a random scenery effects from the 2 effects tables. So sure, you could swamp the board with trees, but only the ones you place as part of your allegiance abilities and unit warscrolls will have the Awakened Wyldwood Warscroll. Likewise, Nurgle could place 5 Feculent gnarlmaws during setup but wouldn't get any benefit from doing so. Only the one they place after initial board setup as part of their allegiance ability, and any more that they summon during the game would have the Feculent Gnarlmaw warscroll.
  2. I get where you're coming from, but £100 is far less than the barrier for entry for AoS where some individual models cost £85... This is an expensive hobby and I think the pricing is in line with everything else you can expect to pay for Games Workshop Products. The starter set is like a complete, self contained board game with high production value on the models. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
  3. Yeah, seriously. To buy piecemeal, let's say each warband will probably be £20-35. Each set of wild beasts is probably about £20-£30. Terrain will be £40-50. Book £20-25. Cards and tokens, probably running about £20-30. So if you plan to get all this stuff anyway, it sounds like great value to me. I will probably be getting the starter set, because Iron Golems are the warband I want to play with most, I want a spare warband for friends to play with and I think the terrain looks ace (plus I can use some of it as regular terrain in AoS). Just eagerly awaiting some details on how the game plays, but so far everything I've heard I like.
  4. Love he design on this warband! It's going to be really hard to choose which one to get if I like the look of the gameplay.
  5. Awesome conversions, @GuitaRasmus! Especially like the Daemon Prince.
  6. We really don't have any details on how it plays yet, except that it's low model count. I think we'll start getting details in community posts after they finish building the hype back up for sylvaneth release.
  7. New FAQ greatly improves our ability to place trees! Now only needs to be 3 inches away from another terrain piece and 1 inch from an objective. Restrictions apply to horticulous' ability too. Can't be placed before a game as some worried/were hoping for. Very happy with these changes personally. I tried playing 1 game with the placement rules as written in the GHB and it was awful.
  8. Didn't change anything for me. Last updated FAQ is for Nightvault on the 21/06/2019.
  9. Thanks for all the help guys! My GHB finally arrived and I was able to put together a list that didn't break any rules thanks to all your help lol. I ended up dropping the GUO entirely and I think that was the right call. I put a Lord of Afflictions and a unit of Pusgoyle Blightlords in the spearhead, which I ended up regretting. I wish I had put them in the rearguard so they came into the battle later and could take advantage of their speed to get stuck in quickly and take advantage of the developing situation better. However, the Lord of Afflictions buffing them and the blight kings made for a really resilient wall that was hard for my enemy to deal with. I had one pusgoyle who was able to tank an absurd amount of attacks and really put in some work before he was finally finished off. Overall I think Meeting engagements is really fun! I definitely want to play more of it and I think our mortals work quite well in that game type. I think it will be popular with my friends.
  10. As a nurgle player: Love the sculpts (apart from epidemius). Good mix of humour and body horror on the models makes for some really fun things to paint which rewards variety. I don't want to paint 30 identical foot soldiers in immaculate, matching armour I want to paint a bunch of lumpy wierdos who have wear whatever was to hand at the time. Also they're supposed to be messy so if you make a couple small mistakes while painting that's fine, it might actually make them look better. In game they're super tanky, resilient and brave. I love to play tanky things in most games, it's just a personal preference. It's nice to watch an enemy's best efforts to remove you neutralized because of your buffs and it gives you a little bit of wiggle room to make the occasional mistake as a new player (and I still have a lot to learn so that's great for me). Nurglings. So cute.
  11. Ah I didn't realise about that, thanks guys. My GHB is still lost somewhere in the great British postal system... I think I'll take on your advice @Zplash about having my caster in a different section of the army. Now it might look more like: Spearhead: GUO Main Body: HoD, 10 x BKs Rear Guard: 5 x BKs I think I'll get more out of 5 Blight Kings with a Harbinger on the board, but if we have time for 2 games tonight I might try a list with some beasts and Horticulous in. It would be fun to have two beasts bouncing around the board being a nuisance! They could do well in this format. I'm pretty hype about Meeting Engagements. I think it makes lower point games seem more exciting!
  12. What are people looking at taking for the new Meeting Engagements? I'm going to try a game tonight with a friend and I'm thinking of trying something like this: Spearhead: 5 x Blight Kings Main Body: Harbinger of Decay (Witherstave), 5 x Blight Kings, Rearguard: Great Unclean One (Bell and Blade, Favored Poxes), 5 x Blight Kings 980/1000 Not complicated. GUO there for spell support and the movement buff. A lot of armies at this size won't have a good answer to him, so he can probably throw his weight around and get stuck in. If the enemy decides to dedicate a lot of resources in trying to kill him or tying him up, that's probably good for me in the long run. The Harbinger is there to buff the Blight Kings with a 5+ Ward Save and be a more mobile Witherstave holder than the GUO if I need to reposition the buff quickly. 15 blight kings to do the dirty work.
