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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. Worth noting for mystical it's "models within 1" not just units, so If you did string your unit out to grab both terrain pieces and was taking the mystical save you'd have to be removing the models within 1" of the terrain which would likely break coherency and in your battle shock phase would have to remove models to remake coherency.
  2. I'm a bit of a oddball and don't "drink" in that sense, but grabbing some sort of drink and having a chat sounds awesome
  3. Oh wow this image! Fyreslayers, Stormcast, Soulblight, Tzeentch, Slaanesh. Nurgle, Gutbusters battletomes this year!!?
  4. Focal points for my self, always a good game on it.
  5. Excellent write up @Cblackaus! Really well done on the result mate, showing that Dreadwood still has real game
  6. Yess! This will be my first time attending B&G, really excited and hopefully get to meet you @Ben!
  7. Appreciate that, will make the swap! Do you think 2x5 or 1x10 would serve better for the re-roll on the dispel?
  8. Sorry.. yeah it has Gore Pilgrims. After re-sehuffling, I found a list I'm dead set on BT Insensate Rate Secrator Stoker 3 x Priests 2 x 20 Reavers 2 x 10 Warriors 1 x 10 Skullreapers Pilgrims.. I cannot wait to paint this!
  9. Hey guys! Starting my prep for next years AoS army (because it's just tooooo much damn fun) BoK have turned my head as they're a stark contrast to my Sylvaneth. I want to solidify a force so I have a painting goal. This is my current list, real excited to play around with it! Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage Blood secrator Blood stoker Slaughter priest Slaughter priest Skarr Bloodwrath 2 x 20 Bloodreavers 2 x 10 Blood Warriors 2 x 5 Flesh Hounds 1 Chaos Warshrine It just has a mix of cool models, some sweet buffs and most of all I think will be massively fun to paint.
  10. Would totally love a fully fleshed out Slaanesh battletome. I'm currently trying to decide what force I'm going to get ready and play with in 2020 and Slaanesh is high up on the list.
  11. So I've been working on my Harvestboon Wargrove for the Sheffield Slaughter coming up in February! Excited to say the actual list is completely finished and for my level of painting I'm happy with how it looks together on the table. I'm not working on 30 more Dryads (I have 60 and starting with 50 mean I need 90 to be comfortable) with I'm nearly done with then it's time to work on my 24 trees for my Wyldwoods. As a cool side note, I'll be playing on the WHTV stream on the 30th January against a buddies Skaven, check it out!
  12. When you pick a realm for your army you don't get to pick spells from that realm. When you roll for what realm you're playing in, that unlocks those 6 spells for the wizards in your army.
  13. Heya @Ben! I'm pretty lucky that in my work I get a bit of downtime and could commit to a post every Friday I'd love to a tactica series, touching on everything from deployment, to list building, screening, hero phase, the realms, just breaking down everything with matched play in mind I've dropped you a PM, hope to hear back from you soon!
  14. Geminids, Shackles & Swords I think suit Gnarlroot better. Gnarlroot plays a better defensive game, using the Verdant Harmony to outgrind the opponent, Geminids plays to this style cutting the amount they kill down by the -1 to hit. Swords and shackles are very good respestively, 20 points for average of 2 MW/4MW against chaos is a bargain really. Shackles forces a opponent to dispel it and if they can't it can straight up cripple them. Cogs are fantastic for the army but you don't really have anything to make use of the turn one alpha bar Alarielle and you don't want to alpha her by your self. I think your better off trying to leverage the attrition Gnarlroot can achieve via Alarielles healing, regrowth, verdant harmony, alarialles summoning and Households ability to negate a big scary unit (30 ghasts is the ideal target) with a very tough treelord.
  15. I think 6 spells per turn is the sweet spot when playing in the realms, anything above that you'd need endless spells to really fill up all the slots to be useful every turn. I use 3 wraiths in harvestboon and they work super well, they're all wizards and 2 have artefacts, having multiple cheap heroes which can be -2 hit from shooting and -1 in melee and hard to get to is massive on scenarios like Three Places of Power, Places of Arcane power. The Wizards are also sweet on relocation orb where they count as 20
  16. Yah in matched play Roused to Wrath can only be attempted to be cast once per turn.
  17. So when the first unit of core gruntas kill something, the others can't pile in 3" and attack with there 1" melee range.
  18. Cool news! On the 30th January I'll be playing on the WHTV AoS stream, my Harvestboon against the forces of the Skaven
  19. This evening I finished up my spirit of derpthu! Pretty happy with how he came out, just leaves me Alarielle and 30 Dryads to have my Harvestboon wargrove ready for the Sheffield Slaughter in February.
  20. Only the physical bases you put down are the area of the Wyldwood. So the gap in the middle of the triangle / gap in the middle of two are just open ground.
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