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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. I mean it's called market research my fellow. 🙁 Unless it's because you bought a bunch during 8th edition.
  2. Back to back red factions! Usual "Endless spells+terrain" release
  3. Yea the spears vs swords debate is far more down to preference than one may think. Even skeleton warriors despite people for the longest time going "if you go 40, go for spears", swords don't perform that much more worse.
  4. So I wonder how this "I hate you artifacts!" Varghulf list would work Hollowmourne Varghulf General with Grave Robber and Bilious Decanter (please don't bubble wrap your artifact hero! I need to punch him or his buddies!) x2 Archregents for magic/summoning Crypt Haunter with corpsefane gauntlet 20 crypt ghouls x3 6 crypt horrors abattoir battalion chalice since leftover 40pts 2k on the dot Curious how good the one turn wonder varghulf is vs greater daemon chaos armies.
  5. Anyone use Oathmark dwarfs from northstar? They're coming out with heavy armored dwarfs that look like decent longbeard/ironbreaker stand ins in a classic gw sense.
  6. Well technically its not the only one if we're being technical here.😜
  7. I think Ironjawz are actually decent, except they have little to no defense against mortal wounds and are a bit overcosted.
  8. SCE have the Hammers of Sigmar problem where literally all their characters are part of the Hammers of Sigmar. I think the reason all the other characters in Khorne aren't part of a particular host is because they aren't tied to any of them fluffwise, and it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that they are also legacy special characters.
  9. I saw this conversion, now it'll unfortunately require GS sculpting but it may be able to hide the back problem. Use Vargheist/Flayer Wings, on the BACK and then use the horror arms.
  10. Thats not weird, very few special characters aren't locked into a subfaction.
  11. I actually mentioned a long while back about those LOTR monster things being used for FEC "gargoyles". Though those cost an arm and a leg. I think maybe if you built a Vargheist but painted it more stonelike, then it would look decent? The fur may be a problem but not as problematic as the crypt horror exposed flesh.
  12. Also on the topic of different models to use for FEC, theres the upcoming bloodborne boardgame that has miniatures. Be interesting to have a FEC themed army based around lynchanthropy. Especially since Bloodborne also touches on the topics of madness and "perceiving the world in a different manner" Though funny that BB ended up being less Van Helsing and more Call of Cthulhu in the end.
  13. To be fair the bullgor healing is pretty situational in the first place. You have to completely destroy an enemy unit to heal D3. I get the feeling some people may even forget that rule, yet not really affect the battle (as opposed to Brayherd Ambush which is very important)
  14. I'm curious how viable Dragon Ogors are in khorne. They do lose a bit of utility since they can't have a shaggoth near them though.
  15. To be fair I do see why there is negativity, it stems from the overarching question of "GW, [X] is bad/problematic. Why do you not fix it despite it being obvious?" Maybe it's not the same exact argument, but for example tau auxiliary fans have been complaining for entire editions that tau auxiliaries have been continually shafted and basically have gotten no new models since their original inception nor have great rules. I still wish Bloodcrushers have 2 sword attacks. 3 would be even better. I think 160pts for 3 attack bloodletter riders would be a nice choice vs 140pts for 1 attack but maybe thats actually an op idea that I really like!
  16. Well to be fair textures on a weapon imply imperfections. If you make a spear, you want it to be nice and comfortable to use. Yes some wrappings with leather for better grip may be applied, but a well crafted weapon shouldn't look like a tree branch with a piece of metal on it. Even artists depictions of mesoamerican weapons show relatively smooth woodwork. Now imagine a society dominated by hyper intelligent space toads completely focused for war. And now in AoS, they're daemons of Order which makes even more sense . Half insane skaven probably dont mind a gnarled, barky piece of wood to fling their spiked plague spewing censer! On the topic of Skryre, sure their old stuff isn't bad but things like ratling guns and warplock jezzails are starting to really feel old (half tempted to grab some CSM havocs at this point with their new fancy minigun)
  17. Neither has Skaven? Unless you count Spiteclaws Swarm? (and the terrain+endless spells but everyone has been getting those). Or End Times I suppose (and even then thats limited to stormfiends, verminlords, and thanquol/boneripper). Don't forget for Seraphon/Lizardmen in 7-8th edition theres the stegadon/EOTG, Bastilodon, the Carnosaur/Troglodon, the Teradon/Ripperdactles, Temple Guard, several character models like Gor Rok or Chakax which turned into generic leaders. Some have been leaps over their older counter parts. I mean look at the classic terradon rider! vs the modern 8th edition plastic kit It's just that a few core pieces of the seraphon line haven't been updated which is why it seems a lot different, namely slaans, saurus warriors/riders, skinks and chameleons. Back then GW didn't exactly know how to make good looking dinosaurs until 7th edition (like updated cold ones) Plus it gets really obvious with skaven that a lot of their mini-factions rely on 6th edition models, especially if one uses battlelines that aren't clanrats or stormvermin. It looks a bit silly having those old metal Plague Censer Bearers right next to a Verminlord Corruptor!
  18. Yea I'm not sure if the Exalted Bloodthrister is ever worth summoning other than for bragging rights. Or it's a 4000pt game. And that would have it's own set of issues (like taking hours to get through!)
  19. Well I googled conversion Crypt Horrors and here are a few that I like. This one uses modified blightkings Someone on TGA made Skin Wolves which could be werewolves Actual mounted horror These were for 40k but mostly used crypt horrors+minotaur arms (and a decent chunk of GS) Some ogre+horror stuff. If you get really creative, I think good stuff can happen. You know fluffwise I'm pretty sure Gutbusters that spend too much time eating flesh and in the realm of death may turn into half-undead eating machine! If you're allowed non gw stuff, could use mantic stuff, or titan forge flesh rippers, and other undead ogre/troll types.
  20. I imagine most "ogre/terminator sized" stuff works fine
  21. I'm sure skaven players have the same dream! Plz GW you expect people to still buy gutter runner metal blister packs?
  22. Too bad Stormfiends aren't Pack units. Literally one keyword away from receiving all the Moulder buffs! I suppose you could tote one unit for some shooting.
  23. You dont have to take huge units of giant rats, a few people here mentioned taking 10 strong rat units for screens.
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