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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. No way the flagship kit for moonclan is just an arachhnarok. This is too hyped with too many rumors. There will be very large and expensive kit just like every other faction they've ever reelased models for in the last couple of years.
  2. hmm lots of new mushrooms, but what is the new piece of purple fungus that is near the branches but not connected to the tree. to the right of the moon??
  3. Which hero has that in TWW. It's taking me weeks for each playthrough I don't think I'll ever get them all!
  4. The lights in the house have gone out and it's full of grots!
  5. So, i was poking around on the community site, hoping for a new post and I noticed the filenames of the big holiday image that now has a goblin... https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/vtrhevGloomspike_snowy_banner_DAY-03-.jpg https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/nrfDAY-03_-OUT-.mp4 so a couple of things. 1. it is a daily thing and we are day 3. 2. gloomspike. What significance does that have? Googling, i found this reference: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/warhammer-fantasy-a-dynasty-of-dynamic-alcoholism.13745/page-2588 " the deadly Blackvenom forest goblin tribe has been seen riding their horrifying giant spiders south, while still further east the Gloomspike forest goblins of the Forest of Gloom have been doing the same " but really not much at all. is the term gloomspike really related to Spiderfang? Anyone else have anything?
  6. There's an import difference here. While DoK and Spiderfang both had "3 kits" to start, 1 of the spiderfang kits is resin. The other 2 kits make 2 warscrolls total. The 3 DoK kits are all plastic make NINE warscrolls. So it only took 3 more kits (5 more warscrolls) to make a full army. I think from GW perspective three things being considered: What is the total investment we have in this / how much existing work do we have to start from (how many models/warscrolls) And does the existing stuff fit in our vision for AoS (or can it fit). From spiderfang perspective, you're only starting with 2 kits, so it's a big leap to a full range. From the perspective of say, Greenskinz, you've got a lot of models, but they are older / havent aged as well, and don't fit the AoS aesthetic (too generic / not enough flavor). Grot scuttlings have obvious moonclan design features, so the only way they are getting to sigmar is if moonclan and spiderfang are in the same tome.
  7. They've committed to 2 factions of orcs, 3 factions of dwarves, 4 factions of daemons, and probably 4 factions of aelves by the time it's over. I dont think more than 1 goblin faction is out of the question. But with only 2 plastic kits, is it worth building on spiderfang, or would you rather start over in this new setting with something more exciting?
  8. lol. 2020 is really wishful. They will probably only release a few new tomes this year (if they are redoing some old ones). If we don't get a new faction this year we will next year. 90% sure: Moonclan, STD, Slaneesh, New faction Maybe soon (big factions that need tomes): Skaven, Free Peoples, Gutbusters, Aelves, Disposessed Awesome new grot faction that is mentioned in AoS fluff: Grotbag scuttlers Existing grot Factions with only 3 models: Spiderfang It's now or never for Spiderfang, I fear.
  9. that's not just your store owner, those are the rules. The same way a model with 6" range and 18" shooting can't hit enemy models on turn 1 when both teams start MORE THAN 12" from enemy territory. If you deepstrike with Acolytes and a Warpgrinder weapon team, they can not shoot anything that turn
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/12/20/20-dec-gorkamorka-the-gods-of-destructiongw-homepage-post-2/ We are ramping quickly. Last year, Nurgle was revealed on Christmas day (Duncan and the 7 days of Nurgle). Do you think we will make it that long, considering we have had 2 moonclan related posts in 2 days?
  11. You have to remember that minis are not designed based on competitive play gaps / warscroll gaps/ etc. They design the coolest minis they can and the rules team has to work with it. These suggestions sound like they're trying to turn Ironjawz into a reboot of fantasy orks which is kind of uninspired and I hope they don't do that.
  12. I would suggest 3d printed but most hobby 3d printers do not have a bed that large. I don't think anyone is playing this model super competitively, just put it on whatever base you want. if someone you're playing at a store or something complains, have a cardboard or plastic cutout to sit it on... That way, you have a reasonable sized base for basing, and for displaying ( unless you like just having 1 model per shelf)
  13. I mean none of those rumors are new. It's just a list of what we have already heard been speculating. I also don't think the timelines are right. It does not look like moonclan is 3 months away, they will probably reveal it in the next week.
  14. There is a clarification on planting actually. The faq completely replaces the rules text for the ability. There is now no mention of the astrolith anywhere on the warscroll, except that "It carries [it]". Which is what we really have been playing it as for 6 months. 2 more inches of range on the Proud Defiance ability. Basically this means you will choose to attack with fewer models in a big block and stay within 12" as opposed to spreading that block out to get as many attacks in as possible.
  15. Well,there are 4 parts of ogors command. Technically there are no rules that you can't combine them (leader is also bellower) but I am not sure if everyone would be cool with that.
  16. It is almost harmless. I personally find the store painful to browse when probably half the items are alternate builds of the same kit, battletome/dice/combo bundles, or model bundles that offer no discount
  17. Yes GW loves to make really stupid bundles that are just a combination of things already on their website with no discount or other incentive for purchasing.
  18. It is difficult but by no means impossible. if the grots are 1 row deep and spaced .99" apart, especially if the enemy base is between them a little bit, it should be quite possible to pile an irongut in to 0.5. Remember you only need 1 such gap, the others can just get within 2".
  19. Hey guys. Any ideas / share photos of how to make different units of Stormfiends unique? I love the kit. It's like the whole reason I am playing Skyre (though I do love my Ikit claw after we bonded over hours of painful assembly), but all the customization is in the weapons! Very few "optional accessories" and I don't have many Skyre bits laying around. I will probably do some minor conversion work so that if I use 3 of the same weapon, it's on 3 different sculpts, but I still don't want 3 units that each have the same 3 guys. Would love to hear ideas, see pictures, recommendations on kits that have great bits to tack on (most of my army is second hand, so no bits. I have stormfiends, thanquol, and a verminlord, unassembled. I don't imagine there will be many bits left over from those kits to use)
  20. If your allegiance is Living City, then you can not use a Sylvaneth Batallion. If your allegiance is GA: Order, you can. Even though Living City allegiance uses GA Order Allegiance abilties, the allegiance is Living City, not GA:Order from core rules FAQ: The faction a warscroll battalion belongs to is shown on its warscroll, above the title of the battalion. In addition, the battalion is assumed to belong to the Grand Alliance that its faction is a part of...An army can include a warscroll battalion of a different allegiance to the rest of the army, but if it does so the units in it do count against the limits on the number of allies the army can have (and the points for the battalion and the units in it count against the points limit that can be spent on allies in a Pitched Battle).
  21. Approved of and posted by GW... They even took the time to embed links to buy the model. It doesn't seem like something they would want to do if the discontinuation of that model was imminent.
  22. Article on community site today talks about under-appreciated AoS heroes. #1? Orruk Warboss. Can we stop saying Greenskinz are getting the axe now? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/12/11/11th-dec-forgotten-heroes-of-the-mortal-realmsgw-homepage-post-4/
  23. There is not much left to sort out really. The kit is what it is. It was misleading, but now we know. If you want the sprues that are actually in it (which you can read this thread for the details) then buy it.
  24. Do you just like Spiteclaw model more than those? Because technically it is more expensive than both A warlord and a Grey Seer. On ebay you can find many classic grey seer and warlord models if you don't like the current plastic ones. Scoring a ebay collection is a great way to start a skaven army, then fill in with whatever you didn't get. (of course unless you want to assemble all your own models, even then some collections have many unassembled models)
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