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Everything posted by schwabbele

  1. I should get my Stemtank and Hurricanum this week. My plan is to make the towers interchangeable, meaning i can run a Hurricanum / Luminark with a Steamtank carriage , or mix and match as I want. No idea though if I can pull that off
  2. I commit to finishing my Lord Relictor , Knight Azyros and 2 Special Weapons Liberators 1 day before Prague GT takes place
  3. Regarding painting Eternal Guard, should i skip the shields and superglue later or plastic glue right ahead? Looks kinda fiddly to be honest when the shields are on but i fear the superglued shields might snap of easily?
  4. No worries I will continue the low performance in Prague GT in 3 weeks
  5. End of battle round is the trigger i think. But obviously didn’t work πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ outplayed on all levels 🀣
  6. That banner is just awesome, as is the whole unit
  7. Whats the general opinion on Eternal Guard? I am not sure if I should get 20 more or 20 Phonex Guard instead or both 😡
  8. So how does this work? Do I need to play Chaos or OBR to enjoy this book?
  9. Great idea, but probably not going to happen. Regarding upfront costs, they make millions , so no issue there. The hard sell is, why do something which is probably not going to make us more money.
  10. Between 3-5 hours for 5. Depends how good my muscle memory is. My biggest speed improvement was when I learned to not worry about parts of the model no one can see πŸ˜…
  11. Made my day 😍 didn’t hear/read that word for ages :))))))
  12. Am I the only one who regrets taking gold as main color. I mean it looks good but it is just so boring to paint 😒
  13. I hope I can get my money back for the warscrolls if they change them 😬 just picked up the box last week - no models though πŸ˜…
  14. How much space would you think is minimal required for comfortably gaming without wasting space. My table will be 185x124cm , I kinda hope 190x250cm will be enough but I am not sure. Thats about 65cm space for moving between wall and table.
  15. Maybe a small sacrifice for the dice gods would be appropriate Thanks for the write up
  16. Something else which came to my mind... Would be super nice if all bases get premade magent mounting holes.
  17. He looks like he is super mad because his mount didn’t invite him to the orgy it is heading to. I can’t stop laughing about this sculpt.
  18. Can you remove the adβ€˜s for subscribers maybe?
  19. Hmm gonna postpone Tzeentch a little longer, those might me lure into Destruction.
  20. Omg this teclis model is probably the worst in the aos line πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ how can they mess up so hard
  21. Love it but I think as soon as Castellant goes down your Liberator Block will crumble to BS but as long as he is here , oh boy I see some salty tears running. But imagine the faces when you drop them all of that in front of their noses
  22. I would appreciate it if they made sure to avoid the extremes regarding powerlevel when they bring new armies. Azyr App is such a nice thing, but execution is horrible. UX is poor, e.g manually adding stuff to my battle No synch with warscroll builder for armies, or between iOS / Android for the books Keep points and warscrolls exclusively in App and separate Book/PDF , would allow much faster adjustments. Make physical warscrolls have a "sleeve" on the backside where we can print and put in the latest version -> wouldn't invalidate them when a warscroll change happens and we still get a nice warscroll Bring Combo-Tomes: Buy physical and Azyr book for a discount. 1 time use codes in the physical book.
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