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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. Oh dear! What does the FAQ about his spell, is there no roll attached?
  2. I think if you're going to go the fate point route Fatesworn warband is a better way to go. you can get 14-16 spells a turn as well as have 40 acolytes with -1 rend on there missile attacks, 10 horrors and some other chafff.
  3. Yeah I think 6+ with Tzaangor Shaman near by is there minimum point in which they put out enough.
  4. I got to play a 1000 point game against a friend the other day, he's very new to the game and he wanted to be shown the changes in the new edition (CP's, Piling in, etc). He was using Stormcast with the named Celestant on drake, Castellant, Lantern hero, 6 Prosecutors with 2 hammers and 2 x 10 liberators. I used Ogroid, Magister, 30 Acolytes, 10 Pink horrors and 3 Skyfires. It was a really fun game, he really enjoyed it and I got thoroughly smashed, the Skyfires were massively disappointing without a Tzaangor Shaman near by, I won't be using them again without one. Ogroid was stellar, Magister was nice but I failed his 4+ for a spawn twice in a row. Horrors are squishy but resilient if they don't get wiped in one turn, using a DD for a 1 on the BS test. I'm playing 1500 on the 3rd July with all the new lovely smelling rulebooks in hand I'm going to give the following a go Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch - 180 Ogroid - 180 Magister - 140 Tzaangors - 480 Pink Horrors - 200 Acolytes - 80 Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc - 160 Umbrall Spell Portal - 60 Soulbind Shackles - 20 I'll let you know how that goes.
  5. Have we had a confirmation either way if FSWB does over ride the rule of one or not yet?
  6. I mean that's just the case for a decent Tzzeentch build these days.
  7. Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch - 180 Magister (x3) - 140 Ogroid - 180 Curseling - 160 Acolytes 10 (x4) - 80 Pink Horrors - 10 x 2 - 200 FSWB - 160 Spell portal - 60 Balewind - 40 Geminids - 40 Shackles - 20 Is what I plan to try with FSWB.
  8. So with with Age of Sigmar : Soul Wars slowly seeping out more information I don't think it's anyone surprise that Disciples of Tzeentch got hit with the nerf hammer and GW did swing hard. Nearly everything in the army, bar some of the weaker deamon elements & enlightened saw a price increase and some fairly hefty. I've noticed on here and on FB that the DoT community rightly seem a bit shaken by the heavy point increases. I think as followers of the grand architect, the eternal schemer, the constant change we should embrace the changes. The army has been shaken up and will see change from the a typical Changehost or 9 Skyfires / gaunt on balewind. I think it's exciting times for the future of the army, especially with the endless spells (Hello spellportal & balewind). As well as that who doesn't love creating horrors, spawn and tzaangors as the god of change is always giving. I've mocked up a potential list I thought I'd drop on here. Lord of Change - 380 Gaunt Summoner - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Blue Scribes - 140 Ogroid - 180 Kairic Acolytes - 80 Kairic Acolytes - 90 Pink Horrors - 200 6 Tzaangor Skyfires - 440 Umbral Spell Portal - 60 Balewind Vortex - 40 The list can create Tzaangors & Spawn for free, because why not and should reliably get 9 spells off each turn, being able to throw them through the spell ports (It's a lot of mortal wounds). Mobile skyfires paired with cheap chaff can be used as blockers while you bring in more cheap horrors.
  9. The best thing to do if you could buddy is put a note, asking anyone interested to join the FB page "Harlow Games Club". Thanks again :)!
  10. Thanks man, thanks again for reading
  11. Can Harlow Games Club be added to the map please. CM17 0ER Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom And my self Aaron Wilson Harlow, Essex, CM17 9PQ
  12. So time is getting closer to pre-orders! I was planning to go in on the new Nighthaunt for my Tale of four warlords but my Tzeentch have pulled me back in, the Tzaangor guys are just so much fun to paint that I'm going to rock with them. We're kicking off at 500 points with 1 battleline & 1 leader. I'm going for a Tzaangor Shaman, 10 Tzanngors on foot & 3 Tzaangor Enlighted on Discs for a nice round 500 to kick off with. I'm going to start painting my Tzanngor Shaman soon, updates to follow
  13. Wow she looks so good, clean lines, amazing colours, just great work!
  14. Hello lovely readers of TGA My names Aaron Wilson, I'm 26 from Harlow, Essex in the U.K. I've been playing tabletop games since I was 11 and I'm still going strong. I love rolling dice, I love the hobby, I love the strategic challenge each game represents but most of all I love a good weekend surrounded with like minded people full of good laughs. I play a fair amount of game systems right now, playing mainly Horus Heresy and Guildball at my local clubs. I like playing competitively and I'm currently ranked 34th in the world for Guildball, using the other games I play to kick back and play more relaxed narrative style of game. Age of Sigmar for me is all about the gorgeous models, fulfilling that awesome fantasy game. Locally AoS is very quiet for me, I play maybe once every 2 months if I'm lucky. With the buzz of AoS 2 I've managed to organised a tale of four warlords (There's eight of us) at my local games club I run. I'll be exploring that with the new Nighthaunt goodies! I'm hoping to attend my first AoS event this year, which would be amazing. I'm going to use the blog to post my hobby, keep you all updated on the TO4W and battle reports etc. Thanks for taking the time to read this today
  15. This may be my first ever AoS event.. interested!
  16. ****** I would lose my mind if TK alike army was brought back, I'd be all in!!
  17. I can't understand people getting annoyed / frustrated by something that they don't have to interact with at all given the choice
  18. My first unit of Judicators painted for my own Stormhost, The Eternal Thunder.
  19. My first unit of Judicators painted for my own Stormhost, The Eternal Thunder.
  20. My first unit of Judicators painted for my own Stormhost, The Eternal Thunder.
  21. Hand of glory on a Lord-Celestant on a star drake with a obstinate blade sounds...... Painful.
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