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A blog dedicated to my Sylvaneth army, ranging from hobby to battle reports and list dicussion.

Entries in this blog

The Harvestboon Wargrove ready for Sheffield Slaughter.

So I've been working on my Harvestboon Wargrove for the Sheffield Slaughter coming up in February! Excited to say the actual list is completely finished and for my level of painting I'm happy with how it looks together on the table. I'm not working on 30 more Dryads (I have 60 and starting with 50 mean I need 90 to be comfortable) with I'm nearly done with then it's time to work on my 24 trees for my Wyldwoods. As a cool side note, I'll be playing on the WHTV stream on the 30th January agains



Derpthu, lord of the derp.

This evening I finished up my spirit of derpthu! Pretty happy with how he came out, just leaves me Alarielle and 30 Dryads to have my Harvestboon wargrove ready for the Sheffield Slaughter in February.



WiP on Durthu!

With the bases for my Wyldwoods all done, I can carry on with the last models I need to get done for the Sheffield Slaughter. One of those is the Spirit of Durthu and I got some good progress made on him last night :D. 



A thick forest

These took me MUCH longer then they should! I should really get back to working on models, I need 30 more Dryads, Alarielle & Derpthu ready for Sheffield Slaughter in late February. I'm glad to have the bases done for now, I will crack on with trees once my models are ready for SS :D.  



Wyldwoods spring to life.

So CrimBOBO is done and it was out of this world amazing, it was my first ever AoS event and I've never felt so welcome. Gnarlroot did me well but I learned I need more bodies on the table, so going forward to the Sheffield Slaughter I'm going to give Harvestboon a go with a more Dryad focus. That said, it's time to carry on with the hobby and for CrimBOBO I rushed my Wyldwoods as I forgot I had to do them. Now I have the time I'm going to go back over them so they're more cohesive and look nice



My Sylvaneth collection.

So today I was dusting my shelves and I had to get these guys off there shelves, so I decided to take a group shot.  I still have a lot of work to do get it all complete but I have pretty much everything I'd ever want / need for the army now.



The Gnarlroot Wargrove marches to war!

It's done! I'm a very average painter but I'm happy with the level I've got my Sylvaneth to and this evening I got my last 5 Tree Revenants done for my Gnarlroot Wargrove to be ready for the christmas Bravery one British open    



Drycha is done :D

This morning I managed to finish up Drycha, I'm pretty happy with the result! I'm not a grat painter and I'm under no illusion I'll ever contest a best painted army but my main focus is that I paint models that are pleasing on my eyes to make the game better for me and the opponent. I think? I've done it



Work begins on the Tree Revenants

With my eyes on a Gnarlroot Wargrove list for the christmas BOBO coming up, I've started work on my Tree Revenants. I've got the basecoat down and I'm confident once the bark has had work done on it the models are going to really pop, I'll keeep you all updated!



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