  13. I dunno, to summon a piece of scenery now you need about an 18" clearing with no other terrain, objectives, board edges or enemy models. Even with careful placement thats pretty limiting. It's going to be tricky, and very easy for an opponent to deny with unit placement. Even if you can place one, it's probably not going to be where you want it ideally. Any way I look at it, it's a nerf-by-proxy to armies that rely on scenery for one reason or another.
  14. I get the same interpretation as you from the rules as printed. We need to wait for the faq, but there doesn't seem to be any rule -against- using faction terrain at setup. But I worry that tournaments will not let you bring your own terrain for logistical reasons, meaning that even if the intent is to let you place faction terrain in a new way you won't actually be able to do that. That creates a really wierd dynamic though, where armies who benefit from lots of unique terrain like nurgle and sylvaneth would be more powerful in home games using the rules as printed than they would in official tournaments. Could the intention going forward be that all players bring 5 pieces of terrain with them to tournaments along with their army?
  15. Plague cyst hasn't changed, it was already 200 points iirc. I don't think it's worth it, since it only lets you re-roll 2s to hit since you're already re-rolling 1s and it gives you a very low probability damage aura. Affliction cyst got a points deduction, but I still don't think it's worth it. I do think Blight cyst is worth it. Ranged attacks for the blightkings just means another opportunity to do some damage, -1 rend is nice as long as you aren't playing a faction that ignores that, the units within the battalion synergize well together, you get an extra CP, an extra artefact, less drops... Blight kings with a harbinger of decay around makes for some very tanky units. Blight Cyst is easily the most worthwhile mortal battalion. Just gotta hope your enemy doesn't have a way to give you -1 to hit, otherwise your combat rounds will be painful.
  16. I magnetized my army with small, neodymium magnets and bought some self adhesive rubber steel sheets (magnets attach, but it isn't magnetic itself). Then I got a few Really Useful brand boxes from my local hobbycraft and put the self adhesive sheet on the bottom of each box and on the underside of the lid. It's easy, and miles cheaper than foam cases.
  17. The last thing we need is lots of gamers in a small area sweating profusely.
  18. It would be great if next year's model was a mercenary hero, so that anyone could include it in their narrative games if they wanted to. Not sure what the lead time is on model designs though, it might have to be the year after next.
  19. Summoning is an allegiance ability so if it affects all unique terrain that comes from allegiance abilities that would be a severe nerf to Maggotkin of Nurgle (and I presume other factions but I'm less familiar with them). Summoning is the primary way we are able to place additional Feculent Gnarlmaws and they are essential to enable us to use summoning and move across the battlefield faster than a snail's pace. The hero Horticulous Slimux would probably become a lot more important unit if that was the case, since he can summon 1 extra Gnarlmaw per game as a warscroll ability. I think we're just going to have to wait for the FAQ to clear this up either way. Hopefully it will be prompt!
  20. As someone who worked in an industry that outsourced manufacturing to different countries for some parts, you might be surprised just how big the difference is in cost, even taking customs and shipping into account. There's a reason the practice is so prevalent. But yeah, it would be great to have it made in the UK, especially with certain impending political events in our future that I won't go into here for the sake of preserving a welcoming, positive atmosphere
  21. I'm including a Beast in my list for an upcoming game mostly to fill out points. We'll see how he does and if I think he's better than an extra endless spell and a Triumph. When I've used him before he worked well as a distraction and nuisance but didn't manage to deal many wounds. If played smart though, a nuisance could be more valuable and he has the potential to deal damage he just whiffs a lot. It's just nice to have a unit that costs less than 100 points! I expect to see them a lot more just by virtue of being able to fill up spare points.
  22. Dreadmund


    According to the warscroll, the geminid has to have moved over a unit and ending within 1" does not trigger the effects like it does with other predatory spells. However, a player could move a geminid model over a model from that unit and then fly it back an inch to land next to it. This would "tag" the unit and activate the effects of the geminid so long as there is enough movement left to do so. This is a pretty common manoeuvre as far as I've seen in local games.
  23. I'm a little concerned about the new faction terrain placement rules. Feels like it will make it much harder to use gnarlmaws to reliably get the run and charge buff. I used to use Gnarlmaws to block off areas and help assert board control and that looks like it will be much harder too. I'm looking forward to having the book in front of me to review them properly. Also looking forward to the FAQ to explain how these new rules work with regards to summoning rules and Horticulous' ability. It's all a little difficult to visualize in abstract at the moment. I wonder if the rules only apply to the first Gnarlmaw you place for free at the start of the game, and then subsequent gnarlmaws are treated like any normal summoned unit? That would make sense to me, and prevent us from just plopping a gnarmaw down on an objective before the game starts to mess with the enemy.
  24. I think the potential of Glottkin being allied into Skaven is one of the main reasons he didn't get a discount. I agree that these are good points changes, but won't actually change much. Thricefold and Blight Cyst still seem to be the best 2 ways to build an army, and Thricefold has actually gotten a little worse because of the spellportals change restricting what you can fill the third battleline slot with. I was torn between Thricefold and Blight Cyst before the book, and I'm still torn lol.
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