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A blog to note down all my AoS stuff, from hobby, to battle reports & event breakdowns. 

Entries in this blog

My first small peice of self wrote lore

Hey all, I’m partaking a local narrative campaign and I finished my first short bit of fluff for it today. Thought I’d share with you all!   A impossible fortress, at the heart of a crystal labyrinth. A tall, winged creature stared into a book that was open but not yet written. The gaze of the creature so intense, Zicottle watched his master at work. The lord of change was observing actions not yet acted upon play out. His master had been gifted the art of foresight by the eternal sche



More creatures of the eternal schemer!

My first unit for Tzeentch all wrapped up! I'm a very average painter but I  must say I'm rather happy with how these guys came out, there cute in there own cartoony style. Now I'm unsure what to work on next! I think I'll work on a battle line unit, maybe 10 Kairic Acolytes to get some flesh done.



My first model down!

I finished up my Magister recently so I thought I’d share. I’m a very average painter but I’m happy with how he came out! The first of many for my Tzeentch. Next up I’ve been working on 10 pink horrors. I’m not saying I’m a slow painter but it’s taken me 2 weeks to get a basecoat & wash on them. I can finally start highlighting and shading them now, maybe in the next 2 weeks I’ll have them done ?



The changer of ways has.. changed his ways.

So with with Age of Sigmar : Soul Wars slowly seeping out more information I don't think it's anyone surprise that Disciples of Tzeentch got hit with the nerf hammer and GW did swing hard. Nearly everything in the army, bar some of the weaker deamon elements & enlightened saw a price increase and some fairly hefty. I've noticed on here and on FB that the DoT community rightly seem a bit shaken by the heavy point increases.  I think as followers of the grand architect, the eternal scheme



The grand architect of fate plays his hand..

So time is getting closer to pre-orders! I was planning to go in on the new Nighthaunt for my Tale of four warlords but my Tzeentch have pulled me back in, the Tzaangor guys are just so much fun to paint that I'm going to rock with them. We're kicking off at 500 points with 1 battleline & 1 leader.  I'm going for a Tzaangor Shaman, 10 Tzanngors on foot & 3 Tzaangor Enlighted on Discs for a nice round 500 to kick off with. I'm going to start painting my Tzanngor Shaman soon, updates



A introduction to who I am

Hello lovely readers of TGA My names Aaron Wilson, I'm 26 from Harlow, Essex in the U.K. I've been playing tabletop games since I was 11 and I'm still going strong. I love rolling dice, I love the hobby, I love the strategic challenge each game represents but most of all I love a good weekend surrounded with like minded people full of good laughs. I play a fair amount of game systems right now, playing mainly Horus Heresy and Guildball at my local clubs. I like playing competitively and I'



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