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Everything posted by 123lac

  1. Normally I don't love the Araknarok model but holy sh*t you did an amazing job!
  2. Thank you so much for finding that list! I'll only need to buy 2 boxes of guard, a Liege-Kavalos and the endless spells. All of which I like the look of. Excellent
  3. What about a pile of pride? Show all of the models that you've finished!
  4. Hallo friends, I currently have Arkhan as well as Nagash and I was looking through the Legions of Nagash roster and thought to myself...these old models kinda suck. But luckily I can use both of these heroes in the bone daddies army. So is anyone able to tell me if there is a viable build for Ossiarchs that includes both Nagash and Arkhan? Or should I be building a list around one or the other of these heroes? Thanks!
  5. Yeah, more visual evidence of shame please. The first few pages were great.
  6. Would be hard to balance for sure. If they benefit from allegiance abilities then there will probably be some broken OP combos. If they don't benefit from allegiance abilities then they will probably be on the weaker side when it comes to matched play. Oh well, I just want to see some epic conversions to match people's armies!
  7. I reckon you could kitbash a rogue idol pretty easy. Scam World sell it for $160, insane.
  8. In my mind forgeworld is largely irrelevant, be it for AoS or 40k. Don't care what models they do or do not make, whether they have rules, whatever. I don't want overpriced boutique resin with unreliable rules.
  9. Speaking of Chungus, who wants to kitbash one of those mega gargants into a Khorne worshipping juggernaught? I wonder what their rules will be like....
  10. Personally I just prefer Chungus Lord's model. By a mile.
  11. Speculation on the rules for these mega gargants? Will they be characters that can take artifacts and warlord traits?
  12. I want to see someone convert one of these new Gargants to be wearing full plate armor, a shield and a warhammer. Then use it as an ally for a Cities of Sigmar army. That would be absolutely glorious.
  13. Maybe some new rules in a campaign book or something to boost up their competitiveness. Haven't they had like 4 battle tomes so far?
  14. I know that 40k is off-topic but how would 9th edition work? Would they make all of the previous psychic awakening and vigilus stuff redundant? What about all of the codexes they spent so long updating? 8th edition is so bloated right now but would seem strange to me to just cut the cord on all of that bloat so quickly. Personally I'd never buy a campaign book again if they did that (not like I buy campaign books anyway, hehe). I'd bet money on that, yep. I'd like to see new human models in general, male or female. Would give me hope that Cities of Sigmar is something that'll be around for the long term.
  15. Love to see all of this happen as long as it's held in the 1 battle tome for Stormcast. Space Marines have a Codex plus Codex Supplements, unique characters for most chapters, not to mention the more unique chapters (dark angels, blood angels, space wolves) that have their own Codexes. It's insane, especially when you look at how neglected most other factions are in comparison.
  16. Dear god please no. I think most AoS players are glad that Stormcast haven't received as much attention as Space Marines lately.
  17. Okay, so the consensus is that Lord Chungus on Giant Iguana gets the dimensional blade, Bloodsecreator gets Thronebreaker's Torc. I like the idea of 3 more skullcrushers instead of 10 reavers and the khorgorath. I wish marauders had decent sculpts. I can't bring myself to buy them when they look so dated.
  18. Yes! Yes! Eww, no. Old models are no bueno. Eh, no, not a fan of Dorghar's model and the Varanguard cost too much ($170 AUD for 3 horsemen). Well that saved me some money at least. I'll never understand why GW give good rules to goofy models and bad rules to awesome new models. What's so hard about achieving some kind of balance?
  19. Thread seems a bit dead...! How about a good ol' fashioned list critique? I want to make Mortals work as I love the models and don't particularly want to spam Bloodthirsters and/or reapers of vengeance. I also don't like the old daemon prince model. So here it goes: Slaughterhost: -Goretide Leaders: -Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (General) with Thronebreaker's Torc & Hew the Foe | 250 pts -Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster with Armour of Scorn | 300 pts -Bloodstoker | 80 pts -Slaughter Priest with killing frenzy | 100 pts -Slaughter Priest with bronzed flesh | 100 pts -Bloodsecrator | 120 pts Battleline: -10 x BloodWarriors with Gore Fists, 1 Gore Glaive, 1 Icon Bearer | 200 pts -10 x Blood Reavers | 70 pts -10 x Blood Reavers | 70 pts -10 x Blood Reavers | 70 pts Other: -3 x Mighty Skullcrushers | 160 pts -5 x Wrathmongers | 140 pts -1x Khorgorath | 100 pts Endless Prayers: -Wrath Axe | 60 pts -Hexgorger Skulls | 40 pts Warscroll Battalions: Gore Pilgrims | 140 pts Terrain: Skull Altar | 0 pts Total: 2,000 pts
  20. Are Chaos Knights with mark of khorne worth taking in a Bloodbound focused list? Perhaps to accompany the Lord on Karkadrak?
  21. So can you make a competitive Seraphon army using the new start collecting skinks box?
  22. Where the hell are my new saurus and kroxigor sculpts
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